Izuku Midoriya

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Spoilers to the manga.


It's been years since anyone last seen Midoriya. Even his mom still come up to us and ask about him. It sad to say non of us even know what has happened to him. He was going to be a great hero. And one day he just disappear. Him and Bakugo both would have been great. But with Midoriya missing and Bakugo being dead. It's hard to say if Midoriya will be seen again. Just this morning Midoriya mother came and asked Kirishima if he seen Midoriya. It hurts every time we all say now.

I huff as my door bell rings. I don't get guess much at all. Only a call if I'm needed. I maybe rank6# hero. But I'm still not well liked. But I blame that on me not grown pass a few feet. I sighed as the nock happened again. I quickly get up and walk over to the door and open it. I froze as I slowly look up. It was man for sure. There built is ever strong. What is interested is all the green there wearing. After a few minutes he quickly pushed passed me and walked in.

I confusely closed the door behind hind them. I the turn around and spoke up." I don't know who you are bunny boi! But you can't just barge into someone house like that! If you needed something you could have just asked!" After a few minutes the chuckled before responding." Sorry Minoru I just can't talk wale being outside to many cameras. And your place is the only one without them if I recall correctly." I froze. I know that voice. I quickly cover my mouth stopping myself from almost screaming. He quickly walked over to me and kneeled Infront of me.

"You still going to keep me that promise?" Promise? Ya the promise. I remember I promise Midoriya years AGI before he went missing that if he ever needed a place or a person to talk with I would be there for him." Ya so what brings you by? With who knows what you been up to. I would love to know." He quickly chuckle as he responded." You never change Minoru. It's good to see that. But I can't say why I'm in this side of town. Just I need a place to hang low for a little while.

I was passing by. And thought of a few people. But your offer came up in my mind. So a I did a bit of research before stopping by." I sigh as I spoke up." That would explain how you know I have no cameras in my house." He chuckled as he quickly walked over to my couch and sat down." Ya can't be being seen. Anyway what's been up with you and everyone else?" I sigh as I walk over and sit next to him before responding." To be honest. I don't know.

The only person I talked with now of days is Kaminari. But from what he has told him. Him and Jirou are got married. Kirishima and Mina got together as well as Tokoyumi and Tsuyu Momo and Todoroki and then Toru and Sero." Midoriya quickly looked at me surprised before responding." Really Sero and Hagakure?" I chuckled as I responded." My same reaction. But in are three year I'm pretty sure I seen her sneak around the boys dorms." Midoriya chuckled as he takes off his Hod and pulls down his mask." Life really has changed. And you Minoru?" I chuckled as I look away.

" Well I was married for about a year. Found out she was cheating on me two weeks after we hand started to date. And that was only after she broke it off with me." Midoriya quickly respond." Sorry to hear. But I. Surprised. Aren't top heros support to be on patrol." I grown as I set my head back on the couch." I would love to do that. But my Ex decided to tell everyone a lie. And now I'm only allowed out when I'm needed. So I usely spend most of my time here."

I grown as Midoriya chuckled. He then quickly spoke up." Well I can see you also grown a few inches." I quickly huffed as I look over at him." I grown One INICH. And I'm still upset about it. But at least I've Master my quirk. Being short has it Perks." Midoriya quickly started to laugh." Ya ya . Anyway it's good to see you again Minoru." I smile as I quickly respond." You too Midoriya. But if I was you. I would go see your mom. She's been bugs us all about you." He quickly started to laugh.

" I'll see if I am able to do so. But for now it's Best she doesn't know I'm hear." I quickly nod my head." Anyway you got anything to eat? I don't remember the last time I had cooked food." I chuckled as I quickly stood up." Luck you." A alarms quickly goes off." I was cooking. Your lucky I usely cook extras so I have something to eat later. But there's enough for the both of us." He chuckled as he quickly walked over to the kitchen. I laughed as I follow. Quickly setting us up are food. We continue to talk as we eat.

" So Midoriya do you ever miss us all?" He stopped before looking up at me." That's a dum question." I huff as I quickly respond." Hey I'm trying to be all sentential here." He laughs as he responds." But ya I miss you all. Especially kanncan." I sigh as I responded." I get that. But maybe not as bad as you. But that's understandable." We didn't speak until we finished eating. We both quickly walked into the living after I cleaned up. " Midoriya I never did ask why you call me by my first name?" He looks at me comfused before responding.

"Back in school. Before I left. You told me' A friend is a friend. And feel free to call my name if you need me.' ever sense then I call almost everyone by there first name." I smile as a small blush pops up on my face. After a few minutes Midoriya goes to speak as a nother nock happens at my door. Midoriya quickly hinds behind the door. I chuckled as I get up and answer it.

" Hello Mineta." I look up to see Midoriya's mother." Hello misses Midoriya. I think I already know what your going to ask. So I have to say I haven't seen him." She sighs before responding." Thank you anyway Mineta." I sigh as I responded." If I see anything I'll let you know." She quickly nods before walk out to AllMighty. I give a quick wave before closing the door." Thank you Minoru for not tell them I was here." I chuckled as I responded." No problem. If anything you'll go see them when you can. So want to play some games. I'm not supposed to be working this week at all." He chuckled as he rushed over to the stairs.

" I think I should shower first. Then we can play." I smile as I quickly spoke up." Bathroom is upstairs to the left." He quickly walked up the stairs." Also I should have some clothes that will fit you in the side closest. They used to be Kaminari's but he hasn't come to get them. They should fit." I chuckled as Midoriya quickly yelled back." Key word"should" fit!" I quickly started to laugh as I set up the game. It's good to see Midoriya again. I hope he stays around for a bit.

Awww cute... Word count 1300 heheh

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