Izuku Midoriya(part 2)

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Warning this chapter contains spoilers and smut/lemon. So do continue at your own risk ⚠️

Mineta( pov)

My head. Everything just heart's. I got to rub my eyes but noticed  I am unavailable to move at all. My eye quickly shot open as I soon started to panic. My eyes quickly shot around the room and down to my chest. I was tied up in what seam to be a make shift bedroom. It was bright as day. So I could see the room a lot better. The walls where made of bricks and the ground looked to be made of Dark oc.

In the far corner of the room set a broken down mattress. And to the wall the mattress was agent head chains. This was like a torture house. All I can think of is like though really cheap rap seances from old horror movies. Who ever tied me up most likely new I had no chance of getting out of the chair I was in. I only came to this seclusion because of the lack of someone watching me. How long have I been here for? I sighed as a nothing question popped up in my mind.

Why am I here,  how did I get here, and who kidnapped me? My thoughts seam to have trail off as I recalled what happened before I passed out last. It's a bit fuzzy. But I do recall talking to Midoriya. Then a sharp pain in my neck. I quickly look to the window. From what I could tell this place was fair from the school. After a few minutes I noticed the sun going down. That was my only way to see. I would scream for help. But there's something in my mouth. It cloth like.

Along with a red tie holding it in place. How long am I going to be here for? I wine softly as the idea of being kidnapped for ever kinda terrified of me. But if I think about it. There was no way this could have been Midoriya. He has a house arrest bracelet around his ankle. The chance of my classemate pulling that off without being seen would be impossible. Maybe the tie was mines. No it can't be. It's two big to be mines. And to small to be any of y'all males in my class.

Wait why haven't I tried to leave yet. I mean. This chair is really old. I could most likely cut the ropes on the broken parts. I quickly look up at the window again. It has gotten darker. I quickly look down as I try to focus. But it seems to be a lot hard to focus when my head is still in intense amount of pain. Didn't the needle go into my neck? Why on earth is my head in pain? I try my best to avoid the amount of pain that I'm in. All I have to do is get these ropes off.

It was getting harder and harder to focus on ripping the rope the shreds as my head started to pond. I don't ask somebody has ripped a piece of my scalp off my head. How long have I've been struggling for now? It felt like hours. As I take a break from struggling to take a few deep breath I hear screaming. " Izuku what is the meaning of this, why aren't you at the dorms and why did you ask me to come here?" The voice was feminine. But there was no response after the female's voice.

Just a loud thud. After a few minutes I could hear a male voice speak up. Evening though it was highly mumbled. I could make out the words but not the voice. My Mine seam to blank. "Sorry mom. But I can't lose anything or anyone else. I'll get auntie later. " Who in the hell was it. I quickly shake my head as I soon hear footsteps draw closer to the room. I shut my eyes in fear. Who could it be? What did they want? I only open my eyes as I hear Midoriyas voice.

I quickly look up to be meet eye to eye with him. He had the biggest smile across his face. I think I remember a bit more from yesterday though. Maybe I can help him get better. As I look away I feel the tug on the red tie . It slowly gets removed. Great now I can find out what's in my mouth. I quickly lean over as much as I can as I spit out the cloth. It was white. It looked to be stranded a bit. With in a few seconds I started to freak out. The
cloth that was in my mouth.

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