Neito Monoma

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"Come on your quirk is lame Mineta. Everyone knows it. Shit. If anything I should have been in class 1a." Monoma yelled at me. Everyone in class only stared before Mina spoke up. " I'm sorry to say this but he's Right. He can copy anyone's quirk. And that can be more useful in case anyone gets hit but anyone's else quirk. " I can't believe it. Not even my classmates want to defend me. I huffed as I rush to the door. " Watch it. I'm going to be a great hero one day. And you all will see it!"

I quickly shut the door as I rush to my room. Once I got there I ripped and Tor ever poster book and figer to piece's. Why can't any of them believe me. Why can't they just give me a chance. You know what. I'm going to go away for a while. I'll jest go talk to Nezu about me leaving for about 2 months. And when I get back. I'll be a great hero. I quickly packed up everything I was going to need. Mt laptop,my phone, both chargers, my clothes, my dorm room key and my uniform.

I then quickly lefted the room and went to the elevator. Once it got to my floor though I could hear talking on the other side." Should we go check up on Mineta? He seamed really upsetting about what Monoma said." I only huffed as I walk over to the stairwell and open the door. "Maybe but he'll be fine he's Mineta." I quickly rolled my eyes as I walk into the stairwell. I shut the door behind me as I walked down. Once I got to the bottom floor only a few of my classmates stood in the common room.

"Hey guys I know you may not all like having Mineta around. But agreeing with Monoma wasn't cool. He's are classmates and we should have stood up for him!" Well I know Denki really cared. I quickly walk out the door. Not being seen only because of my character design. Once I lefted I quickly rush to Nezu's office. I take a deep breath before nocking. " Come on in." I huff as I quickly open the door and walk in turning around as I close the door. " Principal Nezu I have a request to ask of you."

I quickly turn to look at the chair Infront of his desk. " Mineta What a unexpected surprise please take a seat." I quickly walk around the chair then sit on it. " So do tell me Mineta what brings you to my office?" I take a deep breath as I speak up. " I going to be talk a 2 months break from school starting tomorrow. And I would like it if you told everyone I dropped out." Nezu looked at me surprised before speaking up. " Why would you want them to think you dropped out? Your have great potential Mineta."

I sigh as I spoke up." Maybe it's because my classmates don't want me here. I'll be back in 2 months but until then. Keep a hold of this for me." I quickly pull out my uniform and my room key. I set them on Nezu desk before walking to the door. " What do you think Mineta's doing in there?" Great someone's outside the door. " I'm sorry Nezu but I'm gone." I then quickly walk out the door and down the hall. Not bother to see who was spying on my talk with Nezu.

One week later

I can't believe I'm in the US. I have a lot of training to do. I've already meet up with the top hero here. And tomorrow I started 3 weeks of training with them. I'm so excited for this all. I'll show Monoma that I can be a great hero. I'm not just in it for the chicks. No I'm in it to show him I can.


"So Nezu your tell us that Mineta lefted UA for good?!" Mina said as she bounce around in glee. " Yes that is what I'm saying. So you will be having a new student join your class from 1B. And because of Mineta idea to leave. Hitoshi will be joining you all not Monoma." Everyone looked confused at Nezu as he spoke. " But why him? Monoma quirk is more useful and important?" Nezu chuckled as he walked to the door." If that's so why did he have to bully Mineta out of 1A. I rest my case. I'll be back around here in about two months to check in on everyone." With that being said Nezu left the room.

Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now