Izuku Midoriya

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Yes it's happening again. Only because the wheel of ships have picked Midoriya today. Now let's get started. :). Also they're may be smut. We will see.


I'm so excited. Night Midoriya said he would join me on spying on the girls. Usely he's not the type to do so. So I'm kinda on edge about it. But I couldn't less. I smiled as I waited in my room for Midoriya. Tonight the girls where having a girls night in Yaoyoroza's room. And you can bet I'll be there to watch. I would have asked Denki to join.

But he was busy doing stuff with Hitoshi his boyfriend. Well I think there dating. They just aren't telling anyone yet. I sighed as I flipped back into my bed. What was take Midoriya so long. This was all plain out. He was supposed to be here a hour ago. My eye widen at the sound of my door being nocked. I quickly got up and ran to the door." What's the password?" I asked out. Hopefully it was Midoriya final. " It's... Um... Booty so fine so delish am going get a bit. Can you open the door now." I chuckled at Midoriya's response.

I quickly open the and let him in. " Glad you remembered the password. Don't need anyone else knowing what we are up to." I chuckled as I close the door behind him. " Ya about that you should really change that password. Hum. I'm surprised your room isn't just messy and covered in hentai Mineta." I look at Midoriya upset with his ideas that I can't keep up apprentices. " Well it's not that hard to keep thinking clean. And I do have some respect for the female heros. Not my fault they have to be hot." I muble as I walk away.

Midoriya laughed before he spoke up. " So what's the plan Mineta?" I look at Midoriya and smile at his question. " Well you see the girls are going to be leaving the Yaoyoroza's room at 10:15 to get something to snack on. They are all going to be sitting in the common room until there food or what there getting is here. So we can use that tiito sneak into Yaoyoroza's room without being seen." I quickly spoke out. Midoriya looked completely surprised with my plains." Of only you used the time you used spying on the girls and study instead you would be one of the smartest people in school."

I huff as I responded to Midoriya's words. " Hey I can focus on school. It's just it hard when your class has hot ass chicks in it. And if I really wanted to I can even our rank Lida." Midoriya looked at me for a second before speaking." Ok back to the plan what's next." I look away from Midoriya and back down to my notes." Well we hide in the closet until 12:30 at that time the girls will go down stairs to rad the kitchen.

They do it every night. No fall. And then we can leave Yaoyoroza's room and go back to are owns. No one has to no anything happened." I look up at Midoriya as I finished speaking. Midoriya quickly pulled out his phone and spoke." Well it's 5 minutes until 10:15." My eyes widen as I quickly grab my bag of stuff I had laying on my bed. " Well let's go they will be leaving soon. And we got to make it look like we aren't playing anything." Midoriya looked at me shocked as I pulled out a fake body around my size.

" Is that how you get out of getting cought?!" I smiled as I responded to Midoriya. " Ya it is. I made that the three day here. Has the same body shape and size of me. So I always look as if I'm in my room sleep." I smiled as we waited. After the 5 minutes past we ran down to Yaoyoroza's room. " So Midoriya stick to the plain we will be in here until 12:30. Once it hits 12:30 we have to get out of here do you understand Midoriya."

I quickly look at Midoriya and waited for his response." Completely understand Mineta." I smiled as he spoke. We quickly rush into the girls room and into the closet. Me and Midoriya sat down and waited." So Mineta what gives you so much time to figer this stuff out?" I look at Midoriya as I responded." Well you see. Last month when everyone was out talking about what they do all week. I wasn't invited. So I just listened in and toke notes. And I made sure they where facts all week. I wanted no chance in messing this up." Midoriya looked at me before asking a nothing question.

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