Neito Monoma (part 2)

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Hey... Um ya this chapter contains SMUT. I know the last chapter the character shipped with Mineta didn't show up in the chapter. But I did that on purpose. I promise. Anyway remember SMUT AHEAD!!!??


I'm so glad Kendo gave me his house address. At least I won't have to go door to door asking about him. I sighed as I got off the bus. About a block away from his place. Bus's don't go out to his block so I have to walk. I sighed as I started to walk. But it's only one block it's not that bad. I could of asked my mom to take me. But she was fighting with Dad about not being home yesterday. A Minora is at Gramma's house for the next few days. I sighed as I walked up to the gate.

I just got to hope the gard let's me in. If not. I may need to jump it. " Who are you and what do you want?" I jumped a bit at the voice. I quickly respond. " Hello my name Is Minoru Mineta from UA Highschool Class 1A I came here to talk with Neito Monoma one of my fellow school mates. It's quite important that I take with him." The gard looked at me before huffing. He closed his tiny window for a minute and started to speak. " Yes hello young Monoma there's seam to be a child out here coaming he goes to your school.------- He said his name is Minoru Mineta and that------ Yes sir. " After a few minutes he opened the window.

" He said he doesn't want to talk with you and that you need to leave now." He the quickly slammed the little door shut. Of course I should have just jumped the gate. No point of asking to come in. I huffed as I walked over to the large fence behind the gards post. This way I can't be seen. I sighed as I take off to balls. Well time to pull of a Vine climb. I quickly plot a ball on the wall and started to climb . Pulling off a ball and placeing it as I pushed up the wall. It didn't take to long to reach the top. And my luck no kid to push me down. I sit on the wall and pull off two balls. Sticking them to my shoe's.

Time to have a spring in my step. I jump off the wall and stick to the ground once my shoes make contact. Well at least I made it in unharmed. I quickly unstick my shoes before walking up to the building. I look around for a minute before determining which room is Monoma's. Base off his personal I would guess he has a room up high and in the front. I examine the tall house before pulling off two more balls. Lucky me I can still pull off a handful more before I start bleeding. I sighed as I jumped onto the wall.

I Vine climb all the way up to the top window. It was the only one that had a bed in site. So I guess this is his room. I quickly open the window and climb in. This place is so beautiful and big. I wander how much this place cost. I look around the room for a minute completely forget why I was here in the first place. " Mineta! Who the hell let you in. I thought I told the front gate I didn't want you in here." I quickly and turn around to see Monoma.

Excited I was seeing a lot more then I needed to. I quickly look away as I explained." Well I really badly need to talk to you. It's important. I promise please don't be mad." Monoma huffed before he responded. " Well me and my family were going to go to the beach today. But they cancelled so I see why not let you explain. By chance did you bring anything to swim in?" I look over at Monoma surprised. I would had thought he would yell at me. I sighed in relief as I responded.

" No I didn't. But that's besides the point. From what I found out yesterday you went to school with some people I knew from middle school. And." Monoma cut me off. " I don't believe that. I mean I'm rich why would I go to a poor school for baby's." I huffed as he stopped talking. " Well as I was saying." I go to continue as he walk away from me. " They were at the park and talking about you. And I happen to had heard them." Monoma stopped for a second and looked at me. He quickly open his door and yelled.

Minoru Mineta x Class 1A boys ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now