Toya Todoroki/Dabi (part 2)

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This chapter is do for smut so please read with ⚠️.


I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing all night long. All I could think of is me wanting to see what he said is true. That villeins care more then heros do. But I can't think to come up with anyway he can prove it. I huff as I hear the door open. I was expecting Toga or Shigaraki . They use are the ones the usually brings me food in the morning. But I froze when I here Dabi speak up." Morning Minoru. Did you sleep well?"

Ok that's new. I take a deep breath before responding." Got no sleep." He hums as he sits in front of me in the chair. "Why is that I wander?" Something tells me he already knows why. I huff as I look up at him. " I think you already know why." He chuckled before responding back to me." You were up thinking about my offer. " I huff as I responded." No . I want proof that you all care more then the heros do." He didn't respond right away. After a few minutes he spoke up." Well we saved you.

I gave you a blanket and pillow. Not something heros would do if they had someone tied down. I come down here and talk to you as if you are just a miss understood kid. I haven't yelled at you. If anything I think that shows how much we villeins care more then heros. " I huff as I speak up." Physical prof. Ya you got me on the blanket but that could just be a trick to get my gard to be down." He chuckled as he responds to me." Minoru you want Physical proof. Fine tonight your staying in my room.

If in the morning you think us villeins care less then heros. I'll let you go. Drop you off right in front school and it will be as if nothing happened. But if you do feel as if we villeins are the good guys. You can stay as long as you want Minoru. Because we care for are own." He finish speaking as he lifts my chin. He's now kneel down in front of me. " What do you say Minoru? You can't lose. Only gain." I signed as I quickly speak up. " Deal Toya." If it's my only way out.

I'll take that chance. He smiles as he responds." Well Minoru I would like for you to call me Dabi. But if calling me Toya makes you feel more comfortable than I'll let it slide. Now. Let's go upstairs. " He quickly stood up as he spoke and until me as he finish talking. I take a deep breath. I could run. But I could end up dead if I do so. I better just play along. Dabi quick started to walk to the door. I slowly followed him up the stairs. Once we leave the basement I'm greeted by the rest of the villeins.

" Hoo hoo Dabi did he say he'll join!?" Toga quickly spoke up. Dabi sigh as he responds." Let him adjust to us all. By tomorrow we'll have are answer. For now. Treat him as if he is one of us." Shigaraki glared at Dabi before just looking away." Ok Dabi!" Toga quickly spoke up." Minoru. Or would you prefer I call you Mineta?" I quickly look away. I don't really know. After a few minutes she responded." I'll call you Mimi then! " I smiled a bit. I don't think anyone has given me a nice nickname before.

" Mimi let's go watch some movies and talk about your classmates I want to know more about Izuku and Uraraka. I chuckle a bit. Her personal is a lot my Denki's when he's hyped up about something.

A few hours later

I finally finished talking with Toga. And when she's not trying to kill someone she's a great person to talk with. If anything. At one point and Time. She could have made a great hero. Or even a detective. If Midoriya was here he would go on about how her quirk would be great for figuring out who's blood is at crime scenes.

I quickly continue to walk around. I don't know where Toya's room is at. Or a shower. I really stink. But I have to say. Even Shigaraki is nicer then Bakugo is. Twice is a good listener. And I'm starting to see what Toya was telling me. They are like a family. One that never leaves each other behind. And to say the least I wish my classmates where the same. Well Denki is like that. But the others. I huff as I quickly open one of the door down the hall. I walk in without looking up.

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