Chapter Seventy-Five: Oh no, Saltbaker Is Sick?! P-T 1!

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Hold on! Before we start, I just wanna say something.. Inkyinktale this very chapter was from your idea, so thank you for giving me the idea and I'll enjoy making this one too! I hope you have a very merry early halloween! Considering the months, maybe even Christmas!

Because fifteen more days until Christmas! That's what my mother tells me, anyways enjoy the chapter! Including everyone else, and my dear reader Markiiu and Thefnafchild too!

Idk who else to add, but if anyone else wants to be added as a credit to something, then comment freely and request anything else that you'd like to see! Alright enjoy!


As the snow melted quickly and December turned into January, Ginger returned to the cold, snowy pole or somewhere from once she came and she would come next year on December, then Saltbaker sneezed and had his handerchief up to his face for almost close to an hour, Y/N got dearly worried and took him to the hospital to get checked up..

"Mommy, is grandma gonna come and watch us?" Maribelle questioned, Y/N looked at a sick Saltbaker.

"Oh no sweetie, something came up as an event and she couldn't make it, so we're gonna have a regular babysitter over. She and her husband are experienced at babysitting for over me and my mother's lifetime, actually she could also become your grandma. But family is family and babysitter's are babysitter's." Y/N answered, Maribelle just stared at her mom.. Confused.

*Saltbaker coughed harshly* "Sw- *clears congested throat a bit* eetie, your grand- *hack* -ma is busy.." Saltbaker tried to say as his illness got a bit worse every second.

"We have to go now Maribelle, remember: BE NICE TO YOU'RE BABYSITTERS!" Y/N reminded, she left with her pushing Saltbaker.


After Y/N left Maribelle started running around the house making a terrible mess, but Oliver forced Maribelle off of dangerous things around the house, say like a dresser! He also scolded Maribelle for getting on things and almost dying to them..

"Get off of the  table! There's things that can make you slip and be hurt!" Oliver shouted, Mari started mocking him.

"Your not mommy or daddy! Your not my brother, your not my uncle!" Maribelle shouted, she broke Oliver's heart.

"Fine be a bitch! Your just like my sister when she's pissed!" Oliver shouted back, he ran to his room.

"I'm no slut, I'm a rich bitch! Like what they show on TV!" Mari said to herself, the babysitter's walked into the house since Y/N mailed a key with a note to them.

The babysitter's caught sight of Maribelle standing on the table, being stupid, she was surrounded by plates she could break and hurt herself with, there were forks, knives and spoons, there were also other assortments too..

"YOUNG LADY OFF THE FUCKING TABLE NOW!!" the lady said, Maribelle quickly got off the table and ran to them.

"Yur the babysitters right?" Maribelle asked, the shook her heads in a yes nod.

"And your mom took your dad to the hospital, right?" the lady asked Maribelle, Maribelle quickly got along with the woman but she wouldn't get any treats since she was on the table.

"Mom says grandma is busy today! I hope me and my uncle Oliver see her soon!" the guy picked up Mari and brought her to the couch to watch some cartoons.


In the hospital, Saltbaker was getting tested for anymore illnesses Y/N wouldn't know, the doctor had been updating her with new information and new things wrong with Saltbaker..

"So, he's got the flu, arthritus, congestion and a mild headache." the doctor spoke her last word that was listed on the clipboard to say, Y/N was just shocked.

"My god he caught a "mother virus"! I hope he lives, because he has a daughter.." Y/N said, the doctor comforted her.

"Don't worry Y/N, your husband will be fine, he's just needs to be in the quaratine room since he has more then illness. Including seasonal allergies." the doc said, Y/N was confused.

"Seasonal allergies? Saltbaker told me that he doesn't have seasonal allergies.." Y/N got skeptical and angry!

"Oh well um, oh shit.. I wasn't suppose to say that to you.. My bad!" the doc said, Y/N got more angrier.

"He didn't want me to know?! Is that what I'm hearing?! Because if so, he should've told me.. I have seasonal allergies too.." Y/N's heart was hurt.

"Oh Y/N.. Are you still taking the allergy pills I've prescribed to you?" the doc confindently but hurtful like.

"Yeah? Why so? Got Germany's pill factory manager?" Y/N said, the doctor laughed.

"If I got Europe's pill factory then Russia would be screwed! The whole American country would be screwed!" the doctor replied whole heartedly.

"Yeah.. Y'know, I was planning to go to Germany... Before the fucking war.." Y/N scowled, the doctor froze up scaredly.

"Oh shit.." the doctor still remained frozen.

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