Chapter 90: Well-Placed Faith

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Thank you for being patient! Despite the extra day, I also did not have time to read this through and/or edit, so there may be mistakes. Hope you enjoy though :)

July 8, 2024

''I want to tell Clint.''

Natasha couldn't stop her brows from shooting up and then furrowing.

Anxiously, Katya had forced herself and her into silence for years, forbidding her from telling anyone, anyone, who she found out she was related to. And now, in the middle of her processing, a day after meeting her real grandmother, she was ready to spill it all to their closest friend.

''Are you sure? It's a big step.'' She asked with no judgement, simply making sure Katya was sure. It wouldn't be the first time she jumped into something without thinking about the consequences first.

But Katya nodded confidently. ''I think it's time.''

Natasha couldn't help but feel wary of the idea, though, despite how much she hated feeling that way. She should trust Katya on this, but past events had traumatized her too. ''So quickly after finding out about everything? I mean, you only saw Alena yesterday.'' The hesitancy seeped through in her voice, so clear that Katya didn't even need to be a spy to pick up on it.

The woman sat up and turned to look over her shoulder, meeting the exact expression she expected to find. ''That's why I need to talk about it, especially,'' she answered, though the hesitation stayed on Natasha's face. Katya sighed and stood, ignoring the green eyes glued to her naked form as she spun around and sat on the redhead's lap, facing her. Natasha's expression softened when Katya's nails started to scratch at the back of her neck, her gaze captured by the blue eyes in front of her. ''I know you fear I'm rushing, but I need to keep the momentum going. I'll take a break from it after I tell Clint, I promise.''

The look in her eyes was genuine, intending on doing exactly what she promised. So Natasha could only relax her shoulders and nod, her hands finding home on the side of Katya's thighs. ''I'm keeping you to that.'' She smiled softly, although her eyes didn't entirely join in, something Katya obviously took notice of.

''And I'm only telling Clint for now,'' she added to her promise. ''He's the only one who ''knows'' him anyway. If I tell Tony or something, he won't completely get it.'' Their other friends would never understand the weight of Dreykov being Katya's uncle, simply because they never saw or felt the impact and magnitude of his organization. Only Clint had been closely involved in Natasha's assassination of the man, after which everyone kept silence about it forever.

Natasha narrowed her eyes, hesitantly, cautiously, hoping to avoid causing guilt with her next question. ''Don't you think he'd like to know why you were gone for half a year?'' Again, nobody knew why, just that she'd been admitted because of mental problems.

''Oh...'' Katya's face fell, her eyes flickering downward. ''Yeah, I didn't think like that.''

''Hey, no pressure.'' Natasha's hands quickly squeezed her thighs, pulling her attention back to the present. She gave a smile when Katya met her eyes. ''You're right, Clint makes the most sense. Just start with him and then see what you'll do about the others.'' The water made a trickling sound when a hand broke the surface and caressed Katya's cheek. The brunette briefly closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, the corners of her mouth tugging upwards.

She sighed happily, the blue of her irises much clearer and bright when they were uncovered. ''I also can't wait to tell him we're getting married again.''

Natasha chuckled lowly, full of humor. Her hand returned to Katya's thigh, subtly pulling her closer. ''Lila is going to freak out. She's still petty she missed the first one.'' Her brows furrowed, momentarily looking away, an expression which could only be classified as anxious. ''Better get my 'will you walk me down the aisle' speech ready.''

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