Chapter I: Omega

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Sasuke's POV

"Sasuke, are you okay? You doesn't look good.", my classmate Ino asked with a concerned.

"Well, I feel a little hot but I'm fine."

"Okay but much better if you went to the infirmary to get a medicine and have a rest. We're too busy this week but we're almost done so you can take it easy now."

"Hn. Okay I'll go after this."


We're preparing for the school fest, since it's our last year in high school we decided to make it more memorable. But since yesterday I felt a little bit extra hot I wonder if I'll have fever from fatigue.

I went to the school infirmary to get a medicine.

"Uchiha, why you are here?", asked by the school doctor, Senju Tsunade.

"I think I'm having a fever."

"Since when?"

"Yesterday? But it's just a light fever though I need med 'coz I can't get sick when the school fest is coming."

"Okay. Sit here and let me take a look on your condition first."

I sit on the chair and let her do a little check-up.

"You said it's started yesterday, right?"


"Any other symptoms?"

"No. I just feel a little bit hot than normal."

She looked on my profile, "You're a beta?"

"Yes.",my forehead knotted.

Why she's asking that just because I have a fever?

"Are you sure?"

"Why? Is it something wrong with me?"

"No. But I need a sample of yours to check."

"Check what?"

"Well, as you see...",shw took some medicine from the drawer. "You're having a pre-heat."

"Pre-heat? But I am a beta!"

"Relax. I know. That's why I need to double check your blood. You're emitting right now a faint smell of your pheromones it's not too strong but I can still smell it."

"B-but how? I am a beta since I was a kid."

"There are a some instances that an alpha or omega's body constitution development was too slow when they are young. They are manifested as a beta during their first secondary gender examination that's why we suggested every beta to have their second examination again. Did you take your second examination? "

"No... I thought it was not needed since I don't feel any changes on my body."

"Well it's true that your case is too late but don't worry because those who manifested as an omega or alpha on their 2nd examination was recessive, it means your body won't change too much from a beta. But as an omega, you'll experience a light heat compared to other omega."

"Recessive? For a recessive omega it's means... low chance of fertility right?"

"Well... In the worst scenario that's the case. But there is always a chance ofhl higher pregnancy if your partner will be a dominant alpha or you undergo in a treatment so we can regular your heat and..."

"No need. If I am a recessive then I am just like a beta. That's enough for me."

"Fine. But we still need to check your blood and you need to take this heat suppressant, we can't let an omega in heat or even in pre-heat walk around like that. There are some Alpha here in school we can't let to triggered their rut by..."

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