Chapter XLI: Birthday Party

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Naruto's POV

Sasuke discharged first from the hospital and I'm getting bored being alone. He told me he's going busy in preparing for my birthday party so he won't able to come for today.


Then an old man holding a paper bag came inside, I barely remember his face but I know he's from the Uzumaki Family.

"Hi, Naruto."

I become alert, I can't let my guard down around him.

"Relax, I am just here to talk to you. How's your feeling now?"


"I'm glad to hear that."

He sit down on the chair near my bed.

"Naruto, can you still remember me? I am Nagato, your mother's Dad. I am now the head of the family and maybe Karin already mentioned it to you but I starting to change the Uzumaki Family. We're not like the way we are before."

"And so?"

I decided to leave what happened before in the past and start a new life with my new family. And beside I already give up the hope to become part of their family long time ago.

"I know you heard this already from Karin and Sasori. But in behalf of Uzumaki Family, I want to say sorry for everything. I'm sorry if I didn't able to protect you before.", he said while lowering his head.

I clenched my hands, now I am seeing him like this, I remember how they treated me before. I am too young back then and no one dare to explain to me why they treating me like an outsider rather than a family member. And to make it worst, they throw me out for being a freak.

"I am not asking you to forgive us right now. I know, we made a scar inside you. But I want you to know that we're really sorry and willing to wait for your forgiveness. And we want you to welcome in our family once again. This time, I promise that you won't experience those things again."

"Of course I won't. I don't have an intention to go back there."

I saw him stunned for a moment then he smile sadly at me. "I understand. If that's what you want then I won't forced you. But I am still hoping you can forgive us."

"Why? Why just now? Why you don't do it before? Why you let Mom become an outcast in your family? Why you let them treated me like that?"

"I'm sorry about. As a part of the family, we have rules that must be obey. Your Mom choose your father and have a family outside from our family. She don't want some of our rules, she wants a free life. And as her father, I saw how she really loves Minato, your father. I saw her smile so genuinely and happily. Your father, gave her a strength to stand-up in her own, to live her life in her own will. So when she asked me that she wants to live with him, I didn't stop her. I want her to have a life she wants and I know that staying in the family that time will only bring her a miserable life."

He take something from the paperbag, it's a photo album!

"Here. After she leave, my father so furious and outcast her in our family. But Kushina always sending me a picture of her and Minato, sending me a letter and telling me how happy she is in her life now."

Tears fall down on my eyes when I saw the picture of Mom and Dad, they are smiling in every picture. They only have a simple life and yet they look so contented.

"I hid every photos she sent to me and put it on album so whenever I missed her I just can looked on her photo. Then we heard the news that your father died in war and Kushina got in accident after hearing the news, the doctor can't save her and you together that time. You are only seven months and Kushina losing a lot of blood while being hurt severely from the accident. Kushina choose you to be saved, I took you and brought you in the family. At first, father don't want to accept you but I made a deal with him to keep you until we found out your secondary gender."

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