Chapter XXIV: Three Of Us

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Sasuke's POV

I met with Temari, I am actually feeling uncomfortable with her knowing that she's Gaara's step sister, but she's a good friend to me.

"So~ are you going to tell it to me or not?"

"Tell you what?", I asked while eating a banana flavored ice-cream.

"Come on, Sasuke. Don't play numb. It's not my specialty but I can see changes from you."

"You notice?"

"Well, I have a hunched on our last meeting but now I kinda sure. So~?"

"Fine. Yes, I am pregnant."

"Really? Wow! Congrats!"

"Thank you and please keep it a secret for now."

"But why?"

"I want to surprise Naruto on his birthday."

"I see. Okay I'll be quiet for now. And how is it?"

"Well, according to the doctor is just more than a month old so the fetus can't be seen clearly in sonogram but it's a twins."

"Wow~ that's a really good news."

"I know."

"But are you sure you're okay?"

"Hm? Yeah why?"

"Well, you know that Recessive omegas are have low rate in terms of fertility. But it's your second and a twins, doesn't it a burden  for your body."

"No. I'm perfectly fine."

"If you said so, but still be more careful okay?"

"Okay, Thanks Tem."

"I can't believe this, just not so long ago you're the most lifeless lovelife among us but now... Not just you have a hot alpha as partner but you're going  also to have a twins. And it's just in one try huh, your alpha is amazing."

"You want to have a baby too?"

"uh-no. Not now, my mom will kill me if I got pregnant. And beside Shikamaru is still graduating in high school this year. It's not the right time for us... But of course it's different with you and your partner, Sasuke."

I smile at her, I know that Naruto is too young to become a parent, he's not even graduated from high school and yet he's going to be a father of twins. But he's not alone, I am with him. We'll do our best together as a parents and our babies are blessings for us, I don't regret it.

"And I can't really have a baby now. My step dad is now furious at Gaara."


"Well, it seems like Gaara interested on a kid. He even asked me what kind of toys are good to give to a kid as a gift. Dad, thought that Gaara maybe impregnate someone. He wants to know about it but Gaara just keep his mouth shut."

I gulped on what she said, so it's true that Gaara is taking an interest with Akane.

"Dad, not opposed about the baby if ever but he don't want the baby to live as a stranger to us. He wants Gaara to bring his partner and the baby in our family. He even wants to make sure that the baby carrying his name."

"W-what your brother said?"

"He just said soon and let us be prepared. He's really creepy sometimes, no most of the times he's really creepy. Are you okay, Sasuke? You got paled."

"Yeah.", I looked down on my ice cream.

I suddenly lost my appetite, I want to see Naruto now. I touched my belly and tried to calm down myself.

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