Chapter X: Pre-heat PART I

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Sasuke's POV

I am so worried about Naruto, it's the fifth day since he left. And he never contacted me after that. He didn't reply or seen my messages, all my calls are been send to voicemail. I even went to his home to check him but he's not there.

I don't know if he's hiding or not. I don't have a clues for his whereabouts. When I asked his bodyguard they said that there's no other order from their young master aside from guarding us.

I can't even go to school, for worrying about him and because I am afraid to see that alpha again. I really missed him, I want him to hug me and tell that everything will be alright. That he's there for me.

"Where are you Naruto?", I asked while looking on my cellphone and waiting for Naruto's call or messages.

That night I sleep on Akane's room, I don't want to be alone in my room since its filled with Naruto's memory that makes me miss him much more.

The next day, there's still no news for him.

"Mommy, when Na-Chan come back?"

"I don't know Baby. He's still busy in his training."

Akane sulk while playing the pasta in her plate. "He pwomise he'll play with me on weekend."

"It's okay, Mommy will play with you."

"But I want Na-chan, Mommy!", she said with teary eyes. "No Na-chan! No Play!"

This is the first time she act like this. Before when Naruto can't go to our house he at least voice call or have a video call with Akane.

"I know you miss him and I miss him too. But we just need to wait for him a little more okay?"

Akane nod and wipe her tears.

While Akane is busy watching her favorite cartoon, I went outside to talk to Naruto's bodyguard.

"Excuse me!"

"Yes, Mr. Sasuke?"

"Any news about Naruto?"

He shake his head, "I'm sorry Mr. Sasuke."

"But he's okay right? You're not worried about him so he's doing fine, am I right?"

"That's what I believe, Mr. Sasuke. Beside they'll call us if something  happened to young master. But right now our job is to protect you until he come back."

I lean on the wall beside him, "It's good if he's doing fine but I hope he contact us even once."

"You don't have to worry, Mr. Sasuke. Young master will definitely be back here. He will not just abandoned his fated mate that he's been waiting for a long time."

"Speaking of, do you know why he's so obsessed about his fated mate?"

"Actually that's my fault... I guess? It was me who told him about fated mate. I thought his interest will be gone once he grow up but it looks like he's more interested on his fated mate as time passed by. Master Hiruzen scolded me a lot of times because of that. Young master don't want to date anyone or not even interested to anyone beside his fated mate. And it becomes a problem after his first rut. His condition get worst and the medicine's effect starting to lessen on him. The only way we have is to find Young master a partner but he refused every omega or beta Master Hiruzen introduced to him. He said that, he only want his fated mate as his partner."

I felt a warm feeling in my heart, hearing how Naruto wait for me as his fated mate.

"And it's disappointing that his fated mate have already a mate, right? ", I said in low and sad voice.

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