Chapter XXXIX: The Past Last Part (Rejection)

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Sasuke's POV


I blinked and saw Master Hiruzen and Sasori with a worried expression. There is also a familiar guy behind them.

"What happened?"

"G-grandpa... I remember it now... everything...", I said with a tears. "Naruto never come to see me before... He won't come back this time too."

"Sasuke, don't say that. You know how Naruto loves you."


"Just calm down. We have a lead now who's behind all of this. We can find Naruto.


"Yes, this guy is Danzo's secretary before."

That's why he's familiar, I saw him before in the school with Headmaster.

"I'm sorry, Uchiha Sasuke.", he bowed towards me. "I'm sorry for what we did to you and to young master. Headmaster Danzo asked me to put you beside Kaze Gaara, to make you believe that he's the guy who raped you."

"'s you?"

"Yes. I'm really sorry."

"But why you do that? If not because of all of you... Naruto won't leave me before..."

"He never did."

"What do you mean?"

"Young Master wants to see you after that but Headmaster take advantage of your confusion that time and Young master's weakness. You believed that Kaze Gaara was your alpha and later on he found out that you even forget what really happened that day. He even made Young Master believe that you hate him and don't want to be his omega. It's easy for him since you showed how you hate Kaze Gaara. But Young Master was there when you got in the hospital after your suicide attempt. It was him who helped you."

I remember the voice I heard when I can't moved my body, so it's really Naruto.

"Headmaster asked me to delete all the data of your hospitalization. So no one will know what happened. Then after that, for some reason Young Master forget about you. Headmaster feels so lucky because he doesn't want Young Master to be mated with anyone."

"But why? Do you know how hard it is for me? For us? You're all selfish..."

"I'm really sorry. I am really do. I got filled by Head master's words. He planned the Young Master to be paired with his illegitimate child, Sai. But Sai is a recessive omega and it took a long time before he got his first heat. And when he's ready, Young Master locked his self inside his house. So, Headmaster Danzo think of another plan but you two met again and unfortunately you have a kid, that will ruined his plan. Then Kaze Gaara return, he used him to make you two break."

I can't believe that everything happened to us was planned by Headmaster. So that day he's just acting to help me. He's actually checking if I remember what happened and about Naruto.

" He's preparing Sai for his new plan. Sai wants to have his own family, he become desperate after losing his baby. So, headmaster used that to make him go along with his plan. He let Sai used the drug named Ensnare to forced Young Master in bonding with Sai."

We're right! That's Sai plan but he's not alone.

"He wants the power and connections he can get once he become part of Uzumaki Family. Once Young Master got trapped by Ensnare, he'll become his puppet thru Sai. He can't break with the bond once Sai marked him and if ever they got a child, Head master's plan will be complete. That child will be the sole heir of Uzumaki. And for that to happened... "

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