Chapter 30 | tricks

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Adrien had plans to go out today, he'd managed to find some free time and wanted to spend the day with Luka, of course. So when he found out Luka and his family were planning to take the boat out for a sail today, Adrien jumped at the chance to come with them.

So he dressed up in his sweetest boating outfit, sunglasses, gingham matching crop top and shorts set, slip on shoes easy to take off to dangle feet in the water and sun hat. In his bag he carried his phone, wallet, keys, headphones, current book he was reading (the virgin suicides), some sunscreen and lip balm. He was eager to get out of the house and down to the boat for a day of fun, he just needed Nathalie to quickly get some shoes and her glasses on to dive him over.

Standing by the front door and waiting, he was exited, Plagg poked his head out of the bag he carried.

"You're such a suck up you know? Look at you all dressed up for a little boat day just because Luka as there" he teased.

"Hey I'm a model remember? It's not JUST because Luka is there, it's because I have taste" Adrien replied.

"Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that. There better be some cheese I can steal"

"You can't steal their food every time you go there you know?"

"Why not? It's your boyfriends family, surely we get a free pass"

Adrien just rolled his eyes, that tiny cat had one brain cell and it was used to think of cheese and nothing else. Hearing footsteps, Plagg ducked back down into the bag and Adrien looked up hoping it was Nathalie. But unfortunately it was his father.

"And where are you going?" He said, skeptical.

"Out with friends..." Adrien replied.

"You have-"

"Already done my Chinese work, there's no homework because it's school holidays, fencing is off for holidays too. My room is clean and I've finished my piano sheet music"

Gabriel was silent a moment, not appreciating his son one-upping him and having everything done before he could tell him off for it.

"And who exactly will be there?" Gabriel asked.

"Luka, his sister, their mum and Rose" Adrien replied.

Another moment of silence. It was clear Gabriel was looking for something he could scold Adrien for just for the sake of having power over him. He did this all the time, Adrien had sadly gotten used to it.

"And the outfit?"

Adrien looked down at what he was wearing, he couldn't see anything wrong with it. Sure it was a little girly but his father couldn't say shit about that, he was a fashion designer, he knew full well what androgyny was.

"It's warm..? So I'm wearing summer appropriate clothes" Adrien replied, unsure why he'd bring up the outfit.

It was a simple matching set in blue gingham, he'd worn stranger things for photo shoots. What on earth could his father be on about this time?

"Mmhm... sunscreen?" Gabriel said. 

"Already put it on, I have extra" Adrien replied.

Adrien had the upper hand this time, there was nothing he could be scolded for and clearly it was annoying Gabriel.

"And I expect you'll be back before dinner?" Gabriel said.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Adrien replied.

He hated the fact Gabriel was trying to make being back on time a big deal. He knew that he'd not even be at the dinner table with his son anyway, Adrien could be late and he'd noe notice since he'd be down in his lair.

Every since Adrien found out the truth about his father, he'd been a little more on edge around him. And a lot angrier at him, he HATED being around him more than ever now. He desperately wanted this awkward interaction to end.

They starred each other down a bit, mentally sizing each other up. Even though Adrien was scared of his dad, he was also angry at him and that anger was giving him the confidence to not flinch as his father tried to intimidate him. Adrien didn't want Gabriel to have the power over him anymore.

"Alright Adrien, let's go" Nathalies voice rang form the staircase.

Finally, he could get away.

"Are you sure you're ok to drive?" Gabriel asked.

Adrien narrowed his eyes at him, wanting to punch him for faking concern.

"I'm fine today, just a little sore but I've taken my meds. I'll be back soon, just dropping him off" Nathalie replied, acting as if she didn't resent him.

She was getting very good at that.

"Bye, father" Adrien stated, flatly.

Gabriel didn't respond, just watched Nathalie and Adrien leave and close the door behind him. When they were out of sight, Gabriel sighed and gave them an angry look through the window. He didn't like when they won against him at his mind games...

Adrien and Nathalie got in the car, and Adrien let out and angry sigh.

"God I hate his mind games..." he scoffed.

"Me too, but we're not blind to them now. He can't keep controlling us if we don't let him" Nathalie replied.

"I'm not letting him get to us anymore, he can't control me when I know who he really is..."

Adrien took a breath to calm himself, he didn't want anger to get in the way of his fun day with Luka.

"Don't think about him now, just have fun with Luka and we can worry about him later" Nathalie said.

"Yeah, forget him for now..."

Even if he wanted to stay angry, he couldn't. Not when he was wrapped up in Lukas arms as he ran onto the deck of the boat. Promising Nathalie to behave and organising a pick up time, he then waved her goodbye for now and all his anger melted away seeing Lukas exited smile.

"You don't get sea sick to you?" He asked.

"Nope, you can go as wild as you like and I'll be completely fine" Adrien replied.

"Good because it can get a bit wavy when you cross over from the river to the ocean"

They sat leaning on the railing, feet over the edge of the boat ready to get going and watch the sights go by together.

Just for now Adrien could forget about everything to do with his dad and just relax at sea with Luka, all he ever wanted was some fun, quality time with the boy he loved. Even if it was for a moment, leaning on the boats railing he felt like everything would be alright.

Blondes and Bluenettes (Lukadrien and EmiNath) • Miraculous Where stories live. Discover now