Breakdown //12 - Beomgyu centered ✔️

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All - Hogwarts AU where from Jin to Y/N, 10 years apart. Only some will still be in school. BTS, Chan, and Lee Know will be working. Jin is a chef, Yoongi a healer, Hoseok and Namjoon Ministry workers. Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook are all Auror trainees. Chan works as Professor at Hogwarts, while Minho is secretary of Cornelius Fudge.

It wasn't Y/N's day today. First, it was Potions. Snape was vicious today, and Y/N's mind had gone foggy. Even though she'd made the potion perfectly, he still felt the need to criticize it, when Lindsey Sampson had completely mucked it up. She rushed out of class as soon as possible, leaving Ginny and Luna to pick up her things.

"Hey, Jisung." Ginny ran up to Jisung, one of Y/N's brothers. "Pass this to Y/N. And please, checkup on her."

"Oh, yeah sure." Jisung said in confusion. "But why?"

"Snape." Ginny said, disgust written all over her face. "She made the draught of living death perfectly, but he vanished it and criticized her."

"Oh." Jisung said. "I-thanks Ginny."

"Y/N?" Y/N brushed past Beomgyu, rushing to get to transfiguration, even though she was early. All Lena Malfoy's fault. Shed switched the hands on Y/N's watch to show everything half an hour early.

"Ms Kim!" McGonagall was startled. "You're early!"

"What?" Y/N was astounded. "But-but-my watch-!"

She let out a small shriek of horror. McGonagall tried to calm her down, patting her back, but the girl started hyperventilating. Eventually, McGonagall summoned Beomgyu.

"Professor, you called-!" Beomgyu stopped short, then knelt down next to Y/N.

"Y/N?" He asked gently. The girl kept crying, fiddling with her blue tie, while mumbling words Beomgyu couldn't catch.

"You need to articulate." Beomgyu said softly. After a few minutes, Y/N began to calm down, just as Jisung walked past, trying to find Y/N, and he stopped when he saw the two in the classroom.

"Mind telling me what happened?" Beomgyu asked, in the softest tone Jising had only ever heard him use with Y/N.

"I-Snape vanished my p-potion, when I d-did it perfectly. T-thrn someone swit-switched my watch to make it half an hour ea-early.' Y/N sniffles. Beomgyu smiled and patted her head.

"I'll take it to Dumbledore." He promised. "Snape won't know what's hit him."

"What's going on?" Jisung asked. Beomgyu turned round.

"She just had a bad day." Beomgyu answered. "Nothing serious. Don't worry about it."

"Apparently, Snape was vicious." Jisung commented. "Here, Y/N. Ginny gave me your books."

"Thanks, Oppa." Y/N took the books and began packing them into her bag."

"Dumbledores given you two days off." Beomgyu said, walking back into the Common Room two hours later. He, along with Y/N, Yeonjun, and Changbin, were Ravenclaws.

"Thanks, Gyu oppa." Y/N smiled.

"Don't thank me."

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