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Kind of Beomgyu Centric

"Oppa!" The fangirls screamed, as Taehyun, Beomgyu, Kai and Soobin walle dout of the building with their eight year old sister. The twins, now 16, Beomgyu, at 17, and newly turned adult Soobin sheilded her from the cameras by shoving themselves in front.

"Oppa, what's happening." Y/N called innocently.

"Nothing. Just keep walking."


Smiling softly at his sister's innocence, Beomgyu looked up into the dark night sky and wished for her to keep this innocence forever.

"Oppa, I'm sleepy." Y/N mumbled. Soobin knelt down and picked her up, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Cute." Taehyun mumbled under his breath. Kai was inwardly fangirling, Y/N being too cute for words.

"Hyungs, we're home." Kai called softly. Jungkook and Jimin were playing a video game, while Jin was making dinner.

"I'll take her upstairs." Beomgyu whispered. Soobin nodded and lifted Y/N into Beomgyu's arms. He carried her upstairs, settling her on his bed. Then he headed back to the room he shared with Taehyun and Kai to shower. By the time he was out, dinner was ready.

"I'll get Y/N." Taehyun whispered. He slipped out of the room and knocked softly on Y/N's door. Upon going on, he chuckled. She was sprawled out on the bed, with her hair a mess. (But I'm hotter when my morning hairs a mess)

"Dinners ready." He whispered. He lightly shook Y/N, making her whine and open her eyes. Then she noticed she was still on her going out clothes. "You can shower later, come on."

"Hey sleepyhead." Soobin chuckled, ruffling her hair.

"Did you have a good nap?" Jisung asked, also ruffling her hair. She whined.

"Yah!" Jin scolded. "Don't do that!"

"He sin his Eomma mood." Beomgyu whispered to Jungkook. "What happened, hyung."

But Jungkook, too, seemed distracted. So did Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hosoek, and Yoongi.

"Hyung?" He asked, a bit louder. "What happened?"

"Oh uh, nothing." Jungkook said. But during dinner, Beomgyu caught them looking towards Y/N at least twice each.

"I know something's wrong." Beomgyu told Jimin. "Jin Hyung is in his Eomma mood, and that's always a bad sign."

"Gyu, have you been watching Y/N at school?"

"Uh, well, we all sit together at lunch. Me, Tae, Kai, and Jeongin."

"CCTV reports showed girls dumping fluids on her."


"Shh!" Jimin hushed. "She can't know we know."


"They threathened to harm her if she was aware we knew. If she was aware we knew they'd think she told us."

"We've got to take action hyung!" Beomgyu said urgently.

"I know."


"Oppa, I'm getting bullied." Y/N couldnt stand it anymore. Hence why she was now telling the quadruplets.

"What?" Felix asked in disbelief.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Seungmin asked.

"They told me I couldn't!" Y/N sniffled. "But I can't stand it anymore."

"We'll take care of it." Soobin said.


"Did you tell anyone??!!" Her bully screeched. Y/N shook her head forcefully. "Then why are we three getting expelled!"

"I don't know!" Y/N said bravely. "I don't care!"


Once again, Y/N was sleeping. But this time, Beomgyu could see the content on her face.

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