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Beomgyu you're nothing to the group.

You should leave and MOA will be happy with OT4.

Beomgyu can't dance or sing or rap. He's only good at being lazy.

Taehyun recoiled in disgust at the comments directed towards one of his favourite hyung brothers.

"Oppa!" A small head peaked out from the sofa, Y/N's eyes shone with excitement.

"Why are you here, Y/N?" Taehyun asked.

"I have Jimin Oppa's blanket." Y/N giggled. Even through the sadness he felt for Beomgyu, Taehyun had to giggle. Jimin was very protective of Mr Snuggle Bug, the blanket he'd named when he was four and Taehyun wasn't even born yet.

"Well-" He was cut off by Jimin.

"I have your phoneeee." He sang. "I can always tell Jungwon you know? I have your password."

Y/Ni quealed and threw the blanket to Jimin, who tossed her the phone, and they ran off. Taehyun turned back to the phone laughing, but his face became serious again when he remembered why he was on it. He darted out of bed and into Soobin's room.

"Hyung, don't let Beomgyu Hyung see the GBGB comments section."

"Why?" Soobin asked.

"They're hating on him." Taehyun sighed. "I don't want him to become like Jiminie Hyung did."

Two years ago, Jimin had a serious problem with his weight. Bed gotten so light that even Y/N could pick him up, even though she was 8. He had been 18 kilograms, and it had gotten so severe that he was passing out every day, until they discovered the comments.

Now Jimin was back to his 63 (fictional) kg self.

"I see." Soobin sighed. He patted his younge brother. "I'll see to it, Hyunnie."


"Jinnie Oppas hair looks weird." Y/N giggled, earning sniggera from 19 boys. Taehyun was lost in thought, his head on the table looking at Y/N but not reacting. He caught Soobin's eye and he smiled assuringly. Taehyun relaxed, letting himself laugh at Y/N's comment.

Beomgyu tilted his head confusedly. The two had repeatedly begged him not to look at the comments on their new music video. And now they were exchanging looks.

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