18. Falling

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Shawn pinched his eyes as they became open due to sudden jerk. He didn't realise, he fell asleep on the sofa at night while keeping an eye on Camila. The two nights he spent on most uncomfortable place back to back. He straightened up himself and took a look at Camila who was sleeping soundly covered in comforter. Her hair making a nest around her face which was looking fresh and healthy as compared to previous day. Looking at the clock hanging on wall, it was already 6am. Jacob left after dinner as he had to go to the office next morning while Shawn insisted on staying with  Camila. It was the first time he gave a girl more importance than his job.

"Hey" Shawn said picking up the call and moved to a corner facing the glass wall giving him the beautiful view of the morning. "Whats the news"

"I went there in the hospital. That little girl was so worried. I told her that I'm one of her sister's friend and she sent me to help them out." Sebastian told.

"Did you give the money?"

"Yeah don't worry and I also gave her my number and told her to call me if she needs anything.."

"Good." He passed his fingers through his hair. "How was Camila's mom? Is she alright now?"

"Her surgery went well. According to my sources she's in much better condition."

"Shawn!!!" Someone called his name and he could swear to god that the voice made his heartbeat sped up faster than the flying jet and he turned around as fast as possible.

"Camila!" His mouth went dried as he removed phone from his ear and looked at the girl sitting on couch with her hair, gathered on her left shoulder now.

"What happened to my mother? Who were you talking to?" She asked getting worried.

Shawn composed himself and walked towards her quickly. As soon as he stretched his arm to touch her, she slapped his hand away.

"What are you doing?" She was getting furious.

"I was just checking your temperature. You were burning in fever the whole day yesterday, unconsciously lying on this couch. I was just trying to make sure you are alright." He explained softly.

"Sorry" A guilt flashed on her face. "I'm alright now. You don't have to be worried. What were you talking about on phone call?"

"It wasn't you. I was talking about someone else. You are not the only one with this name." He now sat on the sofa.

"Where's my phone?"

"Why?" Shawn panicked.

"I need to call my mom."

"It's not. I mean your phone doesn't have charging right now." He remembered he didn't remove camila's sister's calls from the phone log.

"You are lying. You were talking about my mom."

"Right " Shawn sighed in defeat. "Why are you so stubborn?"

"Don't change the topic"

"And smart as well." He said itching his forehead.

"Would you tell me the truth? Why was my name on your mouth?"

"I was...listen! I'll tell you but don't panic. Everything is fine now."

"You are making me anxious."

"Your mother fell down from stairs and hit her head. Your sister called me last night. She is in hospital-"

"Oh my god!!" She clutched her hair, removing the comforter from her legs as it fell down from couch. "I need to talk to my sister..Where's my-" Putting her one feet on floor, she was about to stand up when she felt giddy all of a sudden.

"Camila!" Shawn quickly moved to stop her from falling down. "Please sit." He requested while grabbing her both arms.

"My head is spining"

"I told you to not panic." He was now putting the comforter back on her body as she layed down. "Your mother is doing fine now. You don't have to be worried."

"Where are you going?" She stopped him as he turned to walk away.

"To bring you something energetic. You're probably feeling weak."

She was surprised at his gentle attitude but wasn't making a big deal out of it cuz she was more worried about her mother.

"Would you please bring me my phone too? I need to talk to my sister." She requested.

"Okay I will so you would stop worrying.." He said before disappearing in kitchen.


Small chapter sorry didn't get time or motivation to write

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