31- Dinner

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"Ahhh!" Shawn plopped on his bed while Camila kept starring around the room.

White ceiling and gray walls, with two long same white planked windows. Above the white headboard of the bed, there was a red painting hanging between the windows in contrast with the red flowers placed in a vase on a side table.

"I missed my bed so fucking much!!" He said getting Camila's attention.

"Hey!" She quickly moved towards him. "Where I'm gonna sleep?"

"If you don't wanna sleep on bed then you can sleep on sofa. " He lazily pointed at the white sofa placed with wall. "Besides I'm not used to getting sleep with anyone else in my bed."

"You are telling me to better sleep on that sofa right?" She said in disbelief.

"Yeah! but don't worry I'd provide you a nice blanket plus a soft comfy pillow!" He faked smile.

"Wow!!" She scoffed. "Don't you have a tiny bit of courtesy to show a girl...to let her sleep on the bed and make yourself comfortable on that sofa?"

"Really?" Shawn now propped his elbow on the pillow to pick himself up. "Don't you girls want equality? I'm the great supporter of the idea that there should be no discrimination between men and women. So if I sleep on sofa or You! It makes no different. Just sleep on that thing like a strong woman.."

"Listen!" A scowl was now prominent on her face. "I'm stronger than you think. I can sleep anywhere! Literally on the bare floor cuz I wasn't born in the rich family like you! I was just trying to teach you some manners..."

"Fine!! I don't need you to teach me manners... First you are intruding my personal space but I'm still nicer to you and second I am tired enough to sleep so I can't argue with you." He took off his shoes and pulled the blanket above himself while Camila looked at him helplessly. She plopped on sofa binding her arms on her chest.

Shawn straightened the right cuff of his coat and grabbed the golden Tommy Hilfiger watch from the table.

"Hurry up Camila!!" He shouted as he tightened the watch around his wrist. "Everyone is waiting for us on the table."

"Coming just one minute!!" She shouted back.

"Ufff! This girl's gonna make us late!" He muttered as he took final look of himself in the mirror. The gray coat with black t-shirt underneath over which his gold pendant was shining brighter, was making him look way hotter. "Girl! would you come out or I'd have to disrupt your privacy!" He threatened tapping his Chelsea boots on the wooden floor as he sat down on the footer of his bed. "You're not gonna listen!" He stood up to go inside but Camila suddenly appeared making him froze in his position.

"I'm ready!" She said hesitantly.

"A-" His mouth opened to say something but he felt his throat drying up quickly. "Yeah!"

"Am I looking fine?" She asked.

"Fine as fuck!" He stared down at her figure fitted in plain black velvet mini dress. Her hair were scattered around her shoulders in long waves.


"I mean you're looking so beautiful." He shrugged.

"Are you sure? Cuz I'm not sure. I tried to not do too much on my makeup. Is it fine? I mean I don't know if your parents would like it or not?" She was clearly nervous.

"First of all let me burst your bubble! It's not just my parents out there."

"What do you mean?" She asked in confusion.

"I mean there are more people in my family and they all wanna meet you....Or see you..most probably to judge you...."

"You are scaring me more instead of comforting me.."

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