Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


My feet slammed into the forest floor, the dirt gave way and then fell back into place as soon as my foot lifted again. It was a dry summer's day, and sweat was running down my bare back. It was noon, the worst time to run. Which made it the best option for me, due to the fact nobody with sense wanted to suffer in the heat.

I was prolonging the inevitable, I was well aware of the fact that I would be returning to the house at some point, and yet my feet still drove me away. I had spent the last ten years there, but there was never really a home for me.

The birds' song was shrill in my ears and made me want to scream, like every other high-pitched noise does. Whistles were a nightmare, often used as punishment for me whenever I had done something disagreeable. Most of the time it was talking about going places, or asking about 'classified pack business'.

My body hit something tall and rough. My arm had hit it first and I tried to stop the rest of my body from slamming into it, but that only resulted in me twisting my arm in an odd angle. I tumbled to the floor, but quickly found the bark of the tree and forced myself to stand again. I put both hands on the tree, and felt the diameter. It was one of the biggest trees I had come across on my runs. It was odd, considering I was sure that I hadn't gone off course at any point. I knew the woods inside and out, along my usual path that is. It was impossible for a tree to just appear out of nowhere.

I tilted my head to the sky and groaned, I was lost. It wasn't the first time that I had gotten lost in these woods, that was how I created my path. I spent entire days in the forest getting lost so that I knew my surroundings well.

That was why it made no sense to me how I got lost in the first place, I had a set path, and I couldn't recall straying from it.

I sighed and shook my head before I turned one-hundred-and-eighty degrees. I started to take long strides forward. The sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet was comforting. My breathing slowed and my run became a pleasant stroll. My arms were tense by my side and my fists were clenched. A habit which I learnt was vital when living in a house full of people who preferred to pick fights.

Familiar noises reached me from all different directions, there was a stream a few miles away. Rushing water was an ever-present sound within my head. Sometimes I feared that even if the rushing water wasn't there, the noise would still remain present. The birdsong was relentless, it came from above me, the nests hidden in the trees. Pitter patter came from the west, small animals going around their day.

The walk was longer than I had expected. My feet hit gravel three times, each time I turned back around and ran in the opposite direction. I wasn't afraid of people; I just didn't like them. People asked too many prying questions that I didn't have the patience, or knowledge, to answer. I wasn't rude, as long as they weren't. I was never allowed to cross the gravel path, ever since I was a child. I had wondered what was across there many times, but I was told to be quiet whenever I asked.

A twig snapped.

My shoulders tensed even more, and my walking came to a stop. I held my breath in a futile attempt to make my hearing sharper. My hands were clenching and unclenching by my sides. A warm and calloused hand clasped my shoulder. My fist swung as I turned to whoever it was. My hand was caught, and the person shifted it so that it was painfully twisted behind my back. A grunt of pain left my lips, the discomfort starting to settle in.

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