Chapter 58

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Chapter 58


The world was blurry, my head and body ached. I didn't really know where I was, or what I was meant to be doing. I felt the need to continue fighting, but was there an enemy? Of course, there was, everyone had been knocked out. I think.

But Pax wouldn't have been knocked out. The thought caused me to fight more against the weight which tried to shut my eyelids. Pax would have been awake and able to fight. What had he done? There was the opportunity to tear everyone to pieces. Everyone would have been helpless against him if he tried to fight his way out of the situation. Would I need to find him again? Did he leave me?

"No!" a voice yelled, and several loud bangs rang in my ears. I was alarmed, but my movement was minimal. I was so heavy. It took all of my effort to lift my head.

"Pax, Pax. Are you okay? Did it hit you?" Channon, or Channing, asked frantically.

The words seemed to fill me with strength. It was something that I didn't have time to question as I lifted myself on my two front paws. I dragged my body to where the noises were coming from and where there was something light on the floor.

The room was filled with the metallic stench of blood. The light on the floor was Iris and Rowan, crouched by Pax's side. At least, I assumed that the mass of darkness by my feet was Pax.

He was whimpering in pain, his body shook, and his eyes were clamped shut. My paws were wet with his blood, despite me only being there a moment.

I started to see red. The energy that Pax's name created had increased tenfold. My eyes rose from Pax's body to meet the eyes of the woman who hurt him.

I slowly approached her, a deep growling in my throat. I didn't know what came over me, but I ignored the gun which was pointed straight at me and dived for her middle.

I tore and bit down on anything which I could get a hold of. It didn't matter anymore that she was in her human form, it didn't matter that I had the upper hand, it didn't matter if it went against what I believed in at that moment. Nothing mattered other than the fact that Pax was bleeding out because of her. She pulled the trigger and fired the bullet which could potentially cost Pax his life.

I pushed her to the floor so that she couldn't get away and continued until I no longer heard her heart beating.

I was breathing heavily and my left hindleg was in so much pain, I couldn't feel it properly anymore. I dragged myself towards Pax again and looked over his wounds. He had to go to a hospital immediately, but how could we get him to a hospital? He couldn't shift back into his human form, and I certainly didn't know how to treat bullet wounds.

"They're waking up," Oran said anxiously.

"Quick, we've got to move," Channing said, looking around frantically. "Where can we move to?"

"We can't move him," Iris said after I had whined. "We can't move Pax, and Farley's injured."

I was? Well, I knew that I was in pain, but I didn't think it was that bad. I was too focused on my actions, rather than what harm they could potentially cause me.

"Who's waking up?" Lowell asked. "Our side?"

There was a moment of silence as Iris looked over the crowd. "Both," she replied begrudgingly. "We need someone's help."

"You know, all you've got to do is ask," my mother called from the other side of the room, where the others had come from. She had a canister next to her. "Stay in your human forms and try to wake up as many wolves on our side as you can." She put the canister down and started to fill little needles with it.

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