|One: Wolf Moon|

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A motorcycle pulled up to the ruined building and, the person on the back of it cut the engine.

The guy reached up carefully and he pulled off his helmet as he was quietly looking up at the building, ruined by a event that he knew would haunt him until the day he died.

Flames licking at the walls, the fire both inside and outside as the screams and howls echoed through the house. A beam came crashing down and broke through the floor to the basement, as a piercing wail of a frightened child came into the hearing of the teenager, who was struggling to breathe in the flames that devoured the home that he'd only known all his life...

"Tye?" Tye Hale turned around at the sound of his name and he was staring at a face, that seemed both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. "Tye Hale?" Tye put the helmet on his bike and he kicked the stand down, and he moved away from it.

"Derek?" Tye's voice was quiet as it shook, he wasn't even attempting to hide the emotions that crept into his tone of voice and in seconds, the two were hugging.

Tye was shuddering as the pain was palpable and Derek was half-laughing and half-crying at the sight of him. "I didn't think you survived." Derek said and Tye's eyes glowed blue at once as they both released one another from the hug and Derek looked at him and he sighed. "Your eyes, what happened to yours?" He asked and Tye blinked a bit, and the blue faded swiftly to the all-too familiar and a little more of an ordinary brown color.

"I mercy-killed a dying werewolf... I knew it would change my eyes, but it was wolfsbane poisoning Der. I couldn't just leave her to die slowly from it." Tye admitted and Derek was nodding a little.

"I understand. But how the hell did you get out of the fire?" Derek asked and Tye nodded a little, as he jammed his hands into his pockets.

"Peter." The single word was enough to elicit a reaction from Derek, whose eyes flashed the same icy blue as Tye's did. "He saved me and to this day, I've still got no clue why." Tye admitted as Derek snorted.

"Why did Peter do anything?" Derek pointed out and Tye laughed a little as he wiped at his eyes with a small sort of nod.

"That's a good point." Tye replied as they walked into the ruined house as a pair, but Tye stopped as he looked at the ruined house. "How-how can you even stand, being in here?" He asked in a small voice.

"I don't know, Tye, but... I wasn't in here when it was burning, either." It was a harsh reminder of it, however unintentional it may have been on the part of Derek.

"Are you here because of Laura?" Tye turned to look at his older brother, as he asked the painful question and the tiniest nod made a lot more sense than it was probably meant to. "She had the spark, which means-"

"There is a new alpha in town." The brothers looked at each other and the exact thought that they had about the facts that they had found, they were written all across their faces. "Shit."

"Son of a bitch." Tye muttered and Derek looked at him in surprise and Tye glanced at him. "What are you looking at now, Derek? I'm not 8 years old anymore." He pointed out and he saw his brother looking down.

"Yeah, I know. It's gonna take me awhile to remember that, Tye, I'm sorry." Derek admitted and Tye shrugged.

Tye looked up suddenly as he heard something crack, farther off into the woods. "Derek..."

"Yeah, I heard it too. Let's go." Derek said and before he could, Tye grabbed his arm and Derek looked at him in surprise as Tye was easily able to stop him in his tracks now. "What?" He asked impatiently.

"What if it is hunters?" Tye questioned and Derek scoffed at the tone of worry in Tye's voice. "Hey Der, I mean it. What if it's hunters?" He asked and Derek rolled his eyes at his brother's worry.

"In broad daylight?" Derek asked and when Tye took a second to think for a second, he sighed. "Look T, we are both smarter than we were ten years ago. All right?" Derek confirmed and Tye let go of him as he nodded.

"Sorry." Tye mumbled and Derek pulled him into a quick hug, before they were off and they were both taking off further into the woods and away from the house.

Tye raised his eyebrows up at the sight of the two teenagers who looked not much younger than he was at the moment, as he walked over to them with Derek slightly ahead.

"What are you doing here? This is private property." Derek said to the teens and the boys looked rattled at the sight of Derek, which Tye could hardly blame them for.

Derek was a scary-enough presence on his own as an individual, but when there was someone else with him, it was a tense environment.

"Yeah, uh, sorry guys... we didn't know." Tye could smell the bundle of nerves that was on the quiet guy and the one who was speaking, seemed to be much more of an adept liar then the other.

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..." The nervous guy's words trailed off and Tye elbowed his brother in the ribs, as Derek glared at him before he tossed the inhaler back to the nervous guy.

Tye walked off with Derek and as soon as they were far enough away from the others, Derek grabbed Tye by the collar of his shirt and slammed him into the nearest tree.

"Let go of me." Tye snapped as a sudden pain lanced through him from being slammed into the tree.

"Don't hit me again." Derek snarled and when he went to slam Tye again, Tye slid out of the hold, grabbing onto his brother's hands and twisting hard, sending Derek face-first into the tree.

Tye had let go before Derek hit the tree and he heard a crack, as Derek backed away from the tree and he had a broken nose. "Don't grab me again, Derek." Tye said coolly and to his surprise, Derek laughed. "What?"

"You really have changed, Tye, where the hell did you learn how to do that?"

"I trained with different alphas all around the world. I regained control of my wolf, learned different fighting techniques and taught myself a new way of living from each pack. I went from environment to environment as I forced myself to adapt." Tye said as Derek pushed his nose swiftly back in the proper position with a growl. "I learned how to fight smart." He said.

"Good. Because if the hunters are back in town, going after the same thing that we are... then we are going to need some serious "smart fighting," on our side." Derek noted and he was glancing at his shirt, which now had a bit of blood on it. "Man, you got blood on my shirt." He muttered.

"Sorry Der, but you asked for it this time around." Tye reminded him as they walked both back to the house.

Tye wheeled his motorcycle into the house and he left it in what used to be the living room. "Hey Tye?"

"Yeah?" Tye asked as he turned to look at Derek, who cracked a faint ghost of a smile across his face.

"I'm glad you're home." Derek admitted and Tye chuckled a little bit at the words.

"So am I, big brother. So am I."

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