|Seventeen: Code Breaker|

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All Tye could remember were three things. Agonizing pain, Derek's cries of pain, and the faces of Kate Argent and her niece Allison, staring at him.

Tye was looking at Derek after hours of torture who was growlin' very very faintly under his breath as they were being subjected to Kate's constant talking, which was much, much worse than the electricity.

"Come on you two, he killed your sister. Now, either you two aren't telling me because you want to kill him yourselves. Or, for some reason, you two are protecting him." Kate said.

"Or protecting each other." Tye retorted and Kate scoffed at the words as she looked up at him.

"Last time that I saw you, Tyler... I think you were barely growing into your shifting. Look at you now, a full-grown werewolf." Kate said and Tye snarled down at her, as Kate was chuckling.

"Get your hands off me." Tye threatened and Kate was laughing off the threats, and Tye was looking over at Derek.

"Look at that sour face. I bet you always used to get people coming up to you saying: "smile Derek, why don't you smile more?" Don't you just want to kick those people in the face?" Kate wasn't really asking, but the brothers were sick of her games as Derek growled.

"I can think of one." Derek said with an icy cold tone of voice and Tye said nothing, letting his brother handle this one. As Derek had told Tye often enough, Kate Argent was his demon.

"Promise? Because, if I thought that you two would be that much fun... I'd just let you go." Kate said and Tye sighed.

"Bullshit." Tye noted and Kate was scrolling through their phones and once again, Tye was thankful that he had all of his contacts under fake names or nicknames.

"Harriet the spy? Really?" Kate asked and she looked at Tye, whose eyes were collected and calm, as the two of them had a staring contest. As Kate left the room, two hunters came in and the brothers looked at each other.

"A case of beer if we get out of this unscathed." Tye said and Derek nods in agreement, as the beatdown had begun.

Tye had no idea anymore just how long it had been, before he suddenly heard howling. Tye looked over at Derek, whose eyes briefly shone. The two of them tipped their heads back and their howls echoed all around.

"When Scott finds us, I'm going to go and get Beatrice." Tye said and Derek looked at him, lifting his eyebrows in shock.

"Why the hell would you? She is, just a kid..." Derek sounded shocked at the plan that Tye had and Tye swiftly was shaking his head at the sight of her.

"Yeah, a kid who told me all about Peter's plans and also told me where to find you!" Tye shot back and Derek went silent at that. "She is one of us, Der, whether standing with us or with Peter. She is still a Hale and she was in the fire with me." Tye said and he looked up, as he managed to finally rip off one of the handcuffs.

When the hunters returned, they found a pair of seriously pissed-off werewolf brothers and Scott McCall all waiting. Tye was the first to get out of the handcuffs and he grunted, as he had been forced to dislocate one of his wrists to get out.

"Scott, have you heard from Beatrice at all?" Tye asked and Scott shook his head. "Shit." He said as now, Derek was the one who was stupidly now shouting at Scott for being so dumb, so young and in love with a hunter.

After Scott had explained to Derek what Tye had already heard from Dr. Deaton, both Scott and Tye heard a loud crash and Derek had gotten out of the second cuff. "I'll help you. Tye, go and find Beatrice." Derek ordered and Tye nodded.

Tye rammed into Scott from the side right as Kate Argent's gun went off as a bang echoed through the air. Tye was on the ground, choking on black blood and Kate, had missed his heart but it was still a poisoned bullet.

"Scott, run and keep running." Tye growled hoarsely and the gun went off again, but the bullet missed the main two targets and hit Tye in the leg. Tye croaked out in pain and he coughed, spitting up black blood.

"You can shoot me as many times as you want, Argent, but it won't change the facts," Tye spat up more blood and he got shot again. "That you burned most of our family alive in the fire."

Kate sighed and fired the gun one more time, as Tye fell silent. "Tye!" It was Scott who shouted at the sight of the barely more amicable of the Hale brothers falling and Tye slumped onto the ground. "Oh god, Tye!" Scott said.

A howl of fury tore through the air and Scott looked up, as his eyes shone yellow in the darkness. Kate Argent turned around as from the treeline, a small pure black, wolf loped out from the treeline.

Its' eyes glowed a warm golden yellow and Scott realized who it was at once, not knowing many other werewolves who had yellow eyes and Kate leveled her gun at it.

Right before her brother nearly shot the gun out of her hand. The wolf was growling, as it stood next to Scott in a fierce way.

Tye's body had been moved out of their way by Peter and Kate had been taken into the house. Scott went into the house after Allison and Derek had followed.

Allison had run out of the burned wreck of a house after Kate's death and Allison looked over to where Tye's body had been, but there was not a single sign of it.

A wolf with ice-blue eyes, a pure straight black wolf, much larger than Beatrice was, suddenly clawing at the alpha in a fury.

Just as soon as they were out of the house, Beatrice lunged at Peter with a howl of fury. The two evolved wolves were clinging to Peter's back, as Scott attacked from the front.

Tye and Beatrice, they were both dislodged thankfully, just before the self-igniting cocktails were used to be attacking Peter.

Peter was black and burned all over himself once again, and Tye was once again back in his human form and he looked at Beatrice, who was curled up in a ball as she cried.

"I'm so sorry, Tye. I didn't know about any of this, I swear." Beatrice said and Tye moved his arms around her in a hug. Before they looked up to see that Derek was walking out of the house to walk to Peter.

Derek looked back at Tye and Beatrice, the two remaining members of his family, and the duo, understood what he was silently asking of them.

"Do it." Tye whispered and Derek's clawed hand came up and came down fast across Peter's throat. Beatrice was crying, but it wasn't for her father. It was for the fact that she could be free of his poisonous memory.

Tye and Beatrice both walked slowly over to Derek, nodding their heads as they briefly submitted to the new alpha.

Derek handed his familiar leather jacket over to Tye, who was clearly bare-chested after his evolution, into a full wolf.

"I'm the Alpha now." Derek said and for the first time in nearly seven years there was a Hale Pack standing united in Beacon Hills.

"You going to talk to Satomi?" Tye asked and Beatrice looked at him with a painful look on her face.

"First I have to come clean to Brett. I can't believe that I was so stupid, you all warned me when I was younger... I didn't listen." Beatrice said and Tye's sigh was clear. "Will you ever forgive me? Can you?" She asked softly and he sighed.

"I already have, Bea. Just... come home when you're ready." Tye said as Beatrice took off running and Tye was looking at Derek, as he sighed. "Oh, I know that damn look. I hate it, Derek... whenever that stupid look shows up on your face." He said and Derek sighed.

"You know what we have to do." He pointed out and Tye nodded quickly at the words. "Let's get cleaned up and then get started. You look dead tired..."

"So do you, man." Tye replied as the two brothers were walking back into the Preserve. "So do you."

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