|Forty-Seven: Control|

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Freya was cooking in the kitchen as she hummed to the music in her ears and she looked up quickly, as Aiden yawned as he trudged down the stairs. "You slept in." Freya said and Aiden looked at her rubbing the last of the sleep out of his eyes.

"I was tired." Aiden complained and she glared a bit at him, right before the glare faded and now, she was shutting off the oven and the burners as there was plates heaped with food on the counter.

"Food's ready!" Freya called out and Beatrice skipped the stairs entirely as she leapt down and landed lightly on the floor. "Nice to see you." Freya said and Beatrice grabbed a plate. "Hey, kid, don't you have school today?" Freya asked and Beatrice mumbled something. "Uh?" Freya asked as even with her super ears, it didn't mean that she could hear around food.

"It's a Pro-D for Devenford. Private school, remember?" Beatrice said a little more clearly and with less food in her mouth this time and Freya nodded quickly at the words.

"Right. Ethan, where the hell are you?! Your brother is going to eat your food, or I will, if you don't get your ass down here!" Freya hollered up the stairs and Ethan grunted, as he walked down.

"What time is it?" Ethan asked and he grabbed his plate as Freya checked her watch with raised eyebrows.

"Half past get the hell up." Freya bluntly spoke and Beatrice laughed at the words.

"Foggy Nelson! Season 1 of Daredevil in the Pilot episode!" Freya laughed at Beatrice's knowledge of the quote, so much so that Beatrice had practically screamed the answer at Freya who chuckled.

"Wait, you were allowed to watch Daredevil?" Freya asked once her laughter had stopped and at the question, Beatrice simply shrugged at the words.

"Well I mean, nobody ever tried to stop us from watching it." Beatrice explained as she continued to eat and Freya nodded a little and she grabbed her own plate of food and she sat down.

"That doesn't surprise me in the slightest." Freya muttered around her food and Beatrice's phone went off. "What's that about?" Freya asked and Beatrice checked her phone with a flash at the words.

"I have still got practice. Thanks Freya... for the food, bye!" Beatrice left her plate on the table and she bolted off in a rush, as Freya sighed at the sight of the half-eaten plate, and the twins looked at her.

"Yeah, just go for it." Freya said and the twins split it between them. "Did she even bring her lacrosse gear with her?" Freya asked and Beatrice came running back into the room to grab the lacrosse bag from the floor. "Have fun!" Freya called after her and Beatrice took off once again.

"So, what do we do now? The kid's out of the house and we have an entire building to ourselves." Aiden asked as he leaned back in his chair and Freya shook her head at the words and she sighed.

"You two are getting out of here. You have been cooped up for too long and you guys need to run, you have way too much energy to burn. Go." Freya said as she gathered up the dishes and Ethan immediately disappeared out of the door. "Aiden, that was meant for both of you." Freya said as she knew Aiden hadn't moved from his spot in the chair.

"Says who?" Aiden asked and Freya growled a little bit at the words and she turned around to look at him, only to find him standing right in front of her and Freya's growl was clear as her eyes shone red.

"Says me. The person who became one of the alphas in Beacon Hills, as a complete surprise." Freya retorted, as Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"You are really, pulling the alpha card?" Aiden asked and Freya looked up at him fearlessly, as she shook her head at the words.

"I guess I learned from the best." She said and Aiden winced a bit at that, as she shook her head. "Now get going or I'll force you to go." Freya said and he shrugged.

"Suit yourself." He said with a smirk and Freya rolled her eyes at the sight of the familiar expression and he was walking out of the loft, following after Ethan.

Freya looked at her phone in her hands and she scanned through her recent messages, but none of them were from who she had been hoping to see. "Hey, miss you Tye. Just text me back when you can, I miss you." Freya sent the message off, and she was shaking her head at the lack of messages, in a response time. Freya was shaking her head as she put her phone down, until it started to ring. Freya looked at the number on the screen and it was unfamiliar, but she picked it up anyways.

"Hello?" She asked.

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