|Forty-Nine: Reminder|

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Freya was standing outside on the balcony and she was looking out over the dark night, as she was shaking her head at the sight of a rather clearly overwhelming darkness as it was a day with no moon, as Freya was just staring into the dark.

"You have just about never lost control before," Freya jumped at the words from Aiden, who had his beta wolf eyes shining icy blue at the sight of her. "Well at least, not when we knew you." Aiden pointed out as he blinked his eyes, and now, the dimmer glowing of his icy blue eyes was gone in a snap.

"I don't know why. I don't know what's wrong with me, Aiden, I have never had this much trouble with my ability to control my wolf." Freya said quietly as, she leaned forward against the poles that made a barrier before a person got hurt by falling off.

"I don't know why you're out here right now, Freya. You should be inside where it is safe and it is warm." Aiden said and Freya shivered a little bit at the clear cold and he walked closer to her. "Here." Aiden murmured and she silently looked up at him and his arms were around her waist from behind.

"What are you doing?" Freya asked and Aiden looked at her, and he was looking at her. "Aiden, what is this about? Your heartbeat, it is going as fast as mine had been going." She said and he nodded a little.

"I wanted to make sure that you were okay. You looked cold, so I figured that I could help." Aiden lied his ass off and Freya looked unconvinced and he sighed and she got out of the hug.

"I don't believe you." Freya said and she had her hands in her pockets, and she was walking back into the loft and Aiden sighed, rather quickly, walking after her.

"Frey, wait." Aiden said and Freya turned back around to look at him as he sighed. "I, uh... I did want to make sure that you were okay. That's why I came out, you looked worried is all."

"You lie like a fucking sidewalk, Aiden Steiner. I don't believe you for a single second--"

"I'm jealous." Aiden burst out before she could walk away from him again, as Freya stopped and she was shaking her head. Freya turned around to look at him, as, her eyes were narrowed in confusion.

"What?" Freya asked and Aiden looked at her with a dozen emotions flung all over his face and he was shaking his head. "Come on." She said and he followed her, as they went and sat in the car, a guaranteed place that Ethan's ears couldn't reach. "What the hell do you mean, you're jealous?" She asked.

"I... When we first came into the Alpha Pack, when Deucalion ordered you to train us for the first time, do you remember what happened to you, afterward? Not even a month into our training, Freya, what happened?" He asked and Freya sighed.

"A rival pack, your old pack kidnapped me. They wanted you two back and wanted to kill you all, with a deal that included me going back to the Alpha Pack, but only, only, once you two were dead." Freya said very quietly and Aiden nodded.

"They gave us until the next full moon, those were the terms and by the next full moon, a full month had past. What happened?" Aiden asked.

"I was dying, they hadn't fed me jack shit and when they had, it was barely enough to keep a baby going, let alone a Beta werewolf. But, you two figured it out and you killed them all. You swore to protect me from anything and everything, after you rescued me from them." She said as Aiden nodded and Freya sighed.

~ Three Years Ago ~

"Freya!" A strangely familiar and echoing voice, it snapped Freya back into it briefly. Freya very weakly looked up from her spot on the floor, as her eyes were suddenly blinded as the door was flung open. "We found her!" The giant shape bellowed to somebody and a moment later, the giant shape from before, it had split into two smaller ones.

"What the hell?" Freya asked as she was absolutely sure now, that she was seeing things and she leaned her head back against the wall and the two shapes split up, as one of them went straight to her and the other watched the door. "Aiden?" Freya asked as she blinked and the familiar face looked up at her.

"Surprise." Aiden said and he continued to work on the cuffs and chains, that were attached to the rings in the wall. Once they finally broke off, he held out his hand to Freya.

Freya gladly took it and almost immediately, she slumped onto the ground and Aiden was silently now scooping her up into his arms, at the sight of her obvious weakness.

"We'll be here to protect you. Watch your back." Aiden murmured and she was out like a light and he carried her out of the dark, ruined building.

Ethan joined them and Aiden looked over at Kali and Ennis, as they looked at their daughter with fear in their faces.

"She is exhausted, dehydrated, probably half-dead from fear and the torture." Aiden murmured and he held out the passed-out girl to Kali, who carefully took her daughter from his arms as he was growling. "We're going after the Alpha." He said as him and Ethan, the two of them walked away to face the coward and the bully, that their soon-to-be former alpha was.

~ Three Days After ~

Freya opened up her eyes and she was looking up at a blurred-out face before she rubbed her eyes. "Aiden?"

"You're awake, finally. Freya, it sure did take you long enough." Aiden said and she blinked a little. "How are you feeling?" He asked as she looked over at him.

"Like I'm very, very slowly putting myself back together." Freya said and he nodded a bit. "You and Ethan... you guys managed to figure it out." She said and he smirked a little bit.

"Yeah, yeah we did." Freya inhaled sharply as she attempted to move and pain shot through her like knives, as it hurt to breathe. "Hey, come here. I'll help." Aiden said and silently, he was offering her one of his hands and she looked at it. Freya accepted the hand and she winced, as he moved closer to help support her as she sat up.

"Thanks." Freya murmured and she noticed the black veins all of the veins that were moving toward him from her. "Be careful, taking too much of my pain could kill you." She said and he smiled a bit.

"Yeah, I know. But, on the other hand... if I didn't take any of your pain, then your mother would probably kill me." Aiden said and Freya's eyes flashed icy blue and his eyes glowed red. "If we're showing off... then I think I'm winning." He said and she tilted her head slightly to the side at the words. "I was really worried about you there."

"I'm a survivor." Freya murmured and she awkwardly looked down at their entwined hands, having lost her train of thought.

"I just wanted to make it real clear to you, Frey, that Ethan and I. We do feel responsible for what happened to you and we will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. No matter what it takes." Aiden murmured quietly and then, when she looked up again, his face was inches from hers.

"It wasn't your fault, Aiden, nobody could have predicted that they would follow you." Freya said and Aiden's smile was clear and she smiled back at him awkwardly.

A growl interrupted them and Freya looked around Aiden, seeing that her mother was standing in the doorway.

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