|Seven: Magic Bullet (II)|

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It turns out that the place Scott had chosen was the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic, as Tye was helped by Derek into the room before Tye stumbled into the table and nearly fell down and onto the cold floor. "Derek..." He said as he coughed and suddenly, he was throwing up black blood onto the group.

"Shit. You don't have much longer, Tye." Derek said and Tye looked up at him.

"No shit, Sherlock." Tye whispered and Derek was riffling through the drawers of the Animal Clinic until Derek had a saw in his hands. "Oh god." Tye whispered, before he was doubling over again and he puked a lot more gunk up. "Derek, Derek... we have to do it now." He whispered and Derek looked at him, and now, it was Tye's eyes that shone icy blue. "Derek, I'm dying." He said quietly.

Derek turned the saw on and he hovered it above Tye's arm, as Tye closed his eyes as blood ran down his arm. "What the hell?!" Scott had come running in and at once, Derek turned off the saw.

"Did you get it?" Derek asked and Scott brought out the bullet, as Tye sighed with relief. "Tye, you just hang on a little longer." Derek said as he was snatching the bullet from Scott's hands and he pulled the canister off and started pouring the powder onto the table.

"Derek." Tye muttered before he staggered and fell onto the floor, as his body slumped.

"Tye? Tye!" Derek said and his vocal tone was heavy with panic, as he was struggling to light the powder.

"Derek... I can see Laura." Tye mumbled and Derek's eyes shone icy blue, and, he finally lit the powder on fire successfully, and pulled the ashes into his hands.

"TYE!" Derek roared directly in his face and Tye's eyes snapped open, as Derek forced the ashes of the poison in the bullet into the wound on Tye's arm and he shouted in terrible pain.

The blood had run back up Tye's arm and the veins around the wound were disappearing, as with a final snarl of agony, the wound disappeared and it filled itself in.

Derek looked at Tye, as his little brother was looking at his arm where the wound had been.

"You okay?" Derek asked as he reached out a hand and Tye accepted the hand up and he nodded a little bit at the words.

"That was awesome!" Stiles shouted and Tye glanced at him, as he walked over to where Derek had left a bag on the floor near the door and he nearly slipped, almost falling flat on his back in the black muck, that he'd vomited up earlier.

"We saved Tye's life, so that means you leave us alone!" Scott demanded and Derek looked at him and Tye was retrieving a shirt, from where Derek's bag was lying on the floor. "Or if you don't, then I'm gonna go back to Allison's family and I'm gonna tell them."

"You're gonna trust them? You think that they can help you?" Derek asked and his tone was angry, and, Tye was pulling a new and a clean, white shirt quickly over his head as he listened to the pending argument.

"Yeah, why not? They are a whole lot freaking nicer than you are!" It wasn't a blow to Derek, maybe, but it sure was a blow to Tye, who felt it like a crushing weight to the chest, and he swallowed.

Derek looked over his shoulder silently at Tye, who shook his head at the words. "We can show you, exactly how nice they are." Tye said and Scott looked confused. "Derek, you are driving." Tye said and he was walking out of the Animal Clinic with Derek as well as Scott at a slower pace.

Derek drove and Tye hopped out of the backseat, as they reached Beacons Crossing Home. Tye was the first to walk in and his breath caught in his throat again, as Derek rested a hand on his shoulder in silence.

"He was a werewolf, but now he's barely even human. It was six years ago that my sister and I, we were at school, our house caught fire. 13 people were trapped inside, he and Tye were the only survivors." Derek said and Tye had tears falling, as his hand went around to touch his left ribs under his arm, where burn marks started and covered most of his lower body.

"Peter got me out of the fire and told me to run, but he couldn't get himself out in time." Tye whispered and Derek looked at his brother, as Tye was shaking.

"So what makes you so sure you know that they set the fire?" Scott asked and Derek looked at him, as Tye growled.

"Because they were the only ones in town, that knew about us." Derek said icily his tone now just as cold as, the Hales' wolf eyes.

"Then they had a reason." Scott said and Tye snarled as Scott stepped back and Tye wheeled Peter around.

"There were perfectly innocent people in that fire and... there were children in that fire, children who had heard of hunters but had come to our home for safety because their families were dead!" Tye snapped and Scott looked shocked at the amount of any emotions that Tye was showing.

"They say that they will only kill an adult and only, only with some rock and concrete absolute proof. But there were people in that fire who were perfectly ordinary, children in there too. Tye was 12 years old when he was caught in it!" Derek said with a growl and Tye nodded. "This is what they do and it is what Allison, will do."

"What are you doing? And... how did you get in here?" A nurse was at the door.

Tye was the first to walk out, only to hear something that sounded rather a bit suspicious to him. "Peter, someone is here to see you." The same nurse from before was saying and Tye raised his eyebrows.

"Hi Dad. Just wanted to say that I won a lacrosse game today, I think I've got a good chance of making co-captain if I can learn to control my aggression. I wish you could be here to give me some tips, but at least I know that you're still here to listen. I miss Derek more and more every day, but Tye was always my favorite though. After you, I mean. But I should get some sleep, I just wanted to give this to you." A teenage girl, around 15 was walking out of Peter's room after she had handed a picture to the nurse. "I just wanted to say thanks again to you, Jennifer, not many of these other people would bend the rules to let a kid see her comatose dad."

"Beatrice, you only have Peter left... honey, I'm not going to just force you to wait, until the Clinic opens to see him. You can come by any time, I've told everyone."

"Thanks." Beatrice murmured and she walked over toward the doors as Tye glanced at her. "Sorry, you look real familiar- do I know you?" She asked and Tye looked at her.

"Only from fire and blood." Tye said and Beatrice's eyes widened, in shock once she realized. Tye was crying all over again and so was Beatrice, as she hugged him tightly and Tye laughed a little. "Oh, I really did miss you for all those years, kiddo." He said softly and she was shaking.

"You grew." Beatrice mumbled.

"So did you, you're almost as tall as me now." Tye admitted and the two of them walked out of the care home, as Derek was waiting out by the car for Tye. Beatrice's eyes widened and she stopped dead as Derek looked up and his eyes shone suddenly.

Beatrice took off running until she tackled him and Derek laughed at the sight of her, as Tye was wiping at his eyes and he followed at a slower pace to join the hug.

"We thought, that there were only three Hales in Beacon Hills... but now, there's four." Tye said and Beatrice was in the middle of their hug and Derek was holding her, hugging their little cousin tightly.

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