|Thirty-Three: Chaos Rising (II)|

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|Beacon Hills High School|

"I don't see anything. Tye... Do you even see anything?" Derek asked Tye, who shook his head at the sight of the weird-looking bruises on Allison's and Lydia's arms.

"Look again." Scott urged them and Tye looked at the two girls, who were patiently holding out their arms for the brothers to look at.

"I really don't see anything here in these bruises, guys and girls, which for that, I'm sorry." Tye said as both Allison and Lydia looked over at each other, before looking back at the more mild-mannered Hale brother.

"How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek asked and Allison was staring directly, back over at Derek accusingly and Derek stared right back without blinking.

"It's the same on both sides. It is exactly the same." Scott was starting to sound annoyed, probably thinking that Derek was just being stubborn to a tee, about working with these two girls specifically.

Tye was a little annoyed about the fact that it was Allison and Lydia as well, but he knew better than to make it known.

Lydia, the girl who had helped resurrect Peter from the dead where Derek had put him originally into the ground and Allison, who had shot and nearly killed all of them at one point or another and had also, nearly killed Derek twice in the past year alone.

"It's nothing." Derek insisted coldly and Scott glared at him without any filter at all on his expression, as Tye nodded a little.

"Pareidolia. Seeing patterns that aren't there. It is a known subset of apophemia." Lydia declared.

"Did you know that?" Derek asked Tye, who nodded a little bit at their question, and in a clear silence, he was leaning against the wall.

"They're trying to help." Scott insisted and Tye scoffed at the very words, as he was able to easily push off of the wall as he stood up straight once again.

"These two?" Derek asked and Tye moved to stand next to him as Derek was getting irritated and it was rather clear. He pointed at Lydia. "This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you." Derek said sarcastically. "And this one, who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack." Derek said bluntly.

"Also, tried to kill me on multiple occasions. What did I ever do to hurt you?" Tye asked Allison, who was staring at the two Hales, who were glaring right back at her. "I saved Scott's life from your aunt and what do I get? Multiple arrows in the back, so I guess that no good deed will ever go unpunished by you will it, Argent?"

"I am not my aunt." Allison practically growled the words and then at that, Tye was scoffing at the words.

"Maybe not now. But three months ago, you were sure acting just like her sort of behavior." Tye said and Allison looked honestly, just like she was now about to attack him but she had fallen silent.

"I had just lost my mother--"

"Who gives a shit?" Tye shot back hard as he felt his anger rising to the surface and it was reaching a boiling point, that was ready to blow. "I lost my entire pack in one night, except for my comatose uncle, my younger cousin, my now-deceased older sister and Derek. You did not see me going on a rampage, or killing every hunter in my sight did you?" Tye asked and Allison had no response to that, as he looked at his claws, which had come out and they were disappearing from view, just as fast.

"My mother died." Allison pointed out and Tye scoffed when she brought it up again, as he shook his head.

"Your family's little honor code killed your mother. Not me." Derek stated as Allison looked insulted at the words.

Tye and Derek left the room and left the school as Tye, he was shaking his head. "Hey, you okay?" Derek asked as Tye looked at him.

"I don't know where all of that anger came from, but, it felt good to let it all out." Tye murmured and Derek nodded a little. "Unlike you, D, my anchor isn't anger. Anger just makes me lose it." Tye said under his breath and Derek nodded a little bit, as they walked over to the Camaro and Derek held out the keys to Tye. "Wait, you're serious?" He asked and Derek nodded a little.

"You have had a really, really rough few months. You drive." Derek said as he tossed the keys to Tye, who caught them and they got into the car, as Tye drove off.

|Beacon Hills First National Bank,

Full Moon Night|

Derek had punched rather easily straight through the wall, as Tye was immediately following his path and so did Scott, eventually. "Derek... do you recognize that scent?" Tye asked, and Derek's eyes widened at the words.

"Boyd?" Derek asked and behind Boyd, out came the other girl that Isaac had mentioned, one of the scents that Tye could never forget in his life.


"Cora?" Tye whispered and Cora's eyes widened as Tye was looking at Cora in shock, as Cora was the only Hale sibling younger than him.

"Derek, Tye, get out. Get out now!"

"Scott, what's wrong? Your heartbeat is going up through the roof." Tye said as his eyes were still on Cora, and he was hardly registering that Boyd was even in the vault.

Then suddenly, Boyd went running straight for Scott as Cora was lunging for Tye, who growled at the sight of her running at him.

Cora swiftly slashed at him with razor-sharp claws as he was avoiding, blocking and knocking away her blows, while trying not to actually hurt her.

"Derek, what do we do?!" He shouted as he jumped up and kicked Cora into the wall of the bank, as she was down for a moment, only for her to just jump right back up again.

"I don't know. We need to keep them occupied until the moon is gone!" His brother called out as Tye yelled in pain and Boyd's claws, they sunk deep into his back.

Tye suddenly, he felt that the claws were gone as he saw that Derek was throwing Boyd into the space, where the door was open, only for the mountain ash barrier to stop him before he was flung clear out of the vault.

Tye flipped up onto his feet, ignoring the pain in his side as he ran for Boyd, who was stabbing Scott. Tye bit down hard into Boyd's shoulder, as Boyd let go of Scott and, then suddenly, Allison had broken the seal.

Tye staggered up onto his feet as he was looking at Derek, who had a hand out to him. Tye accepted the hand up as he winced.

"Is it healing, at least?" Tye asked as Derek nodded and Tye sighed and he was walking out of the vault. "You shouldn't have broken the seal, you weren't thinking! They will kill people out there, do you understand that?!"

"I was trying, to help you! Don't you understand that?!" Allison was practically screaming at the words, as Tye looked at her in silence.

"I will call Beatrice again for this. We need all hands on deck." Tye said and his pain was starting to fade as he was walking away to call Beatrice.

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