|Twenty: Shape Shifted|

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|The Hale Building,

A couple days later...|

"Derek! Tye! Derek!" Isaac Lahey had come running down the stairs as Tye jumped up, tossing his headphones to the side as he sped out to look at Isaac.

"What happened?" Tye asked and Isaac was hyperventilating, very clearly panicking about something. "Derek!" Tye called out at the sight of it and Derek appeared after his little brother's call.

"What's wrong?" Derek asked as his eyes were glowing red at the sight of his new Beta's obvious panicked state of mind.

"It's my dad, I think he's dead." The two Hales looked at one another, very briefly and together, they looked back over to Isaac.

"What did you do?" Derek asked as the red glow faded from his eyes back to his normal dark brown, that him and Tye shared.

"Isaac, breathe." Tye said and he rested a hand on the Beta's shoulder as he was remembering, what it was like when he was first learning to shift and after the fire, how panicked he would always be. "Isaac." He said a bit more firmly, this time.

"But that's the thing you guys, it wasn't me." Isaac's words stunned the duo and Derek looked over at Tye at once.

"Beatrice." Derek ordered and Tye sighed, before he was nodding at the name in agreement.

"Beatrice." Tye agreed and he swiftly grabbed his phone, before Derek put a hand on his arm quickly to stop him. "What?" Tye asked.

"I'll call her, ask her a few questions and see if Satomi knows anything. Get to the crime scene of death, before the police do, see if you can pick up a scent. Go!" Derek ordered quickly to him and Tye nodded swiftly, before he took off running up the stairs to get to the crime scene. Tye took a sharp sniff around and he carefully checked the wreck of the driver's side door but he found no trace of any familiar scents. He circled the crime scene carefully, before he heard the wailing sirens approaching and he disappeared from view before they arrived.

"Any luck?" Derek asked as soon as Tye walked back downstairs and he was shaking his head quickly at the words. "Any clue as to what it is?" He questioned and Tye's sigh made it clear, that he was not up for more questions.

"It was strong, I know that, and whatever it is, it was fast. But I could see some really... weird stuff in the wounds, it was like a liquid. I didn't want to touch the body, so I didn't, but it did not look like a werewolf did it." Tye murmured and Derek sighed.

"Back at square one." Derek said under his breath and Tye nodded a little bit, as Tye stopped at his chair and dropped down onto it. "Any other prospective Betas?" Derek asked as at the words, Tye snapped his fangs together at Derek's words angrily and Derek sighed. "You still upset about the omega?" Derek asked as Isaac was sleeping nearby, evidently all tired out from the craziness and the loss of his father.

"Aren't you?" Tye accused and Derek looked at him, surprised by the amount of venom in his brother's voice, that much was clear. "It was on your territory and if he was a member of your pack, we would be tearing through the hunters in droves to kill them all. But we're not and you are just acting like it never happened. Is it not in your mind?" Tye asked and Derek crouched next to him, as Tye had his arms wrapped around his legs and he had them pulled up to his chest.

"Is this about the Argents? About the fire, and about the fact that Kate's father is back in town like she was not long ago?" Derek asked under his breath and Tye was looking at him in a terrible silence, but he took a shaky breath and he was nodding. "Hey, you remember what I told you when we first found out that Scott was bitten? When he was raging around on the full moon and he was looking for Allison?" Derek asked.

"We're smarter than we were six years ago?" Tye asked hoarsely and Derek quickly shook his head at the words and he was smiling a little bit at the reminder of the words, as Tye wiped at his eyes quickly and he looked up at Derek. "What did you tell me, Der?" Tye asked.

"I told you that I would not let them get near you again." Derek reminded him and Tye swallowed at the words. "Tye, I meant those words. I did, but we need to stick together to survive." He said and Tye nodded. "Come here." Derek murmured quietly and Tye took the offered hug, which was a sight to behold as Derek didn't often give out hugs, to anybody. Not even his own family members.

"Thanks Der." Tye murmured and Derek nodded slightly, as Derek stood up and offered out a hand. Tye accepted it and he looked exhausted, as his eyes were ringed with dark rings as his older brother shook his head. "What?" Tye asked.

"Have you been sleeping at all?" The question took Tye, completely off his guard, as Derek moved out of the way so that Tye was looking at the window of the abandoned train car. His eyes ringed in shadow, it shocked Tye and he blinked.

"Not really." Tye admitted as Derek's eyes flashed red with concern. "What, Derek, are you going to command me to get some sleep?" He asked as Derek stared at him. "I'll get some sleep soon, I hope..."

"Go to sleep, Tye, you're useless like this." Derek said bluntly and Tye was walking into the car, where he curled up on one of the seats.

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