|Twenty-Four: Venomous|

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"Derek are you seriously going to test it out on Jackson?" Tye asked as Derek had some of the Kanima's venom in a bottle, that he held in his hand, almost carelessly tossing it from hand to hand and he knew Tye was watching it, prepared to catch the precious venom, so that it didn't drop and paralyze everyone who touched it.

"Would you rather be the test subject for this then?" Derek asked and Tye at the words, showed his fangs with a low growl of disgust at the words being spoken and Derek tossed the vial up into the air casually.

"I am a werewolf through and through Derek, you of all people should just about know that better, than just about anyone else." Tye growled pointedly as he snatched the bottle of venom out of the air and glared at his brother, before he tossed it back to him. "You sent Erica to go and get him?" Tye asked and Derek nodded slightly.

"She won't fail. She is a werewolf who, is going after a human, whose body rejected the bite. We will test him, if he is paralyzed, it isn't him."

"This test isn't foolproof by any means, but, you are absolutely sure that it's Jackson?" Tye asked as Derek glanced at him with lifted eyebrows at the words. "Just asking." He said under his breath.

"We don't know what happened to him on the full moon. He could have shifted and didn't remember, like Scott didn't remember with the bus driver at first. Or he changed into the Kanima, whatever happened, we will see. Erica's back." Derek remarked.

"I can quite literally, smell Jackson's fear from miles away." Tye noted and Erica was marching Jackson down the stairs and at the sight, Isaac grabbed the other arm and the two bitten Beta wolves forced him to stand still.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek asked rather bluntly and Tye was leaning back on a nearby pillar, and he was casually fidgeting with the vial of Kanima venom from hand to hand.

"What? Nothing. Nothing happened." Tye shook his head at Jackson's words, as he looked at Derek and they both came, to the exact same conclusion.

"You're lying." Derek said and he put on a glove, as he looked at Tye, whose eyes flashed as he handed the vial to his brother.

"No, wait. I-I can prove it. I videotaped myself that night, to see if anything happened. Nothing did."

"He is unfortunately not lying about the videotaping of himself, but, your heart skipped a beat when you said that nothing happened. So, Jackson, you are still lying about something here." Tye remarked as he stood up and he looked down at the guy, who absolutely stunk of fear. "What are you not telling us?"

"Nothing, man, you're crazy!" The guy shouted and both Isaac and Erica looked up at Tye, who was shaking his head.

Tye looked at Derek, who slowly walked over with the shard of mirror that the Kanima venom had been put onto. Tye moved to the side, careful not to let it touch him, lest he end up paralyzed as well.

Erica and Isaac had forced Jackson down to his knees and Isaac held his mouth open and Derek stopped in front of him with the shard in hand and Tye narrowed his eyes, watching the scene.

"You know, Jackson, you have kind of... always been kind of a snake to anyone. Everyone knows, that a snake can't be poisoned by its' own venom."

Derek tilted the shard until Jackson had a drop of venom in his mouth as he began to seize, as he lost control of his muscles and he lost all movement ability. "That answers that." Tye said quietly.

"You're still a snake, Jackson. Just not the one we're looking for." Derek said and Jackson looked at them from the floor, as Tye walked after him. "I really thought, that he was the one with this." Derek muttered under his breath and Tye sighed.

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