|Forty: Visionary|

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"I remember Paige." Tye said in a quiet voice and Peter looked over at him quickly, and Tye walked into the loft. "I remember Ennis' beta dying from an arrow through the throat, hung up in the distillery and cut in half, his claws plucked out of every finger. I-I remember all of it." Tye admitted and Peter sighed at the sight of him.

Cora looked at Tye, who nodded a little bit. "You were in the Nemeton with them, weren't you? For a full two days, you, Derek and Peter were down inside of the cellar of the Nemeton and you hid. Hide and heal, that is what we were taught." Cora explained to Stiles.

"Okay, so is two days like standard then? Or are we thinking that Derek is on, like, some sort of extended getaway?" Stiles asked.

"Stiles, shut up." Tye said and Stiles looked at him with sheer disbelief in his eyes. "You don't understand what you are saying, Stiles, it is not possible for you to understand... just by what you're seeing." Tye said.

"You are still defending your older brother, when he has just left us alone with the threat of the Alpha Pack hanging over his head?! Why?!" Stiles was suddenly slammed up against the support pillar by Tye, who roared in his face and Stiles looked terrified.

"Tye, stop, he doesn't get it." Freya said as she appeared next to Tye and he growled a little, before she shook her head and Tye let Stiles go. "It is different for losing a member of your pack, versus, losing a member of your family. It is two different feelings, two very different pains that tear through you." Freya said.

"Cora, do you remember Derek before he was an Alpha had blue eyes? Do you know why some werewolves have blue eyes?" Peter asked of Stiles, who shook his head as Tye's eyes glowed briefly and Freya's hand was in his.

"I always thought it was, like, a genetic thing. Tye, Derek, Beatrice, you. You all have blue eyes now." Stiles pointed out and Freya sighed.

"It isn't because of their genetics, Stiles, not this time. Cora, she has yellow eyes, Beatrice had yellow eyes too. So did Tye, Peter and Derek once." Freya admitted and her eyes glowed. "So did I."

"If you really want to know what changed Derek, then you need to know what changed the color of his eyes. Tye... do you, remember it well enough to tell it?" Peter asked and Tye sighed.

"I remember parts of it. Some of it vividly, other parts are... much harder to get through my head. You tell it and I'll jump in, if I remember something."

"Derek and Paige hated each other but they were also a rather... not so mature pair of teenagers so naturally, they fell in love. One day at the distillery, they were doing all the crap that teenagers do..." Peter looked over to Tye, who sighed at the look.

"Until the alphas and along with them, their packs arrived." Tye said and Freya nodded, as Stiles looked at them.

"Wait, wait, were you two there? At this meeting or gathering, of the packs or whatever?" Stiles asked and Freya nodded.

"Yeah, Stiles, we were. Laura, my older sister and I were sent as a pair of- well, you could have called us the youngest representatives, for the Hale Pack. Laura was next in line to be the alpha of our pack, so... whenever, our mother died and I was meant to learn so that if everyone else dies, then I would be ready." Tye explained.

"I was next in line for my mother's pack. I was the youngest of the Betas, in her pack by at least 6 years. But she had chosen me as her successor and as it were, she was not budging on it. We were both there with the alphas and the packs, watching as Ennis was mad with grief and rage at the hunters. We felt for him, but what could we do?"

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