|Forty-Eight: Suspicion|

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"Hello, little wolf." Freya's eyes glowed red at the familiar British voice on the other end of the line, as her eyes flashed and she let out a low growl.

"Deucalion." She replied and Deucalion chuckled softly at the words. "What do you want?" She practically growled the words into her cell phone and he sighed on the other end of the line.

"I heard through the grapevine of werewolves, that you are indeed an alpha now--"

"I'm not joining an Alpha Pack, Deucalion, not after how seeing exactly what you did to create yours and ruining my family in the process of it all." Freya snapped at once as he sighed.

"What I was going to say, if you kindly would let me finish all of my words, is that if you have been wondering where Tye has been and why he has been radio silent, he has been captured. Right along, with Derek and Peter." Freya growled at the words. "By whom, you are quite possibly thinking. I believe that you are quite, quite fully aware... of the hunting family known as the Calaveras?" Deucalion confirmed and Freya growled.

"The ones who have bullets, arrows and weapons, that are stamped with a skull." Freya said and Deucalion was chuckling. "Where the hell are they?"

"I have hired a mercenary by the name of Braeden, who is going to go and rescue Tye and Derek. Then as for Peter Hale, well, that will be up to her discretion." Deucalion explained and Freya sighed softly at the words.

"How do you know all of this?" Freya asked and Deucalion was silent on the other end for a few moments. "Duke?"

"You are the closest thing that I have left, to family and to a pack. I want to make sure that you are, as strong as you can be. Braeden, she will rescue them and Tye will come back to you. Although, I am rather sure, that the twins are taking good care of you." Deucalion's tone of voice, held some subjective and subtle undertones and Freya scoffed.

"Bye Duke." She said.

"You had just best take care of yourself out there, little alpha." The phone line went dead after that, and a moment later, Freya was looking up and she could sense as soon as they showed up, that it was the twins who were standing there.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost." Aiden said and Freya looked down at the ground, as she saw that when she lifted her hand to look at it, it was trembling. "Hey, you're okay."

Ethan had managed to quietly disappear up the stairs and Freya looked at Aiden, who quietly opened his arms in her direction with a silent offer in his eyes.

Freya walked into the hug and she shut her eyes, as she felt the shudders taking over. Aiden's arms wrapped around her and she was shaking her head. Freya quickly, she was burying her head into his shoulder and she started taking deep breaths, as she was trying her hardest, just to slow her heartbeat down before she shifted and tore the twins a new one. "Hey, breathe." She did her best to listen to Aiden and she focused, as she shook her head.

"It's not working." Freya whispered and she squeezed her eyes shut even tighter. "It isn't working." The last word was a growl and Aiden winced in pain and he felt her claws pricking his arm. "Get away from me." Freya's eyes shone red and Aiden shook his head.

"Just focus on my heartbeat, Freya, this isn't you." Aiden urged and she looked up at him, with glowing red eyes. "I'm not afraid of pain, I'm not afraid of blood... and I'm sure as hell, not afraid of you." Aiden said and she looked at the blood, that was coming out of his arm and silently, she looked at her claws. "Focus on my heartbeat and match it." Aiden murmured as she shut her eyes.

Aiden looked at one of her hands and he carefully took one in his as she had virtually no reaction, other than a low growl, as, she was entirely focused on trying not to shift. Aiden moved her hand until it was resting on his chest cavity and Freya's shift was slowing.

Freya's claws were the first to disappear, followed by the fangs and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes were brown again.

"You okay now?" Aiden asked as she surprised him, by throwing her arms around him in a hug.

"Thanks to you, Aiden. Thank you." A rare smile was on Aiden's face and he was nodding.

"No problem." Aiden murmured quietly and Freya smiled faintly at his words, right before she was walking away. "Not a problem." He muttered as he heard her dialing a number, as he couldn't help but listen.

"Hey Tye. If you are even getting, any of these messages from me... I just did want to check in. Or, whatever the word for checking in with someone who has ghosted you, for nearly a month and a half is, I guess. Well, I miss you Tye, if you even care. Talk to you later, or not, I guess." Freya hung up and she looked at her phone.

Aiden suddenly felt bad for how he had been feeling over the past month and a half, about how he had wanted Tye to stay away. But, it didn't really seem like Freya ever wanted it, to be that way.

"Great." Aiden muttered and he walked up the stairs, and swiftly, he went down the hallway until he was knocking on Ethan's door.

"What's wrong?" Ethan asked at once and Aiden looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Oh, come on. Your emotions are written all over your face, so, just spill the beans onto me already. What is wrong with you?"

"Tye still isn't responding." Aiden noted and Ethan scoffed at the words and Aiden shook his head. "What are you scoffing at?"

"You can hook up with Lydia Martin, all live long day. But, you are always tongue-tied and knotted up, whenever it comes to Freya. I just find it kind of funny." Ethan said and at the blunt words from his twin, Aiden growled softly at him. "If you want to growl, go ahead. But we both know that I am completely, all too right about this now." Ethan said and he looked at his brother. "You held back when we were on duty in the hospital for her, when we were dealing with the Darach--"

"Because the last thing that we needed to be responsible for, was killing Kali's daughter." Ethan was shaking his head at Aiden's words.

"You care about her, Aiden. I mean that, you really, really do. You need to tell her, before Tye comes back. I mean, once he is back in the picture for the permanent time-- Then, you won't have anything to talk about at all anymore." Ethan explained to him and now, Aiden was nodding a little at Ethan's words. "Go and talk to her."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going." Aiden muttered and Ethan was smiling a little bit and quickly, he was shooing his twin brother out of the room.

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