|Twenty-Eight: Fury|

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"That sound, what was it?" Derek asked and Dr. Deaton held up a dog whistle, as Tye unplugged his ears.

"Doc next time, could you give me a heads-up before you use the dog one, that thing hurts." Tye muttered.

Derek tried to get up and almost immediately staggered. It was Tye and Deaton who ran to grab him to support him. "You are going to be weak for several hours." Deaton said.

"That actually happened." Derek murmured.

"Don't worry, right now, you are still an alpha. But as usual, not a particularly competent one." Dr. Deaton said and Tye sighed, looking at the wound in his abdomen that was lucky for him, healing fairly quick.

"Where is he?" Derek asked at once.

"I wish I could tell you." Deaton admitted that he didn't know about Peter's current whereabouts.

"Then how about you tell me what you're doing here? And why you're helping me?" Derek asked.

"I told you, he was our Pack's Emissary. I tried to tell you, but you were convinced that he was the Alpha and you beat him unconscious." Tye explained.

"Correct. As for how I am here, it does seem as if Beatrice knows my whereabouts six out of the seven days of the week. She found me and pleaded for me to find you two here in your old home. I also made a promise to your mother." Deaton noted.

"You're the one that my sister and Tye, you two always talked about. You are a, kind of an advisor?" Derek was guessing.

"She was right and so is Tye, who was trying to explain as well. And I have some advice that both of you need to listen to very closely, right now." Deaton said and Tye stood at his brother's side, as he looked over at Deaton. "What Peter managed to do, doesn't come without a price. He will be physically weak, so he will rely on the strength of his wide range of intelligence, his cunning, he is going to come at you both. He will try to twist his way inside of your heads, preying on all of your insecurities. He will tell you, that he is the only way you can stop Gerard. Do not listen to him, do not trust him." Deaton explained.

"I don't trust anyone." Derek noted and Tye cleared his throat, as Derek looked over his shoulder. "Other than you." Derek amended.

"I know. If you did trust anyone other than Tye and Beatrice, you might be the alpha, that you would like to think that you are. And unfortunately, the one person that you should trust, doesn't trust you at all." Deaton explained.

"Scott." Derek said.

"He is with Stilinski right now. You need to find him and as it were, you need to find him as fast as you can. I have known Gerard for a long, long time. He always has a plan and now something tells me, that it is going exactly the way that he wants it to."

"I have got my motorcycle." Tye murmured and Derek nodded a little bit. "Thanks Doctor Deaton." Tye said and Deaton nodded, as the brothers took off.

Tye drove quickly and the two made it to the Sheriff's station, as he got off of the bike. Derek was paralyzed and Tye had managed to avoid Jackson, as he disappeared deeper into the Sheriff's station.

Tye found himself facing Sheriff Stilinski, handcuffed to a pipe. "You're cuffed to a pipe? Jesus." Tye said and Stilinski looked up.

"What in the hell are you doing here, Tye?" Stilinski asked as Tye was shushing him quickly. "Is Matt still here?"

"Who?" Tye asked.

"Never mind. He has the keys to these handcuffs." Stilinski said and Tye cursed.

"I don't need keys. Just... please just hold still... for a second or two." Tye said and Stilinski looked confused, as Tye ripped the handcuffs apart and he was freed.

"What the..."

"Adrenaline. I have to find my brother, he's here too. Just stay here until you hear a weird sound." Tye said.

"A weird... wait!"

But Tye, he had already taken off running down the hallway and for someone who had only been there once, he had a good feel for it. Until he ran into Jackson. "Seriously?" He asked and ducked a swing, as he was moving and forcing Jackson to follow him. Only to lock him in a room.

Tye skidded to a stop and he found that Derek and Stiles were both on the ground. "Derek..."

"Arm, claws, bleed, now!" Derek snapped and Tye crouched next to him and looked at him. He clenched his fists and Derek gritted his teeth as blood was running down his arm. As he was suddenly moving again as Tye ducked and spun, and gunfire tore through the station.

Tye fought the Kanima alongside Derek, until it fled as they both looked at one another. "You okay?" Tye asked and Derek nodded. "Allison is after you, her mom's gone." He said and Derek nodded.

"Let's go." Derek murmured as they took off running together, Tye ran for the motorcycle as they drove off real quickly.

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