[ PART II - Fierce Emotions ]

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Things are changing in Beacon Hills.

Tye, Derek and Cora have left Beacon Hills, so that for Cora, she could get to go back to her pack in South America.

Beatrice chose to pledge herself to Freya's new pack, which was Freya, Ethan and Aiden and now, Beatrice so far.

The twins are a lot weaker than they were as a pair of alphas, which was to be expected, but being a part of a pack was helping exponentially.

For Freya, leading her own pack was always something that she was hoping, would come one day.

But she never, ever expected it that way, for her to gain the spark and to finally become an alpha, when it was to be, at the cost, of her mother Kali's life.

Now that she has a pack to think about, Freya has virtually no time for herself anymore. Adding to the stress, is the fact that she is getting daily calls about people wanting her to keep eyes on Scott, Stiles and Allison, all of whom had died and been resurrected, giving a power back to the Nemeton for the first time, in a very long time.

Which is not good.

Not at all.


The fight has come back to Beacon Hills. But this time, it is the packs against the world as a Deadpool tears apart the supernatural community of Beacon Hills and everyone gets involved... only to realize that the one who started it all may be closer than they ever expected.

Derek Hale is missing.

Mysterious murders, the Supernatural community in Beacon Hills is on edge.

Scott McCall and Tye Hale are two alphas working to figure out how and why so many people are being murdered in their town, but it is getting harder and harder to understand. Then, there was the missing money from the Hale Vault.

They must rely on themselves and their packs in order to survive this ordeal, especially when old enemies and new come back to town with one goal... kill them all.


Six months of peace.

Six months since Kate Argent had disappeared off of the radar, six months since Peter Hale had been locked up and away in Eichen House, six months since Tye Hale had become an alpha and a leader in his own right.

But nothing can last forever, especially not peace and most especially, not in the California small-town of Beacon Hills.


Danny Ramirez ~ Tye Hale

Sydney Wade ~ Beatrice Hale

Madison Bailey ~ Freya

[ Season 3B - 6B ]

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