|Thirty-One: Tattoo|

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Tye was doing pushups in the loft as Derek occasionally glanced over to his brother, who was silently focused on what he was doing. "Is there any news from Isaac?" Tye asked as he stopped his workout, when he started smelling Derek's anxiety at the words.

"Not yet... I have no idea where he is or where he could be." Derek said and Tye stood up from the floor, as he was shrugging a little. "Aren't you worried?"

"Did you seriously, in all, all seriousness... did you just ask me that Derek?" Tye asked and Derek looked a bit done with life, as Tye sighed. "I am just as worried as you are, okay? I just need to know that you are okay, then I can help out the others." Tye said and Derek nodded.

"The Alpha Pack is in our town, T, on our territory. We need, to find them... before they find us." Derek said as he looked at Tye, who nodded, as he was going to grab a shirt in silence.

"Should we call-"

"No." Derek didn't even mean to let Tye finish his sentence, as Tye walked back down the stairs and he sighed at the sharp word.

"You don't even know, who I was going to say." Tye pointed out to him and Derek sighed.

"As much as I appreciate the concerns, and as much as we need help, we can't be taking up Beatrice's time. She pays her way, in order, to go to Devenford Prep. We can't just take it all away from her, she refuses to be transferred to Beacon Hills High, so, I don't see how she would be happy with us calling her." Derek pointed out and Tye sighed, as he was quietly scratching the back of his head.

"What about Peter?" Tye asked hesitantly and Derek wasted no time in rolling his eyes at the words, at the mere suggestion of it. "Okay, that is a fair enough reaction, very fair, to me mentioning the name of the certain Hale." He said.

"Do we know anybody else, who could help us? Anyone else other than the Betas, who are in school?" Derek asked and Tye was shaking his head a little bit. "Crap." Derek muttered at the realization.

"Crap." Tye agreed and then quietly he looked over at the wall, where the alarm was set up on one of their loft's support beams. "Derek?"

"Yeah, Tye?" Derek asked and he turned to look at his brother, Tye, who was still watching the alarm in a considerate silence. "Tye?" Derek asked again.

"Do you think that they will just kill us? I mean, will they kill us, if they do find us here?" Tye asked and Derek's eyes shone red and he looked over at Tye, whose eyes shone icy blue in a reaction, to being in the presence of an alpha. Specifically, his alpha.

"Tye, they won't get near you unless I'm dead." Derek promised and Tye's eyes returned back to brown as Derek allowed the red glow, to be eventually just fading from his eyes.

Tye's phone went off suddenly and Tye's eyes narrowed in confusion, as he picked up the phone.

"B? What-what is going on?" Tye asked as Derek's phone was also, at least to his ears, ringing as well.

"Tye, I need your help! One of them is here, one of them is at Devenford!" She sounded understandably frantic and a moment later, Tye heard a crash on the other end of the line and the phone went dead.

"B? Beatrice?" He asked and the phone clicked dead, as he looked at Derek and neither of them had to say a word.

Derek had taken off in the Camaro to the hospital, while Tye took off on his motorcycle to find Beatrice.

Tye hardly stopped to park his motorcycle even, before he was running right into the school.

Tye, he found Brett before he found Beatrice, as the beta was leaning on a support beam of the school. "Where is she, Brett?" Tye asked and Brett spat blood to the side.

"Locker room. Hurry." Brett said and Tye nodded, as Tye reached out, and he took some of Brett's pain. "Go!" He shouted.

Tye stood up and he heard a familiar scream, as he took off running toward the locker room again.

Tye didn't stop moving, snapping out his claws as he ran and the snarl of an alpha was heard. Tye rammed into the alpha from behind and she roared in pain, as his claws were sinking into her shoulders.

Tye was suddenly thrown off and he landed hard next to Beatrice, who had blood all over her and a various amount of scratches and claw marks as he snarled. He turned back to face the alpha, only to realize that he could place where he had seen her before.

"Wait... Kali?" Tye asked and the red-eyed female werewolf bared her fangs at the sound of her name, as Tye growled and, swiftly, he flipped back up onto his feet. Tye stood like a solid wall, between Kali and Beatrice, who was struggling to get up. "Do you know who I am?" Tye asked and Kali snarled uncertainly and she tilted her head to the side as she looked at him.

"You're the younger Hale kid, aren't you? You were the other one that Talia, she always brought you to the meetings with Laura." Kali said through her fangs and Tye was nodding slightly. "But your wolf eyes, they are blue, not red." Kali murmured.

"Laura died, she was killed by my uncle Peter on the full moon, months ago now. My brother slashed Peter's throat, as was his right as the oldest living member of our family. He is the alpha." Tye said and Kali looked over his shoulder at Beatrice, who had just managed to get up onto her feet again only, to fall back down.

"Who are you, young one?" Kali questioned, her tone of voice, it was almost gentle. Beatrice looked at Tye uncertainly, as he nodded.

"Beat-Beatrice Hale." Beatrice stuttered out her name, tripping over the words and Tye looked back at Kali whose claws had disappeared and her fangs... they were now, returning to their normal teeth.

"I misunderstood the orders, my apologies. I was told to... to go after someone who looked like Talia. You were not my intended target, either of you." Kali admitted and Tye looked at her. "We are here for your brother, Tye, you should remember that."

"You can't have him." Tye said as Beatrice was trying to get up again and she rather continously, fell back onto the floor. "I won't allow it." He said and Kali sighed at the words.

"Spoken as an alpha should be speaking. Unless either of you, are the ones to attack first, this offer is by my word." Kali stated.

"What offer?" Beatrice spat out and Kali looked at her, as Tye backed a bit away from Kali to help up Beatrice, as his little cousin was struggling.

"I made a promise to your mother Tye, before the fire that I would be a protector of sorts. I failed in that duty, when the fire first burned. I will not have that, on my conscious mind again. Stay out of our way."

"Don't hurt Derek." Tye said and at Tye's desperation-filled words, Kali looked at him with a briefly sad smile.

"That, young wolf, I cannot promise." Kali was gone before Tye could even think of responding and at the sight of her not being there at all anymore, Tye was picking up Beatrice and carrying her out of the school. He gave Derek a call and Derek drove up, as Brett had been picked up by a few older members of Satomi's pack.

Tye helped Beatrice inside and Derek's eyes glowed, as Tye was leaning back against the seat.

They drove back to the loft and Derek's eyes flashed in a fury, as he helped Beatrice up the stairs and Tye was left to lock up the car.

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