|Eight: Catching Up|

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"You've been in Beacon Hills this whole time?" Derek asked as Beatrice followed Derek and Tye into the burnt Hale House.

"Yeah, I have. I found a big pack in Beacon County, I got out of the fire thanks to Dad... which is how I'm assuming, you got out." She pointed at Tye, who nodded slightly.

"Yeah. Peter got me out and couldn't get himself out the same way. I could have come back for you, why didn't you call?" Tye asked and he held up his cellphone, as Beatrice sighed.

"Look, I found myself alone in the woods. I was 9 years old and I was damn lucky that I didn't get eaten by something bigger and hungrier than I was. Satomi Ito took me in, she made me a part of her pack." Beatrice said and Tye's eyes shot wide open. "Knew that at least one of you would be able to remember her. She used to bring the tea to us. The purple reishi tea or whatever it was, I always thought it smelled funny. But, now, I just drink it rather consistently." Beatrice explains and Tye chuckled.

"While that is still hilarious for us to hear and all, you still should've called us. Or at least tried." Derek said and Beatrice looked at the oldest of them in the house, who was staring at the two of them.

"Well, nice to see that you haven't changed." Beatrice noted and Derek sighed, as Beatrice looked around the ruined house and her eyes glowed a bit. Tye looked at her and her eyes were still a golden yellow, as his eyes glowed as well. "What happened?" She asked.

"I mercy-killed a werewolf dying of wolfsbane poisoning." Tye explained as he blinked and the glow disappears from his eyes at once. "I haven't seen you around Beacon Hills High so what school do you go to?" Tye asked.

"I go to Devenford. Along with a few other, younger members of Satomi's pack." Beatrice said as she looked down at her forearm, where there were multiple tattoos.

"Did you do those yourself?" Tye questioned as they walked out of the ruined house, and Beatrice retrieved her backpack and her lacrosse bag from the backseat of Derek's car.

"Yeah, except for the crossed lacrosse sticks. The stacked rocks... I did those with a couple of candles and some thin matches. The triskelion, I've had since before the fire as you know. The black wolf with red eyes, was supposed to be a way to honor Aunt Talia." Beatrice said and she rolled down her sleeve to cover them again.

"Well, I for one, think that you succeeded with it." Tye said with a small smile and he looked over at Beatrice's lacrosse stick, as he held out his hand with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't break it." Beatrice warned as Tye scoffed at the words and she was handing it over to him, and he held it very carefully in his hands.

"I'm not Derek, Bea." Tye reminded her and Beatrice grinned a little at the sound of her childhood nickname and he handed it back to her. Beatrice was putting it back into her bag, when she heard a low howl coming from far far away. "That for you?" Tye asked at the sound, as she sighed.

"Yep. Satomi's pack now seems to think, that it's smart to be howling at every opportunity because you two are back in town." Beatrice remarked and she now had her duffel bag on, across her back and her backpack was restin' on top of it. "Is there anyone that you need me to keep an eye on?" She asked and Tye sighed.

"If you ever play lacrosse against Beacon Hills High school, can you keep an eye on Scott McCall? He is, the werewolf that got bitten by the murderous new alpha in town." Tye said and Beatrice sighed at the words for a second.

"This town never really gets any less hectic to live in, does it?" It was clearly a rhetorical question, as Beatrice was growling faintly. "I can do that, how long has he been a werewolf?" She was asking and Tye laughed.

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