|Thirty-Eight: Currents|

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Tye woke up to nearly a dozen messages from Peter, Cora and Derek on his phone. Tye sat up sharply with a loud grunt of pain and Freya walked into the room at the noise.

"Derek is alive." He said and Freya looked at him with a small nod, as she was shaking and she walked into the room, as her entire body was shaking and Tye could suddenly smell it, what emotion he had missed. There was all of a sudden, the scents of grief and of sadness. "Freya... what's wrong?" Tye asked softly and she looked up at him.

"Ethan just called me, he wanted me to give you guys a warning. If Derek doesn't join our pack and kill you all, then we... they will kill him." Freya murmured and Tye's eyes flashed.

"But why the ultimatum right now, of all the times? Why is it, now, of all the times?" Tye asked and to his stunned silence, Freya's tears started to fall in droves. "Freya?" He asked softly.

"Because Dad... My dad, he was the only one who died of his wounds as it were and unfortunately for them, Derek is still alive." Freya murmured and Tye moved his arms around her at once, and silently, she buried her head into his chest. "My dad is dead." Freya whispered and Tye felt the grief rising.

"I'm sorry, Frey, I really am." Tye whispered as he used the nickname for her, that they had made up when they were kids. "I am so sorry." He said.

"He tried to kill you and Derek and... and he broke Cora's arm, so why are you the hell, are you now... apologizing to me?" Freya asked softly and Tye looked at her.

"Because while I may not have cared about your dad, you were once a best friend of mine." Tye said and Freya's eyes flashed icy blue.

"What am I now?" Freya asked and Tye shrugged a little bit, as she looked at where the wound had been almost killing him. "You healed altogether... overnight, from a wound that was inflicted by the merged form of the twins. I have never seen anyone, with one of their wounds to heal that quickly since I have known the two of them."

"I'm a Hale." Tye said simply and Freya, she punched him in the ribs for the comment and Tye chuckled softly at the contact. "Nice punch." He said.

"Tye!" Beatrice kicked open the door and Tye stood up at once, as he looked at her. "Derek needs us all at the loft, now." Beatrice said and Freya stood up at once, as Beatrice looked at her and she sighed.

"They are coming. I mean, it is the rest... the rest of the Alphas in the pack, they are all going to be coming for Derek tonight." Beatrice said and Freya sighed.

"That does track with what happened, unfortunately. My father is dead, the rest of the pack is out for blood. Ethan and Aiden along with Kali. But I highly, highly doubt that Decaulion will make an appearance." Freya said and at the words, Tye's eyes flashed.

"Let's go." Tye said as he quickly grabbed his jacket. Freya glanced over at Beatrice, who shrugged and they all left the building.

~ Derek's Loft ~

"Sorry we're late." Tye said as he walked immediately to Derek, who accepted the familiar hug. "Thank god you're alive." He said and Derek nods.

"Are you okay? I heard something about a punctured lung?" Derek asked and Tye nodded.

"I'm good." Tye said as Beatrice and Freya followed him quickly into the loft. At the sight of Freya, Cora was growling loudly and Derek growled a bit. "If she hadn't helped us when she did, then, neither of us would be here right now." Tye insisted and Derek was the first to stop growling.

"You-you killed my father." Freya said to Derek and he nodded a little at the words as she shook her head. "But I'm here to help." She said.

"Really, are you?" Derek asked and Freya sighed at the anger in his face and she nodded. "Tye?" He asked and Freya looked over at Tye, who nodded and was ready for a fight if it was really and truly needed.

"I wouldn't have brought Freya here, if I didn't trust her." Tye reminded his brother as Derek nodded at the words and he looked at Freya.

"You always came whenever the Alphas showed up to visit our mom for advice." Derek said and Freya nodded at the words. "Don't prove that my instincts about you being a traitor, to be right." Derek said and Freya nodded slightly at the words and Derek looked at Tye. "You're sure?"

"Yeah." Tye said and Derek sighed at the words before he nodded a little bit at the words.

"I'm not going to start getting in the habit of arguing with my brother now because, I know that I won't win." He said and Tye sighed with relief.

"So, do you have a plan?"


"Go back to school." Derek said as soon as the loft door opened to reveal Isaac and Boyd and, Derek was sitting on the spiral staircase.

Tye and Freya were exercising in the corner of the room, just competing to see who could do more. "What the hell is she doing here?" Isaac asked and Freya sighed.

"She's here to help, Isaac, which you would know if you paid attention by the fact that neither Derek, Cora, myself or Beatrice have claw marks all over us." Tye said icily and Isaac gave up on that, as he glared at Freya.

"Well, actually, we can't go back to school. Boyd and I we are incredibly and unbelievably sick." Isaac replied to Derek.

"With what, brain damage?" Derek asked and Tye snickered at the words and even Freya managed to smile a little bit at the words.

"Well, I have a migraine and, uh Boyd here has explosive diarrhea."

Tye spat out his water that he was drinking at the excuse for Boyd and he was trembling with laughter, as he was shaking his head.

"We're here to protect you." Boyd explained the proper reason, most likely to get Tye to stop laughing at the excuses, that Isaac had made up for them both.

"You're here to protect me? Well, I'm in trouble then." Derek declared and a moment later, Tye and Freya were joining them to look at whatever Boyd had in his bag.

"Well, actually, Boyd here came up with a plan." Isaac said as he started to flip through the book.

"What's your plan, Boyd?" Tye asked.

"Yeah, I thought about the time that Gerard had me and Erica locked up, we were tied up with electrical wires that were pushing current through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that. But on a bigger scale for this." Boyd explained and he held up a big bunch of electrical wires as Tye chuckled a little bit at the sight.

"It will be a relief to see that being used on someone, who isn't a member of our pack." Tye noted and Derek was nodding a little. "So, Boyd, what do you need?" Tye asked.

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