|Twenty-Nine: Battlefield|

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"Derek." Tye murmured and Derek turned around, swiftly snapping the book closed.

"You decided." Derek said and standing there in front of the Hales was Erica and Boyd, who looked at them. "When?" He asked.

"Tonight." Erica admitted and Tye looked at Derek, as they both knew that it was a serious blow to their power, to all of their power.

"Everyone is going to be at the game. We figured that it was the best time." Boyd explained.

"It's not like we want to." Erica murmured and Tye tilted his head at the words, as he was shaking his head a little.

"You're going to disappear? Leave town, leave your pack, your alpha and your power behind, because you need to run scared?" Tye asked.

"Is that not what you did?" Erica shot back and Tye flinched noticeably at the words, as his hand moved up to rest on his abdomen, where the scars from the fire lay. "You left and ran."

"That was different." Tye whispered and he looked down as now his entire body was trembling, trying to hold back the shift.

"How? How is it different..."

"Because I was on my own!" Tye roared and Erica backed up at the roar. "I was twelve years old and for all I knew, Derek and Laura had been shot and killed by the same hunters that had burned down the house!" He said and he shook his head, as painful tears were starting to fall. "I was twelve years old, when my entire life was burned to the ground." Tye said.

"We didn't know--"

"No, Boyd. You never asked." Tye corrected and Boyd slammed his jaw shut and Tye sat down on the floor in silence, as he started flipping through books again.

"You two want to look for another pack." Derek realized and Tye looked up a little and he realized how pained his older brother's voice was. "How are you even going to find one?" He asked.

"We think that we already did." It was news to Tye, who looked at Derek and it occurred to them both, what had happened. If there was another pack in Beacon Hills, other than the one that Beatrice is in...

"All of a sudden, we just heard all of this howlin'." Tye was standing up again at the description, and he was now just putting the books to the side in silence. "It was unbelievable."

"It must have been a dozen of them." Boyd explained further.

"Maybe more." Erica said with a grim smile and Tye was shaking his head at them.

"Yeah or maybe only two. You know what the bozurs effect is? If, any or all of these wolves modulate their howls with a rapid shift in tone, two wolves can sound like twenty." Derek said.

"Look, that doesn't matter to us okay? There is another pack out there, there's got to be. We have made up our minds." Erica said and Tye looked at Derek, who looked like he was pissed.

"We're leaving." Boyd said.

"No. No, you're running. And once you start running in this life? You will never stop running. You will always be running." Derek finished and then suddenly, Tye was growling.

Derek flung a shard of mirror and nearly killed Peter again and he was standing in front of them with Beatrice.

"For the record, I was already coming before he showed up. I didn't time this on purpose." She said and Tye nodded a little bit and he moved his head and Beatrice moved over, to stand next to him.

Derek was beating Peter now up and down the burned Hale House and Tye was looking at Beatrice, who was tracing the tattoo of the triskele on her arm.

"Hey, Bea what are you really doing here? Shouldn't you be with Brett and your pack?" Tye asked and Beatrice had her eyes closed and Beatrice was shaking her head. "Bea, why are your eyes closed?"

"I broke the rule." Beatrice whispered and Tye shook his head in confusion a bit and when she opened her eyes, he understood why.

They shone a dim icy blue, just like Derek's had once done, just like Tye's do and like how Peter's do now, that he is an Omega again. "Beatrice, what happened?" Tye asked.

"A group of hunters, they cornered our junior pack. Me, Brett and a few others and I told them to get into the school again, a place that we all knew well. I didn't realize that Brett had came back and I had an arrow in my leg, he had one in his back. A hunter had caught up and without thinking, I thought he had a gun and my claws moved. Next thing I knew, I was covered in blood and the rest of the hunters had been knocked out or taken care of by Satomi, someone had called her to the school." Beatrice whispered and Tye's arms went around her at once and he felt her shaking. "Can I be a part of your pack?" Beatrice asked quietly and Tye looked up, and Derek was standing in the doorway again.

"You are, with us now." Derek said and Beatrice looked at him, and she was running to hug him and Derek was nodding at the hug. "Now come on, we need to figure out how to stop the Kanima." Derek said and Beatrice nodded.

"How can I help?" Beatrice asked.

"We need Lydia." Peter said and Beatrice growled at the words and he turned around to look at her. "You grew." Peter said.

"You only got shorter." Beatrice said coldly and Peter looked surprised at the words. "I'm here for Derek and Tye, you should go back to being dead or comatose, at least then you didn't speak." Beatrice said coldly.

"You killed someone."

"I agree with her. We find Lydia and you can go screw yourself, Peter, we don't care where you go." Tye said as Beatrice's phone rang in her pocket as she looked at it, then at Tye. "Go ahead." Tye murmured and Beatrice disappeared into the woods quickly to take the call. "So, we find Scott and we tell him our... half of a plan?" Tye asks and Derek nodded. "Goodie. Let's go."

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