|Four: Second Chance At First Line (II)|

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"Derek!" A loud shout came from outside of their house and Tye sighed at the sight of Scott outside of their window.

"Go figure. It was about time, that he showed up, I was expecting to see him sooner." Tye noted and Derek glanced at him. "You wanna handle this?" Tye asked and Derek nodded quickly.

"Derek!" Another incredibly angry shout came from outside of the house and Derek appeared around the side of the house, as Scott looked stunned to see him there. "Stay away from her! She doesn't know, anything!"

"Yeah? What if she does?" Derek asked as he hopped down from the porch to the ground as he walked to Scott, who was angrily breathing and it was heavier than normal. "What, you think that your little buddy Stiles can just google werewolves and now, you've got all the answers, is that it?"

Scott looked shock and partially stunned at the amount of knowledge that Derek had, while Tye walked out from within the ruined house to see Scott's reaction to the words in person rather than via earshot.

"You don't get it yet, Scott, but I'm looking out for you. Just think about what could happen. You're out on the field, the aggression takes over and it happens. You shift, in front of every person, everyone there." Derek said as he reached down and he picked up the lacrosse stick. "Your mom, all your friends, and when they see you," His claws shredded the net as Scott's rage was building. "Everything falls apart."

With that, Derek pulled another one of his disappearing acts and he tossed the lacrosse stick at Scott, while Scott was looking at Tye. "He's right, Scott, I swear." Tye admitted and Scott looked at him, before Tye also disappeared to follow Derek.

The next day, Tye was protesting it profusely as Derek was taken by the Sheriff's department. "Hey, hey, hey, my brother didn't do anything!" Tye pleaded.

"Tye, it'll be fine, you will be completely fine, all right." Derek said and Tye looked at him, shaking with a lot of pain.

"Can I have a minute?" Tye asked as he looked at the officers, who looked at the Sherriff for directions. "He's the last family I have left, please, Sheriff." Tye said and Sheriff Stilinski nodded.

"Son, you've got five minutes. You sit in the police cruiser though." It was better than nothing and Tye was looking at Derek, as they both got into the cruiser and Tye immediately was hugging him.

"Derek..." Tye said.

"No. They have nothing on me. The only thing that they have is the other half of the body, okay? Tye, I will be out of these cuffs in a day. They don't have anythin' on me, I promise you, I wouldn't ever lie about something like this, especially not when we have lost so much already." Derek said and Tye nodded a little. "Hey T, all you have to do is stay strong and watch out for the duo of utter idiots over there, okay? In case we don't talk again-"

"Five minutes are up, gentlemen."

"Thank you, Sheriff." Tye said as he got out of the car and Sheriff Stilinski nodded.

"I'm just sorry that you had to see your brother get put in handcuffs... are you gonna be all right here on your own, son?" He asked.

"Yes sir, thank you, I will be all right for a good while." Tye said quietly and he sat on the edge of the steps, as the police cars drove away and now, it was only Scott and Stiles standing in front of him. "Derek didn't kill her."

"How do you know?" Scott asked.

"Because her name is Laura, you idiots. My brother would not have killed her, but he would have killed for her, if she asked him to." With that, Tye turned on his heel and he disappeared into the house with a harsh slam of the door that nearly broke it off.

The next day, Tye was stuck now on the bench with Coach Finstock as well as the team, watching a hell of a game of lacrosse.

After Scott McCall had gotten real pissed, he had begun to shift even a little bit, the tide had turned for them in a series of incredibly acrobatic sort of moves that were basically not even possible for any human.

Tye shook his head once again at the sight when he saw that Scott was once again running away, and he looked at Sheriff Stilinski, who had his hand on his shoulder. "Sheriff?" Tye asked and Sheriff Stilinski sighed.

"I'm sorry about what we put you through this morning it was totally unnecessary. Your brother has been released." Sheriff Stilinski said and Tye looked like he was about to cry.

"Thank you, Sheriff." Tye said and instead of celebrating with the team, he took off running swiftly toward the parking lot, heading for his bike.

"Headed home so soon?" Tye turned around quickly and he saw that Derek was half-leaning against the school, as Tye drops his helmet onto the ground.

"Not anymore." Tye said and he walked straight into the fierce hug that Derek gave him, which Tye gave him one right back. "Those idiots." He said and Derek nodded.

"They finally managed to I.D her as Laura. We shouldn't have, any more problems from them. Did Scott shift on the field tonight?" Derek asked and Tye nodded quickly as Derek growled and Tye sighed.

"I'm sorry, Derek, I should have just found a way-" Derek shook his head at him.

"Don't apologize. Let's just get home and get some rest, you honestly look like you haven't slept in a week." He said.

"I haven't." Tye muttered.

"What was that?" Derek asked.

"Nothing. Let's just go home." Tye suggested and Derek was nodding quickly, as they both walked away with grim smiles on their faces and they looked more like siblings, than ever before.

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