|Thirty-Five: Unleashed|

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"I came back for this?" Tye heard Cora shouting loudly, presumably at Derek and he was walking back into the loft, looking at his siblings as they argued. "I can't believe that I got my ass thrown in a vault for three months for you." Cora said.

"He's doing the best he can, Cora, for awhile... all he had was me." Tye said and Cora scoffed.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were alive either?" Cora asked and she turned her anger on Tye, who was still healing from the night before. "I thought that you were the alpha, a alpha that everyone, everyone who would be talking about."

"Derek's the alpha, not me." Tye said and Cora looked over at him and she shook her head.

"All those rumors I heard. A powerful new Alpha, one of the Hales, building a pack. Do you know how long I waited to hear something like that?! Do either of you have any idea how it felt for me to find out that you were alive?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Derek said and Tye could smell the pain on his brother, until he looked up at a partially-familiar scent touched his nose.

"Derek... we have a problem." Tye warned only seconds before the loft's alarm suddenly started to blare. Tye snapped out his claws and his eyes were glowing. "If I'm right about who this is, then we are all now... so completely screwed." Tye said.

"What's that?" Cora asked.



The door was sliding open as Tye's eyes glowed icy blue. "Ennis!" He said at once and Ennis snarled at the sight of him.

"Long time no see, Tye Hale." Ennis growled and Derek looked at Tye with surprise in his eyes, but there was no time to discuss it as suddenly without any seconds of any warning, Cora was running at Ennis.

Ennis, who rather was easily able to catch her by the throat and Cora was slammed hard into the ground, as she was still healing.

"Ennis, let her go!" Tye snarled through his fangs, but Ennis' eyes were squarely on Derek.

"Ready for a rematch?!" Ennis growled and Kali came into the loft along with a girl, who looked almost the same age as Tye.

Tye's eyes widened at the sight of them both, as he growled sharply at the sight of them both. "Kali, you're on our turf. Ennis you too. Both of you, and whoever you are, leave now!" He said coldly through a growl.

"You do sound like an Alpha. Your mother did make the right choices to bring you." Ennis said with a low growl and a smirk.

"Tye?" Derek asked.

"Not important. Get your asses, out of our home, now!" Tye snarled and, yet, they came anyway.

Kali lunged for Derek and immediately, Tye got into her way and he roared in her face. Tye avoided the strikes, until the girl who came with them, stabbed her claws into his side and Tye roared in pain, as he kicked her away and lunged forward at her.

Derek took on Kali, while Tye was looking at the claw marks in his side and he was shaking his head.

"Freya?" He asked and she tilted her head to the side, as growled a little bit at the sound of her name.

"It is actually kind of real nice to see you too, Tye." Freya said and Tye clawed at her in a fury, until he heard a screaming roar from Derek.

Tye spun around and saw that Kali had put a pipe through Derek's spine and Tye looked between where she was holding the pipe, Ennis still had Cora pinned into the ground and Tye was stuck between all three of them and now, he was the only one on his feet.

He heard a stick tapping against the floor and Tye looked up to see that it was Decaulion. "You let them keep a Beta, I see." Tye noted coldly as it was Decaulion, who looked directly at him and Tye deduced that he was just now following, his voice.

"My, my... Is that young Tyler Hale that I hear?" Decaulion asked as Tye growled. "Oh, my apologies. You did prefer Tye, did you not?"

"Good guess." Tye growled and Decaulion chuckled softly at the angered tone in his voice, which by the laughter, it meant that he could smell the desperation underneath it.

"I tend to make an exception, so that Kali and Ennis... they did not have to kill their own child." Derek's eyes widened at the words, and Tye's eyes flashed. "But you already knew that. You have always had, the best sense of smell. You scented Cora and tracked her from miles away, I understand that you knew Kali and Ennis were coming immediately. As I understand it, you even managed to be the second to figure out, that your Uncle killed your sister."

"You won't help convince me of anything, by flattering me or listing things that I have done. Let my siblings go, then we can talk." Tye suggested with a tone that said, it was not really a suggestion at all.

"Spoken like an alpha. But unfortunately for you, we have things to discuss with Derek... the one who has the red, familiar eyes of an alpha. You are no longer needed." Decaulion said.

"So, you are basically saying to me that as an Evolved Beta werewolf that I am completely useless?" Tye asked and at that, all three of the enhanced Alphas looked at him. "Oh, so that got your attention." Tye said coldly.

"How do we know that you're not lying?" Kali asked and Tye looked at Cora, who was hesitating at the sight of his look.

Tye walked out of the loft and went around the side. Kali and Ennis, along with Freya waited patiently and a low howl came out of the doorway.

A large black wolf loped into the loft once again into the same area as they were in. Then, when they looked for the eyes, they shone icy blue, just like Tye's had.

"I will be damned." Freya said quietly and she looked over at her mother, Kali, whose jaw had nearly hit the floor at the sight. Ennis, he looked shocked as well.

Cora retrieved Tye's clothes as Tye stood up and he quickly pulled on his clothes, looking at the rest of them, in a calculated way. "Do I have a say now?" He asked and they looked to Decaulion.

"We will finish this discussion another time." Decaulion said and Kali pulled the pipe quickly out of poor Derek's back and now, it was Ennis who was staring at Tye, who stared right back.

Kali and Decaulion, they were the first ones to leave and then followed by Ennis and Freya looked back at them, and then at the sight of Tye and Cora standing protectively around the severely injured Derek, her eyes flashed icy blue.

"Is it really, that worth it, to be the only Beta in a pack of Alphas?" Tye asked and Freya stared right at him.

"You have your family, I have mine." With those final words, Freya turned around and left.

"You have-- You have some serious explaining to do." Derek whispered and Tye looked back at his brother as he nodded.

"I know I do." Tye murmured as he went to slide the door shut to the loft with a nod. "I'll explain, I swear. But heal first, then I'll explain."

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