|Forty-Five: Lunar Eclipse (III)|

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Freya was running at Jennifer, who casually waved her away and Freya's legs and arms, they suddenly felt utterly numb, like they couldn't hold her weight. "Mom." She whispered as Jennifer was holding up the glass, by force of her own power. "Mom, Mom, run!" She shouted and the glass was rising.

Kali looked at Freya, who was now crying as she realized what was going to happen. "Mom, please!" Freya cried and Kali shook her head and to her shock, Kali's eyes were welling with tears.

"I should have ripped your head off!" Kali screamed at Jennifer, who let out a angered and terrible scream of her own, as glass pierced Kali's head and her brain, right along with the rest of her vital spots.

Freya was screaming at the sight of her mother as Kali fell dead and Freya sobbed and blood was pooling around the body and Freya slammed her eyes shut as she cried.

"Why?" Freya asked as she asked the question she knew in her heart, what the answer already was.

"She destroyed my life." Jennifer said simply as Tye was swiftly moving over to Freya, who was shuddering in place.

"Come here." Tye whispered and Freya buried her head into his chest as she was crying terrible tears, and then out of nowhere, Tye... he heard a very familiar growl. He looked up and the twins had formed their big wolf.

Then suddenly with a quick snap of the neck, the big wolf fell and Freya's eyes were closing, not even wanting to see the body of the massive wolf.

Tye was holding Freya tightly against him and she didn't even want to move which was understandable at the moment. Everywhere she looked in every direction, there was a body that she cared about.

Cora and Beatrice were both doing their best to comfort Lydia, while they left Tye alone with Freya.

"You did this for me?" Derek asked and he was looking around at the loft, the carnage, and, all of the blood that had been spilled.

"For us. For anyone who's ever been their victim. I even did it for Freya." Jennifer stated and Tye looked up at the words and he let out a very dangerous growl.

"You killed two of her best friends and her mother, for her?" Tye snarled and Jennifer laughed.

"So defensive of a murderer." She said and Tye didn't say anything at the words, as Freya, she was still stuck to his side like glue.

"Stop talking to me like you are a politician. Stop trying to convince me of your cause." Derek said angrily and he looked at Freya, who was sitting on the floor, and still shuddering... like a leaf in a storm.

"Fine. I will just convince you of someone else's. Scott. You can save his mother, Stiles' father." Jennifer said.

"How?" Derek asked at once.

"I need a Guardian..."

"Derek, don't!" Tye said at once and Jennifer suddenly waved her hand as Tye was pushed backward as his head smacked into the leg of the desk and Freya growled, as she scrambled after him.

"That's a role that can either be filled by the three parents that I was forced to take, or by you." She said.

"If you hurt him or any one of us again... I swear, that I will make you regret it!" Beatrice snarled as Jennifer was laughing.

"Brave threats, from a little girl who refuses to acknowledge who she truly is." Jennifer said and Beatrice growled at the words and Jennifer chuckled, as Beatrice fell silent.

"I can't help you. I'm not even an Alpha anymore." Derek said to the Darach, who was shaking her head.

"All I need from you, is for you to help me get Deucalion in the right place, at the right time." Jennifer said and Derek scoffed.

"You just killed three of 'em on your own. What do you need me for?" That was a valid point by Derek.

"You haven't seen him at his strongest. I have. And if he has got Scott with him, I don't stand a chance." Jennifer explained and Freya's head shook swiftly at Jennifer's words, just trying to send Derek a silent warning. "Unless I have you."

"Derek, don't trust her." Cora was joining in on the conversation now as Tye was regaining consciousness and he looked at Freya, who was watching the conversation.

"I have the lunar eclipse in my favor. But the moon, it is only going to be in the Earth's umbral shadow, for 15 minutes. That is the extent of my window. There is no decision to struggle with. Help me kill him and the others live." Jennifer said as she was looking at Derek. Derek looked at his siblings and at Beatrice, who were all shaking their heads. "Just help me!" Jennifer shouted and Derek was nodding.

"Derek..." Tye whispered but Derek sent him a look over his shoulder and Tye blinked.

"If I don't come back, take care of them." Derek said and at the words, Tye's eyes widened when he realized what Derek was saying.

"No goodbyes, remember?" Tye said and Derek nodded a little bit at his little brother's words, just before he walked out of the loft with Jennifer leading the way and Tye looked over at Freya.

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