|Twenty-Two: Ice Pick|

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"Isaac is a criminal over there, you have me... But, you still do need at least one more beta with me being one already in your pack, Derek." Tye pointed out as he was sitting on top of the train car, casually chilling on the top of it with his legs hanging off of it.

"I have two new Betas in mind already, but only if they want the Bite, of course." Derek said and he pulled on a different shirt, before Tye flung his jacket at him. "You didn't have to wash it for me."

"You weren't going to do it." Tye shot back and Derek shrugged at his little brother's words, neither confirming nor denying them. "Who?" Tye asked.

"I will let you know after I know for sure, that the Bite worked." Derek said and Tye rolled his eyes briefly at his brother's sometimes deceiving sort of words, as Derek walked up the stairs.

When he came back hours later, a new, completely unfamiliar scent that was suddenly catching Tye's attention and he narrowed his eyes swiftly in suspicion and he stood up on top of the train car, before, he was dropping down onto the ground once again.

Tye stood up from the crouch that he had landed in, and he watched Derek coming down the stairs and behind him, was a girl who seemed vaguely, very vaguely familiar, to Tye from somewhere. "That is my younger brother Tye, he's a Beta like you. His eyes are different and he was born a werewolf, but you're the same rank in regards to the pack hierarchy. If I'm not around, he is effectively the alpha of the pack." Derek introduced as Tye raised his eyebrows at the girl. "You already know Isaac. He isn't actually a criminal, he didn't kill his father." The explanation that was sorely needed in order to not have the girl, running off to the police immediately.

"Hi there." Tye said and he held out his hand to shake her hand as she was looking nervous. "I don't bite, that is just Derek's thing." Tye reassured her with a grin.

"Very funny, Tye." Derek said and his tone contained a veiled threat, as Tye remembered what he had said about respecting Derek more as an alpha for once, when there were going to be a few newly bitten beta werewolves now, around their temporary home.

"I'm Erica Reyes." The girl spoke shyly and Tye smiled a little, as he looked at Derek and his brother was nodding. Tye blinked at Erica and his eyes glowed icy blue, when he looked at her. He blinked and the glow was gone from his eyes.

"You'll fit right in here, pretty much everybody does. Hey, get out of there, Isaac!" Tye hollered over his shoulder and Isaac Lahey trudged out of their little railway car to say hi to Erica. He looked at Derek, who pointed up the stairs and Tye nodded.

Tye led the way and Derek walked after him and Tye leaned against the side of the building, as Derek shut the door. "What is it, Tye?" Derek asked quietly and he looked at him.

"Who is training them Der? Is it just going to be you or me, Derek? Are we splitting it, or is it just one of us?" Tye asked and Derek looked at him, as he held up a hand and waited for Tye to curb his questions.

"Tye, are all of these questions from you coming because of your irrational fear of being replaced in my pack?" It was a legitimate question for him and Tye was mumbling something under his breath.

"Maybe." Tye admitted softly and Derek sighed, looking up at his little brother, who was taller than him by a few good inches now.

"I have already guaranteed you a place above them in my pack, so why are you so worried?" Derek asked and Tye looked at him.

"I just don't want you to lose yourself in the want for more power, the same want, that completely destroyed Uncle Peter." Tye mumbled and Derek sighed. "Look, I need to know that I have a place in the Hale Pack!" Tye said and Derek nodded.

"As of now, unless another situation comes up or unless you are very near dead after not sleeping for days has finally caught up to you, then you are the one, who is in charge of overseeing the transition and the training of the new werewolves." The way that Derek sought to ease Tye's rare insecurities, was by giving him what he needed to know.

"Thanks Der." Tye murmured and Derek nodded quickly, as they were walking back downstairs. Tye took a few steps toward the train car, before he launched himself up into the air as he landed in a crouch on the top of it.

"Quit showing off, Tye." Derek remarked and Tye nodded with a small salute, as he sat down on the train car and he pulled out his phone to check his messages.

|Two Days Later,

Beacon Hills Ice Rink|

"Scott is already here." Tye advised Derek, who nodded a little. "I thought that he might be. He probably just sent Stiles to Boyd's house. Probably just in case he ran into us." Tye said and Derek nodded.

They walked into the ice rink and Tye's facial expression expressed a degree of boredom in watching the fight.

"You really didn't think, that they could win the fight against Scott did you?" He asked as Derek was slightly shaking his head, as he walked over to where Scott was.

"It's true. It is about power." Derek freely admitted for all to hear and he snapped out his claws and he shifted, his features becoming more and more wolf-like as he approached Scott, who was standing on the ice.

"Derek, stop it! He has already had enough!" Tye snapped at the sight of Derek pressing his boot down unnecessarily hard, down onto Scott's throat. "Let him up." The last word, it was a threatening growl and at the words Derek's eyes were now glowing brighter with rage.

But he did, just as Tye said anyways and he let Scott go, walking away with the rest of the pack. Tye looked at Scott, who was at the moment, lying rather pathetically on his back.

"A word of advice for you McCall? You, you should really learn to watch your back." Tye advised and Scott's wheezing was the only answer, that Tye heard.

Tye walked after the rest of the pack and Derek looked at him and Tye saw that the rest of the pack was already in the cramped car.

"Don't ever challenge me again, in front of my pack." Derek growled at him and Tye scoffed, looking at him with a shake of his head.

"What is it, Derek? Are you afraid of my natural leadership skills, being a part of your undoing?" Tye asked and Derek growled at him again before he was walking back to the car and Tye had taken his motorcycle instead.

Tye sighed heavily, watching very carefully as the Camaro pulled out of the parking lot. "I really wish that you were here, Laura." Tye murmured softly and his tears were welling up in his eyes once again at the thoughts that rose back in the forefront of his mind, the ones, of his eldest sister who would have been able to mediate between the two.

Laura would've known what to do instead of Tye who was and still is, definitely mostly guessing.

"Miss you sis." He whispered as he slipped his helmet on over his head and he was kicking the motorcycle to life as he drove off after the Camaro.

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