|Fifty: Reminders (II)|

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"Are we just going back down memory lane because we can, or is there a point to all of this nonsense and reminders?" Freya asked and Aiden sighed.

"I'm jealous of you and Tye." Freya turned to look at him like he was a bit insane.

"Why?" Freya asked and Aiden quietly looked at her, as he focused solely on his left hand and when he started to focus, his claws grew only on his left hand as she looked rather uneasy. "Aiden, what the hell are you doing with those?" She asked him and she was rather uncertain, and Aiden's eyes flashed icy blue.

"Your mother, Kali made me take some memories from you about some stuff that happened. I-I can give them back, if you want. She isn't here to say no, anymore." Aiden murmured as he looked at Freya who silently looked at his claws.

Freya tied up her hair in a ponytail and she looked at him, as she nodded slightly, and, she leaned forward a bit and she waited for the claws and she was waiting for the brief pain. "Do it."

Aiden hesitantly only briefly, before his claws stabbed into the back of her neck and Freya grunted at the sudden pain, as her eyes shone a brilliant red and Aiden's eyes flashed icy blue and the memories came flooding bac.


"Your mom, she would totally kill us for this." Aiden pointed out and Freya was lying next to him, as they were in a camper van, that Freya had been able to break into, with just her own strength.

"She would not kill me, Aiden. But she would kill you, I am willing to bet on it." Freya murmured and he looked down at her with a grin before he was leaning down toward her. "If Mom ever found out about this... She would kill us both." Freya murmured and his mouth touched hers as she moved her arms around him.

"True." Aiden murmured and he moved his mouth to her neck and she looked at him. "But, who says she has to find out?" He asked and she sucked in a sharp breath. "I love you." He said and she smiled at the words.

"I love you too." Freya murmured.


Kali flung Aiden over her shoulder and onto the ground hard, as she was roaring at him in a terrible rage. "You're dead!" Kali snarled and she lunged at him, stabbing the claws from her toes, into his stomach and Aiden shouted in pain.

Kali roared again, as her claws stabbed down towards him. "Mom, stop it, please!" Freya screamed as she came swiftly running up to the fight with Ethan following and he was almost stepping on her heels, and he had felt his twin's pain and he was shocked at the sight, and, Aiden was covered in blood. "Stop it."

"You knew the rules." Kali snarled over at Freya, whose eyes shone icy blue and she was shaking her head at her mother's words.

"Then punish me, not him. He didn't know." Freya growled and Kali looked at Ethan, who was staring at Aiden on the ground, as Kali moved away from Aiden at the words.

Kali growled at Freya, who was walking closer to the twins, but she stopped at the growl. "I will deal with you later, Freya." Kali snarled and Freya nodded a little bit and she walked away from the scene.


"You do know now, what you have to do." It was an order that Kali never thought that she would be giving to an alpha, to use on her own daughter.

Aiden's claws were out and Kali looked at him, snarling and Kali glared at him. "Do it! Now!" She snarled as Freya was sitting on a chair, sitting in front of them and when she looked up at them, from in the window and her painful tears, were clear and they were now running down her face.


Freya gasped in shock as Aiden removed his claws as she leaned her head against the steering wheel as she looked at him. "How-how long ago was that?" She asked and he looked at her and he was shaking out his hand. "Aiden, I asked you a question." Her voice was trembling.

"Two years ago. We were secretly together for a year and she found out once she recognized, that I was meant to be on watch one night and instead of me, it was Ethan." Aiden said and she looked down at her hands, which trembled. "You were the one, who chose to have your memories taken away. You did it to protect me." He said and she blinked.

"You have only listened to me constantly talking about Tye, ever since you took my memories away from me. If I had known-" Aiden's head shook and she looked up at him as he sighed.

"I kept hoping that, even just something would come back. But I guess, I was overestimating the power of memories versus realities." Aiden said as she looked at him. "I watched as you looked for him, looked for the one who had been your friend for years before Ethan and I had ever even came along." Aiden murmured and Freya's eyes were welling up at the words.

"Aiden, what the hell can I do?" Freya asked and he looked down as she took one of his hands in hers.

"Say that you won't leave me." Aiden murmured quietly and he looked over at her. Freya looked at him and she was nodding at the words.

"I won't, Aiden. I swear... I swear that I won't." Freya promised as she rested a hand on his arm as he nodded a little bit at the words.

Freya moved her arms around him and Aiden rested his head gently on her shoulder, as he was shaking.

"I'm not going anywhere." Freya promised quietly and Aiden looked up at her. "What Aiden, you don't believe me now?" She asked and he blinked at the words.

"I'm just glad, that I finally gave you your memories back. I can finally stop it, with all the pretending." Aiden said and Freya chuckled softly and the two of them stayed sitting together, for a very, very long time.

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