|Three: Second Chance At First Line|

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"Tye." Derek's hand came down on Tye's shoulder as his little brother was still shaking, as he still hadn't fully recovered from the shock of seeing Chris Argent again. "Tye, it's okay to not be okay." Derek said and Tye had his eyes shut and tears started to slip down his face from behind his closed eyes. "Come here."

"Did they kill Laura? Was it them, did they kill her?" Tye sobbed and Derek's arms wrapped around him as Tye was shuddering. "I-I can't do this. Derek, I can't watch them kill somebody else."

"You won't, Tye. You won't have to watch anyone else die..." Derek said and Tye shoved him away hard, as his eyes shone blue.

"You can't promise that!" The last word turned into a roar and Derek looked at Tye, who turned away and slammed his head into the wall. "You, can't, promise, that!" Banging his head into the wall with each word that he'd shout.

"Tye! Tye, stop it!" Derek shouted as he grabbed Tye by the shoulder as he flung him backward. Tye hit the floor and he looked up at Derek. "You doing that, hurting yourself... is that going to help us, find Laura's killer?" He asked and Tye's eyes narrowed in confusion at the question. "Is it going to help us find Laura's killer? Is it going to help us with that goal, Tye answer me!" He snapped.

"No, no! It isn't going to help us with our goal of finding Laura's killer, no it isn't!" Tye shouted and he looked up at Derek, as he shook his head. "No, it won't, okay?" Tye said and he leaned his head back against the wall.

"Yeah, you're right. So stop doing it and get your ass up." Derek muttered and Tye held up a hand to him and he raised his eyebrows.

"You put me on my ass, Derek, now help me get up." Tye reminded him as Derek chuckled humorlessly and he reached out a hand to Tye and grabs his.

"That's true." Derek conceded the point as he dragged Tye back up onto his feet and as soon as Tye's feet were on the ground, Derek had hit the floor as Tye was laughing at him. "Okay ow, I deserved that." Derek admitted and Tye took his motorcycle to the school for today, as he parked it and he was walking into the locker room and he was somehow completely unsurprised to see that Scott and Stiles were two of the last ones in the room.

"Everyone out!" Tye ordered and the rest of them scattered like mice with a cat after them and Tye looked directly at Scott, as his eyes narrowed. "If you shift on that field, lord help you cause I can't. Do you understand me?" Scott nodded in fear and Tye looked over at Stiles, who was backing up at the sight of his gaze being turned toward him.

Tye walked out of the locker room and he spotted Derek by the bleachers and he motioned to Coach Finstock for a minute and Coach nodded, as he turned back to yelling at the boys.

"I can't run directly in there to help him... even if he was to start shifting in front of everyone, and just as you know, neither can you. I don't know, Derek, if I can even convince him to stop playing, we just might have to try another way. Your way." Tye admitted and Derek knew what he meant, Tye's eyes caught his brother's and he knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Good idea, Coach." Derek said for their bystander who had missed their entire conversation, only to come up after. "I'll consider it." Derek said and Tye nodded as he jogged quickly over to where Coach Finstock was waiting for him.

"Sorry Coach, my brother is a little overprotective. Even if I'm not one of the people actually playing the game."

Jackson had a long stick for today's practice and Tye watched as teenager after teenager got thrown into the dirt on the field and then eventually... it was time for Scott to go.

Scott got thrown down on his first run-through and Tye winced in clear sympathy, as Scott stood up and Coach was saying something insulting to him without a doubt and Tye sensed the shift, and as he looked closer, Scott's eyes were shiftin' between his normal eye color and the wolfish, golden eyes that he had as a shifted werewolf.

"Der..." Tye whispered under his breath at the sight and he could smell the annoyance on Derek.

"Yeah, I see him." Derek muttered back to him and Tye growled very quietly. "Tye."

"Sorry." Tye mumbled, swiftly recovering from his brief lack of judgement.

This time, Scott had run directly at Jackson, ramming into him with what must have been a unintentional surge of werewolf strength and Jackson was holding his shoulder.

Coach Finstock ran over to Jackson swiftly right along with the rest of the team, while Tye looked at Derek. Tye took off running swiftly, towards the locker room.

Tye knocked Scott into the lockers and when Scott tried to attack Stiles, it was clear to Tye, that Scott completely had lost it.

"Stiles, move your ass now!" Tye shouted and Stiles backed up real quickly, out of the locker rooms, and Tye let out a terrible roar. Scott, faced with a werewolf who had many more years of fighting and experience, he was backing up at the sight incredibly quickly. Scott was cowering back and Tye roared again, which shut Scott up real fast and he pulled off his helmet, as he was back to normal, thankfully.

"Am I okay to come in again?" Stiles asked and Tye looked back at him as he nodded. Stiles walked back into the room and Tye sighed. "Thank you. Hey what was your name?" Stiles asked as Tye scoffed.

"Tye Hale." Tye said and he looked over at Scott, who was shaking. "I'm done covering for your ass, Scott. If you value your life, you won't play in that game on Saturday." Tye said as he walked out of the locker room.

Derek caught him before he reached the motorcycle and Tye glanced in his direction. "Are you okay? I heard a lot of roaring?" Derek asked and Tye was nodding slightly.

"Scott lost it, almost killed his best friend... Stilinski, I think? They're fine for now, but you should put that plan of yours into action, much, much sort of sooner rather than later." Tye said and Derek nodded at the words. "Hell, Der, maybe you should do it tonight. I don't think we will like the results... if we wait." Tye admitted.

"All right, you coming with me to do it?" Derek asked as Tye shook his head at the question. "Fair enough. I will see you at home."

"Yup." Tye said as he slipped his motorcycle helmet on and he flipped the visor down and he kickstarted the bike and drove off, without looking at anything else other than the road.

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