|Twenty-Seven: Party Guessed|

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"I'm saying that we need a new plan because next time, one of us is going to be too hurt to heal." Derek said as Tye and Beatrice were already in the train car, Beatrice was curled up in a ball on her uninjured shoulder as she was already sound asleep.

"I get it. We can't save Jackson." It was a grave admission for Scott of all people to make, as he was usually the optimistic one.

"We can't seem to be able to kill him either." Tye said and they both looked at him. "Yes, I'm awake. Beatrice is sound asleep, nobody will be able to wake her at this point." Tye admitted and Beatrice hummed, before she was settling back again. "Sorry, I'll stop talking. Go ahead Der."

"I've... Actually, we both Tye and I, have seen a lot of things, Scott. We have never seen anything, anything like this. Every new moon, it is just going to make him stronger." Derek murmured and Tye moved away from Beatrice, to carefully rest his hand on Derek's shoulder.

"Then how do we stop him?" Scott had a good point with that and Tye's eyes flashed, as he was shaking his head a little bit.

"I don't know. I don't even know, Scott, if we can." Derek admitted and Tye sat next to his brother in silence.

"Maybe we should just let the Argents handle it." That was a good suggestion by Scott for a change and a moment later, Tye nodded.

"I agree with Scott on this, Derek, just for the record." He said as Derek, was looking at Tye. "You bit him, yes, but Derek, you didn't know what the hell was going to happen when you did! It was out of your control." Tye said and Derek sighed.

"I bit him. I'm the one who turned him. It's my fault." Derek clearly had not heard a single thing that Tye had said over the past few minutes and a quiet growl came from Tye.

"Yeah, but you didn't turn him into this. I mean, this happened because of... it was something in his past, right?" Scott sounded like he was asking the question, as opposed to just telling Derek straight what he thought about it.

"That is just a legend in a book, it is not that simple." Derek retorted and Tye nodded, as Scott lifted his eyebrows at Tye's clear reaction to the words.

"Nothing is ever that simple although by God, I wish that it was. It would be a big help." Tye muttered and Derek's humorless chuckle was a signal, that, he agreed with Tye.

"What do you two mean? What are you two not telling me?" Scott knew them both far too well, that was becoming more and more evident as time went on.

"Why do think that we're always keeping something from you?" Derek asked.

"Because you always are keeping something from me!" Scott shot back and Derek looked at Tye, who nodded.

"Well maybe, we are always keeping the information from you, to, protect you." Derek noted.

"Does being a part of your pack mean no more secrets?" Scott asked and Tye looked at Derek.

"Go home, Scott. Sleep, heal, make sure that your friends are safe. The full moon's coming and with the way things are going, I've got a feeling that it is gonna be a rough one." Derek said and Tye nodded in agreement as Scott walked out of the train car in silence.


It was the next day as Beatrice had already left and Tye was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as Isaac, Erica and Boyd were all walking down the stairs. Derek flipped open the box and Isaac immediately was studying the symbol. "What is that?" Isaac asked.

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