|Twenty-Five: Restraint|

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Tye and Derek had taken off running after Jackson as Tye had left Isaac and Erica with Boyd. Tye vaulted over the fence and landed running, and Derek was following quickly.

The two brothers were looking around carefully, trying to catch sight of it before it could paralyze them.

"Derek, I see it... him." Tye warned and Derek spun around to be looking in the same direction, as Jackson was snarling and running at them.

After a short fight, they were quickly running to get away from the scene as that was just after, the Argents had gotten involved.

Later than the pair of brothers had expected, but not much later than the guys had thought.

Tye was limping a little bit anymore and, he had just had the terrible luck of landing wrong, when Jackson in his kanima form had thrown him clear into a wall and his ankle had buckled under him on the landing.

"Your ankle okay?" Derek asked as Tye crouched and he moved his ankle back into place, with a painful crack.

"Ow." Tye murmured quietly and he stood up and he was testing his ankle on the ground. "Yeah. Can we go?" He asked and Derek nodded.

"I'm sorry I doubted you about the Kanima." Derek muttered and Tye's eyes were heavy, as he was shaking his head. "I'm also sorry for making you feel, like you had to resort to aligning yourself with Scott, in order to find the identity of the Kanima. Do you know who it is?"

"Jackson." Tye admitted quietly and Derek looked at him with wide eyes a bit. "The Kanima, it's Jackson." He said and Derek looked at him. "I warned you that the test wasn't foolproof." He said as he walked away.

The two of them made their ways down and into the abandoned railway and were immediately faced with the duo of Isaac and Erica, who growled at the sight of Tye.

"Don't try it, he has had a rough night." Derek suggested and Tye was looking down at his hand, which was shaking very slightly. "Tye, we'll stop the Argents." He said and Tye nodded a little, as he put his hands in his pockets.

"You know that the full moon is coming, Derek." Isaac advised and Derek turned around to look directly at him, unappreciative of the words that he already knew.

"I'm aware of that." Derek remarked and Tye snickered a little, at the way that Derek said the words.

Tye looked at the all-too familiar symbol on the box with a sigh as he had it tattooed on his shoulder and Derek had it tattooed between his shoulder blades.

Derek was the first to pull out, a strong set of chains and a collar, Tye pulled out another and Erica grabbed the last set. "Boy, these do look comfortable." Erica remarked and Derek grabbed them from her.

"You said that you were going to teach us to change, whenever we wanted." Isaac remembered.

"There hasn't been time." Derek replied evenly as Tye shut the box when Derek nodded.

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means that you will be alone against the Argents." Isaac said.

"I have Tye." Derek pointed out and Tye nodded in agreement, as he was waving a little.

"Tye can control himself on a full moon?" Isaac asked as Tye rolled his eyes.

"Go screw yourself, Lahey. I stopped you on a full moon, I can control my shift. Unlike you guys or Boyd." He said.

"They haven't found us." Derek made a point of saying and Tye walked after him.

"Yet." Isaac said, ever the pessimist since he became, a werewolf. "How about we forget the Kanima?"

"We can't!"
"We can't!"

The two brothers shouted together at the same time and they both looked at each other, before Tye nodded. "There was something about the way, Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid, at all. I don't know what he knows, or what he is planning. But I'm sure about one thing, we have to find it first." Derek said and he looked at his phone. "You all need to get to school, go." He said.

Tye caught onto his arm before he walked away and Derek looked at him with raised eyebrows. "If you're going after him, call me. I can't let you do this alone, Der." He murmured and Derek smiled a little.

"Just don't ditch me, on the night of the full moon Tye. That's all I ask, the three of them, they are going to be a huge, huge handful." Derek said and Tye clapped him on the arm.

"I won't." Tye promised and he grabbed his backpack, and he sighed at the sight of his motorcycle's flat tires. "Erica!" He shouted, as she was already gone and he sighed. "Derek... can I borrow the car?" He asked.

"Nope, you can't. But Tye, I can drive you to school." Derek said and he held up his keys to the Camaro, as Tye was nodding.

"When I'm at school, can you at least change my tires?" Tye asked as Derek nodded. "She did that on purpose, the bitch." He muttered.

"Very true, most likely." Derek said and he dropped Tye off out front of the school. "Try not to kill anyone."

"Very funny." Tye said quietly.

Tye roared at the sight of Jackson tearing through the library. He ran into him and Jackson ran away, as Tye ran to Erica.

"Full dose of Kanima venom?" He asked and Stiles nodded at the words and Tye scooped Erica up. "I have got you, just hang on." He said and Erica's first seizure since the change, it had been triggered by the venom.

Tye held Erica as still as he could, as Derek broke her arm, and Erica was screaming. "Erica, look at me." Tye said and she had her eyes slammed shut tightly, not wanting to see what was going on and Tye's eyes changed, cold icy blue irises taking over for the normal brown.

"Look at me." His voice deepened as he growled, and Erica's eyes opened, as Derek clenched his claws in and blood poured from Erica's arm as she was screaming.

Tye focused as Erica's pain was moving into him and her pain, it was hopefully lessening.

"Tye, Tye stop!" Derek snapped him out of it and Tye shuddered, as he was shaking all over. "Take anymore and you could have died." Derek said and Tye felt weighted down, as he nodded.

"Stiles, Scott, go." Derek said and the two sophomores nodded, as Tye was resting his head against the wall. "You saw that thing up close." He said and Tye nodded.

"Derek... we need more help." Tye murmured and Derek nodded a little bit, as he looked at Erica and she was resting on the floor. "She almost died today, if we hadn't gotten her here."

"I know, Tye, I'm just glad that you knew where to find me." Derek said and Tye moved his arms around himself.

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