|Nineteen: Omega (II)|

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Tye found the scent trail leading into the woods and was surprised to see it was leading to the Lookout Point. He tipped his head back and howled into the sky. He waited a few minutes and patiently tapping his foot as he waited for an answering howl.

Tye soon got one and he looked around, as he was sure that he had heard the crackle and the snap of the parts of branches breaking underfoot and he refused to allow his eyes to change, refused to let his wolfish instincts take over.

More of the Argent family hunters had come to town as per Tye's sudden influx of texts from Scott McCall, quite a feat in itself that was strange for the situation at hand.

Tye took off running toward the Lookout Point, determined to get there on his own, even if it was a rather dangerous and rather an exposed spot to be in.

He found himself facing off with a growling Brett Talbot to his surprise and Tye's claws, they swiftly shrunk back into his fingers. "What are you doing out here, Brett? I'm just trying to find a lone wolf." Tye said and Brett scoffed.

"Satomi and Beatrice sent me out and I'm assuming, to find the same werewolf. I suspect that Satomi's as concerned as you two are." Brett said and Tye nodded a little. "Can I get some help, your sense of smell is much better than mine."

"You got it." Tye murmured and the two of them were taking off into the woods together, as Tye took point and he carefully raced through the woods.

"Tye, what if he isn't alone?" Brett asked and at the question, Tye looked over his shoulder at him.

"That didn't even occur to me, Brett, I thought that Derek and I were just all covering our asses... but what if he isn't alone, it was never a possibility that we considered. He said rather, all too specifically... that he was here for the alpha. We never thought he was here with a pack, but I suppose that anything's possible." Tye remarked as Brett looked up at noises coming from the woods. "It's hunters, I can smell the Argents. Get out of here, Brett, right now. Go!" Tye hissed and Brett disappeared into the woods, the last thing Tye saw of him was a pair of glowing golden yellow, wolf eyes.

Tye disappeared, racing quickly through the woods until he leapt into the air, smelling two distinctive scents and he ran into the both of them.

The three of them collided hard and Tye was shocked to see Scott as one of them, while the homeless omega, was one of the other ones.

"Stop it! Stop fighting the hell out of each other right, now! We need to get out of here before the hunters..."

But the omega had already gotten caught in the trap and was strung up by his wrists in the trap.

Derek was on the ground nearby and at once he was grabbing Scott quickly, dragging him away.

Tye looked up and he looked over at the omega quickly, before Derek had a low growl was clear. "Sorry." Tye said and he leapt over to where Derek and Scott were hiding, droppin' down next to them.

"You cut it close." Derek muttered as Tye glared at him as he listened to the words that were being spoken by the hunters, led by Chris Argent and his father, Gerard Argent.

The omega was hit quickly with an electrified cattle prod, as Chris Argent looked at the omega. "The lone wolf. Possibly kicked out of his own pack, or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down, maybe even murdered." Tye looked at Derek, who was seething at the words. "Or possibly even alone by his own choice." Gerard explained to what was clearly, the less experienced of the hunters that were with them. "If that is the case, it is certainly not a wise choice." Gerard said.

Tye smelled the scent of freshly sharpened metal and the sword in Gerard's hands was proof enough for what was about to happen, as Tye was looking at his brother and, he worked to control his own fear. "Derek..."

"Just stay calm." Derek growled softly at the words from Tye, who silently as it were, he was struggling with his fear that he worked to mask.

Tye's growl came of its own accord and Derek's other hand quickly shot out to grab him.

Tye looked down at the ground, as he was clenching his fists and blood was running down from his closed fists as he struggled to control himself, at the sight of the omega in so much pain.

"For the reason, as I am about to demonstrate, an omega rarely ever survives on his own." Gerard swung the sword and Tye clamped one of his hands over his mouth, and Derek was restraining Scott.

"Look. Look. Look at them!" Derek hissed at Scott, who had been trying to look away from the brutal death scene and Tye was staring at the hunters in a fury, but he kept his mouth shut and his claws and fangs away, determined to not draw any attention to them. "Do you see what they do? This is why, you need me and Tye. This is why, we all need each other. The only way to fight them, is together." Derek said quietly, harshly speaking to Scott as Scott's eyes were wide at the sight.

"What are they doing?" Scott asked in shock and Tye looked at Derek and he was nodding.

"Declaring war." Derek admitted.

"Declaring war." Tye echoed softly and he was shaking his head at the words and he felt tears falling into the dirt. "Be quiet." Tye whispered.

"We have a code." Chris Argent stepped into the picture once more to remind them of it as he looked at the hunters all around him.

"Not when they murder my daughter." Gerard jammed the sword point, down and deep into the ground as Tye looked at Derek with a whole lot of fear in his eyes, as there it was, the roots of his deep fears of the Argent family, it was all coming up to the surface. "No code, not anymore. From now on, these things are just bodies, just waiting to be cut in half. Are you listening?" Gerard asked and Tye was shaking in place, as Derek was letting go of Scott and moving toward Tye, who was frozen in place, unable to stop listening.

"Because I don't care if they're wounded or weak. Or seemingly harmless, begging for their lives with the promise that they would never hurt anyone. Or some sort of desperate lost soul with no idea, of what they are getting into. We find them, we kill them. We kill them all." Gerard ordered and Tye looked at Derek, who saw the undying fear in his eyes.


"Let's go, now." Derek said softly and Tye was needing to be picked up, and Derek dragged him away until eventually, Tye found his feet again.

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