|Fifty-One: More Bad Than Good|

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||Calavera Hideout,

August 23rd||

"Why are you two looking at me like this is my fault?" Peter asked as Tye growled loudly at him. Derek was shaking his head and Peter's two nephews were in complete agreement on one thing.

"Because it is your fault." Derek retorted quietly and Tye grunted in pain, as the three of them were being electrocuted.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Peter admitted and if Tye didn't have Derek in between him and Peter, their uncle would be struggling to kick his healing into the high gear.

"Oh, really?" Tye asked sarcastically and the three of them were shouting in pain, as Tye roared in pain.

- August 24th -

"You see this equipment? It is very old. The settings, they are not quite so accurate anymore. So it's hard to tell, just how far to turn the dial." The hunter said and Tye was gritting his teeth together, as he did his best to keep the pain inside.

"I think it's a little high." Peter remarked and Tye didn't have any time to tell his uncle to shove his words back up his ass, before the hunter turned the dial farther up as Tye roared in pain.

"I have seen some even crack their teeth. Others, they just shake... and shake, until even after their hearts stop. Sometimes we don't even know if they are dead." The hunter turned the dial down as Tye slumped back against the fence. "Most of the ones who continued to shake after death, were around the size of this one." He had a knife in his hand and he was pointing it at Tye, who had heavier breathing than the others just because he was not as big. "But nobody wants to play a guessing game." The hunter said as he walked toward Tye with the knife as Tye was raising his head fearlessly as he stared at the hunter. "So, why don't you just tell us? Where is la loba?" He asked.

"Tye..." Tye looked at Derek and his brother fell silent, recognizing a good situation that said Tye could hold his own. But unfortunately, Peter did not get the memo.

"We don't know where la loba is. We are no use to you." Tye said as he was staring at the hunter, who chuckled at the words.

"No? Maybe you need a different method of persuasion? Maybe we cut the littlest one in half, one of the others talk?" The hunter said and at the words, Derek snarled sharply and he chuckled. "Fiercely protective of the small ones, brothers, perhaps?"

"Go fuck yourself." Tye spat and the hunter laughed at the words and Tye looked fearlessly at him and any fear that could have possibly been, in his eyes, it was instantly replaced by his anger, at being consistently referred to as "the little one" amongst them all here.

"I would love to be there for volunteering, but we really don't know what you're talking about at the moment. And honestly, isn't bisecting people with a broad sword kind of medieval?"

"Peter..." Tye muttered.

"Broad sword? We are not some savages like the Gerard Argent." The hunter looked over at his fellow hunters as they brought out a chainsaw and at the sight of it, both Tye and Derek were glaring at Peter.

"I hate you." Tye said and Derek looked over at him. "Not you." Tye said under his breath and the man with the chainsaw was coming and getting, ever closer to him and Tye's eyes flashed as he fell silent.

"We all wonder just how far your little healing trick goes. What, do you two think? Can your little wolf grow back an arm?" Tye stared at the chainsaw and Derek was snarling at the smell, of his little brother's fear and other than the scents, Tye had not portrayed any other emotions, to even indicate fear. "We're pretty sure that you can't grow back your little brother's head, shall we find out?"

"Boys." Araya Calavera's cold and serious voice, came through the room and she walked through the door, and the chainsaw was put away.

Derek looked over at Tye, whose eyes were on Araya Calavera's face and she recognized him. "Little, Tye Hale." She said and Tye nodded slightly.

"Araya." He made a valiant effort to keep his tone calm and collected, as now that their hunter's wicked chainsaw was away, he was regaining some of his much-needed vocal confident nature, at the moment and Araya sighed.

"If you had not fought, then you would've been free to go." Araya remarked and Tye looked at her with a small shake of his head.

"I'm not leaving my brother for anything." Tye stated and she nodded slightly.

"Neither of you two will talk." Araya was referring to Tye and Derek, who looked at one another. "But this one will talk. This one loves the sound of his own voice." Araya had a knack for reading the room and the situation as she had correctly guessed, that Peter would talk.

"You should hear me sing." Peter said to Araya and the other hunters looked at one another, before they all shook their heads.

"We want to hear you scream."

"No one ever wants to hear me sing." Peter remarked sadly to Derek and Tye, who were both shaking their heads at the words and they were in a silent agreement... to not say anything at all.

"Now I wonder, what could we do to persuade you?" Araya stated and she brought up the blade in her hand, to touch Peter's face and almost at once as immediately on his right hand, his claws came out. "Where is the She-Wolf?" Araya questioned of Peter sharply and then, just when it looked like he was about to answer, Peter swallowed his pride and he shut his mouth.

Araya without delay or any sort of warning, she cut off one of his clawed fingers and Peter screamed in shock a bit and Araya held it up to look at it in the sunlight. Tye looked at Derek, who stares at his little brother in a stunned silence at the sight of their uncle's now amputated finger. "Think about it. I'm only going to ask you nine more times." Araya was only counting their fingers and she dropped the finger.

It stuck up out of the wooden floor because of the claw and Tye looked at Araya, who was looking at him with a small smirk. "Are you now regretting your decision, not to run Tye?" Araya questioned.

"Not on your life, Araya." Tye said as he growled at her and Araya chuckled softly, as she left the room and the three captive werewolves behind her.

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