|Two: Wolf Moon (II)|

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"You really took a volunteer assistant coach position at Beacon Hills High?" It was understandable that Derek was skeptical as Tye sighed. He had taken a swim in the river and he was sifting through his duffel bag of clothes, that he had brought with him, trying to get a shirt that he kept in the bottom of it.

"Yeah, I did. One of us has to keep an eye on him and to be frank with you a little Der, you would look suspicious as an assistant coach. You look old enough to be a pedophile." Tye said and Derek growled at him. "Sorry, but I'm less suspicious that way." He said.

"Whatever, T. You just keep a real close eye on him today, tomorrow's the full moon." Derek said and Tye had finally found the shirt that he was looking for and he quickly pulled it on over his head. "Hey, you can control it now, right?" Derek confirmed and Tye looked at him, as he grabbed a zip-up hoodie from the washed pile, that was resting on his bike.

"Yeah, course. I wouldn't have come back if I couldn't control myself, Der. I need your keys though." Tye admitted and Derek tossed the keys in the air as Tye caught them easily. "I'll be back in a few hours, try not to die of being, so, alone..."

"Oh shut up Tye. And don't you dare wreck my car!" Derek called out after Tye, who waved back at him, without lookin', quickly doing a sort of waving in acknowledgment of the words.

Tye pulled up in the car and he parked in a staff parking spot, as he cut the engine with a sigh. "Man, why did he get the sweet ride then?" He spoke aloud, almost without realizing as he got out of the car, and he locked it.

He met with Coach Bobby Finstock and mainly just learned what not to do with the teenagers on the team, it was finally time for practice.

Coach had very reluctantly forked over one of his new whistles when the principal had told him to, which Tye now had hung around his neck.

Tye was completely unsurprised to see that Derek was standing there on the side of the bleachers, when all of the tryouts were going on.

Tye watched the tryouts and then suddenly if the shock and clear sort of surprise on Jackson Whittemore's face wasn't enough to tip him off, then the reactions of Coach Finstock and Stiles were enough to say for sure, even if it was silently, that this was not at all normal for Scott McCall.

"Jesus Christ, Der, we might have a very real problem on our hands." Tye murmured softly and only his brother could hear him, he was completely and utterly sure of that fact.

"No shit, Tye. But I am still driving home." Derek muttered back and Tye scoffed quietly under his breath, as he congratulated Scott on starting and he congratulated him quickly, on making first line.

The next day, Tye was getting ready for the party and Derek looked at him as he scoffed.

"What is it now, Derek?" Tye questioned as he had found a t-shirt that wasn't stained from his hunt last night.

"Do I have to coach you on how to dress for a party?" Derek questioned and Tye turned around to look at him, as he unbuttoned the top two buttons on his shirt.

"Good?" Tye asked with his arms spread wide and Derek laughed at the tone in his brother's voice.

"Yeah, you're fine." Derek admitted and Tye attempted to smack him over the head, but Derek knocked his hand away. "Now you're just getting cocky with me, little brother." Derek said as he mused up Tye's hair and it was Tye who had to smack Derek's hand away.

"So, am I getting a ride or am I running?" Tye asked and Derek snorted.

"Very funny. I'm driving." Derek said and Tye shrugged at the words, which was when Derek started patting down his pockets. "Tye..." Tye held up the car keys with a small jingle and Derek glared at him. "Dick." Derek said as he got the keys back and they both got in the car.

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