|Thirty-Seven: Frayed (II)|

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Tye raced forward as fast as he could to try and catch his brother, but Derek already hit the escalator, as Tye heard bones breaking, snapping and he fell onto his knees and he looked down at where his brother had fallen.

Beatrice let out a broken cry as she was hugging Tye tightly and they both looked stunned into silence, as Derek was lying so still and Tye looked over at Beatrice.

"We have to go." Beatrice whispered and Tye nodded at the words and she helped him up to his feet again, as the two were limping out of the building.

"You guys need a ride?" Beatrice growled loudly at the sight of Freya, standing in the parking lot. "Look, I have a car. Tye is in no condition to drive, much less ride his motorcycle and you don't have a license." Freya said and she held up the keys to her car. "I am not going to try anything stupid to hurt you two, I swear." She said and Beatrice looked at Tye, who nodded a little.

"Ow." Tye muttered as Beatrice dropped him in the passenger seat of Freya's vehicle.

"You have a punctured lung." Freya noted and, Tye looked at her. "If your healing hadn't already kicked into hyper-drive mode, then, you would be dead." Freya said.

"Why did you help us? Why did you go against your parents your own pack to help us?" Beatrice asked and Freya chuckled a little bit, but there was no humor in her voice.

"An old friend once told me, that a fair fight is sometimes, much more important than which side your family is on." Freya said and Tye, he chuckled a little bit, before, he winced in terrible pain.

"I... Ow. I said that." Tye muttered quietly to them both and his hand was held against the claw marks from the twins. "Ow." Tye muttered and Freya looked sympathetically at him, before she reached out a hand to touch his shoulder and then, Tye was suddenly able to breathe easier.

Tye looked over at her hand, which was covered in black veins as she was taking his pain quickly away from the wound, before she pulled her hand away again.

"Thanks." Tye murmured as she nodded swiftly, before they were driving off.

"B, can we go to your place?" He asked and silently, Beatrice nodded a little and she rather quietly now gave Freya the address to the apartment that Beatrice had purchased with her inheritance from Talia.

Beatrice unlocked the door with the keys around her neck as Freya helped Tye into the elevator. "This is one of those days, when I wish that I wasn't on the top floor of the place." Beatrice joked.

"Not as funny as it should be." Tye muttered as he leaned heavily on the both of them, as they walked into the apartment and got Tye to the nearby bedroom next to the door. "Ow. Leave me in peace, to heal." Tye muttered as the girls looked at each other.

"Nope." Freya said and Beatrice left the room as Freya looked at Tye with a shake of her head. "What the hell was Derek thinking?"

"Hell if I know, I didn't bother even trying to talk him out of it. Because, I know a lot better than to think... that he would actually listen to me." Tye said and made the mistake of taking a deep breath as he nearly fell over and off of the bed.

"Ah, shit." Tye whispered quietly and he was leaning more forward with his elbows on his knees, just trying to not choke on the pain.

"Hey, hey, easy." Freya murmured and she rested her hand on his, over the wound as he was now, just taking shaky and shallow breaths. "You just have to wait for it to heal, there is nothing that you can do about the time. I tell you, the claws on their merged form are brutal." Freya said and Tye looked up at her, nodding a little bit at the words.

"Thanks for the heads-up." Tye whispered hoarsely and Freya said nothing and Tye sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean that." He said.

"You're in pain, T, and you are probably going to be just about half-delirious, before the night of tonight is up." Freya said and Tye's eyes briefly glowed icy blue as Freya chuckled a little bit. "Nice." She said.

"Why did you really help us?" Tye asked as Freya was shaking her head a little bit.

"Because I am completely sick of your pack just assuming, that I'm a terrible person just because of my parents being a pair of enhanced alphas." Freya admitted as Tye was nodding a little.

"You know, that it is not really my pack, right? Derek is the alpha of his pack and Derek's my alpha." Tye said and Freya smiled a little bit.

"You know that before they killed their packs, their Emissaries and all that, and also long before Duke was blinded... they all swore to protect you, you know that right?"

"Not really sure that applies to my sorry ass anymore." Tye murmured and Freya sighed.

"If they don't honor it, then I still will." Freya murmured and Tye was shaking a little.

"Is that why you did it?" Tye asked.

"I couldn't let you die, Tye. I already thought, that I had lost you in that fire, I thought that I had lost you once. I wasn't going to risk it again, at the hands of my own pack nonetheless." Freya murmured as he looked at her.

"Can you stay?" Tye asked very quietly and Freya looked at him with a nod.

"I am probably-probably not exactly going to be welcome back into the pack with open arms anymore at the moment. After all, Tye, I did just help you escape from their clutches." Freya reminded him gently and Tye sighed.

"I owe you now." Tye admitted and Freya nodded, before she inhaled a little and more of his pain flooded into her. "Hey, hey, ow... Don't you hurt yourself to help me. I'll heal on my own." Tye said and Freya looked like she was about to protest, but she nodded instead.

Tye was lying on his back silently as he felt his wounds slowly closing and healing, while Freya was lying next to him and she was soundly asleep.

Tye smiled a little bit and she had quietly fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder and he was nodding a little at the sight, trying to move just about as little as possible. Tye shut his eyes and worked to let himself sleep.

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