|Thirty-Nine: Currents (II)|

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"In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to only 50 milliamps to kill a normal human, less than the power it takes to turn on a lightbulb." Boyd said as he turned on the water hose and he let it start to flood the apartment.

"That's comforting." Derek said sarcastically as he was very clearly uncomfortable with it, unsure of what he was meant to do.

"If we can disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming, and anyone who steps foot in here, they will get a pretty shocking surprise." Boyd said and Tye glanced at Freya who looked down at the floor full of water.

"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac said and Tye suddenly realized why Freya was looking so somber.

"Freya." Tye said and Freya was glancing over at him and Tye was inclining his head quickly, toward the doorway.

Freya jogged after him and Tye looked at her, as he shook his head at the sight. "Are you okay with this happening?" He asked and Freya's eyes flashed.

"We're talking about killing my mom." Freya murmured and Tye's eyes flashed, as he moved his arms around her. "I can't go back to their pack, Tye, but, I don't know if I can kill my mom." Freya admitted as Tye looked at her.

"You don't have to. Derek and I will handle your mother, but will you be able to defend yourself if the twins show up?" Tye asked and Freya was nodding quickly. "Okay, so, at least I don't have to worry about that." Tye murmured and Freya chuckled.

"You were worried about me?" She asked and Tye shrugged a little as she smiled. "Cute, that is actually really cute." Freya murmured.

They walked back inside and Tye broke off a piece of wood from the wall and he sat on it, as Freya did the same and Boyd tossed a huge electric wire into the water and the electrical current crackled.

"Should have asked if anyone here with us, needed to go to the bathroom first." Tye muttered and Freya was silently staring at the water-flooded wooden floors.

It was hours later, when the power went down and Tye looked at Derek and he growled faintly. Tye stood up along with Freya and Derek, he was the first to step out into the water.

Tye and Freya followed and they stopped on either side of Derek whose eyes were glowing red.

Tye and Freya snapped out their claws swiftly, as they were growling at the sight of the door in front of the loft. Kali forced the sliding door open and she looked briefly stunned at the sight of her daughter standing there, and as it were, standing with another pack at the moment.

"You are standing with them? They killed your father!" Kali snarled and Freya growled at the words.

"No, your stubborn hatred and your willingness to force anyone to submit to your alpha pack. That is what killed him." Freya said as she snarled loudly at the sight of Ethan and Aiden, the twins as they were holding a captive human that Derek at once, seemed to recognize.

"You and me, Derek, or they tear her apart. What do you say? You really think you can just beat me, one-on-one?"

"I'll fight you." Tye said and Derek looked over at his brother like he was insane, as Tye's fangs swiftly grew in his mouth and he looked at Kali with a low growl. "I might not have been the one who killed Ennis, but, I was there when you all weren't killers unless you had to be." Tye growled.

"Tyler Hale. If you had been born before Derek... then you're right, I probably would be fighting you. But I'm here for the brother with red eyes. Nice try, kid." Kali said and Tye sighed.

"Well, it was worth a shot." He said and then he and Freya lunged for the twins, as Kali roared at them.

Tye jumped for Aiden, while Freya ran for Ethan as the two of them were holding Jennifer Blake. Aiden roared at Tye, who was suddenly stabbed by Kali in the back and was thrown into the water.

Tye roared and Freya looked at the twins, who were growling at her and Freya was facing off on her own with them. "This isn't right and you know it." Freya said and while Ethan looked at the verge of faltering, Aiden was still growling with a smirk on his face.

Aiden and Ethan both kicked Freya down into the water and she backed up with a snarl, as she was standing next to Tye on a wooden platform again.

Tye focused, pushing all of his remaining energy on healing and Freya looked at him and Tye was now watching with frequent growling, and Kali and Derek were fighting.

"She is going to kill him." Tye whispered and he tried to get up again, but he slid down again. "Help me." He said and Freya growled, but she helped him up onto his feet. "I have to help him." Tye whispered at the words and he looked at Freya who nodded swiftly in understanding.

"Do what you have to." Freya said and Tye roared, lunging forward into the terribly quick combat that went on, between Kali and Derek.

Tye leapt up and Kali roared as he sunk his claws into her back and Kali roared loudly. Freya ran for the twins again, but this time Isaac was racing forward with them.

Suddenly, electricity surged and Tye let out a roar of pain. Derek and Tye hit the floor, as Kali was staggering up onto her feet.

"Take him!" She roared real out loudly for the order as the twins were lunging forward to do so. Tye was staggering up onto his feet, but a single embarrassing strike from Kali sent him right down again.

Once the twins had Derek's claws suspended in the air, Kali dropped Boyd swiftly onto his claws and everyone heard the sound, super-hearing or not. Of claws entering flesh. Derek let out a clear and shocked roar and he felt the power that the others had no doubt been referring to.

Tye was helpless in the water, as the remaining alphas swiftly left and Tye staggered up, moving over toward his brother, and, he looked over at Boyd with terrible pain in his eyes. "Derek... I am so sorry." Tye whispered and Derek looked at him with terrible grief in his eyes, as Tye rested his hand on his shoulder.

Freya walked over and he looked at her and she moved her arms around him, as a silent way of saying that she was sorry. Cora came running into the loft and she was crying over Boyd, as the rest of them were.

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